Beispiel #1
// Generate the glink resolver stub if necessary and return the .glink section
func ensureglinkresolver() *ld.LSym {
	glink := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".glink", 0)
	if glink.Size != 0 {
		return glink

	// This is essentially the resolver from the ppc64 ELF ABI.
	// At entry, r12 holds the address of the symbol resolver stub
	// for the target routine and the argument registers hold the
	// arguments for the target routine.
	// This stub is PIC, so first get the PC of label 1 into r11.
	// Other things will be relative to this.
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0x7c0802a6) // mflr r0
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0x429f0005) // bcl 20,31,1f
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0x7d6802a6) // 1: mflr r11
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0x7c0803a6) // mtlf r0

	// Compute the .plt array index from the entry point address.
	// Because this is PIC, everything is relative to label 1b (in
	// r11):
	//   r0 = ((r12 - r11) - (res_0 - r11)) / 4 = (r12 - res_0) / 4
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0x3800ffd0) // li r0,-(res_0-1b)=-48
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0x7c006214) // add r0,r0,r12
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0x7c0b0050) // sub r0,r0,r11
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0x7800f082) // srdi r0,r0,2

	// r11 = address of the first byte of the PLT
	r := ld.Addrel(glink)

	r.Off = int32(glink.Size)
	r.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".plt", 0)
	r.Siz = 8
	r.Type = obj.R_ADDRPOWER

	// addis r11,0,.plt@ha; addi r11,r11,.plt@l
	r.Add = 0x3d600000<<32 | 0x396b0000

	glink.Size += 8

	// Load r12 = dynamic resolver address and r11 = DSO
	// identifier from the first two doublewords of the PLT.
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0xe98b0000) // ld r12,0(r11)
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0xe96b0008) // ld r11,8(r11)

	// Jump to the dynamic resolver
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0x7d8903a6) // mtctr r12
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, glink, 0x4e800420) // bctr

	// The symbol resolvers must immediately follow.
	//   res_0:

	// Add DT_PPC64_GLINK .dynamic entry, which points to 32 bytes
	// before the first symbol resolver stub.
	s := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".dynamic", 0)

	ld.Elfwritedynentsymplus(s, ld.DT_PPC64_GLINK, glink, glink.Size-32)

	return glink
Beispiel #2
Datei: asm.go Projekt: sreis/go
func elfsetupplt() {
	plt := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".plt", 0)
	got := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got.plt", 0)
	if plt.Size == 0 {
		// pushq got+8(IP)
		ld.Adduint8(ld.Ctxt, plt, 0xff)

		ld.Adduint8(ld.Ctxt, plt, 0x35)
		ld.Addpcrelplus(ld.Ctxt, plt, got, 8)

		// jmpq got+16(IP)
		ld.Adduint8(ld.Ctxt, plt, 0xff)

		ld.Adduint8(ld.Ctxt, plt, 0x25)
		ld.Addpcrelplus(ld.Ctxt, plt, got, 16)

		// nopl 0(AX)
		ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, plt, 0x00401f0f)

		// assume got->size == 0 too
		ld.Addaddrplus(ld.Ctxt, got, ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".dynamic", 0), 0)

		ld.Adduint64(ld.Ctxt, got, 0)
		ld.Adduint64(ld.Ctxt, got, 0)
Beispiel #3
func elfsetupplt(ctxt *ld.Link) {
	plt := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".plt", 0)
	got := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got.plt", 0)
	if plt.Size == 0 {
		// str lr, [sp, #-4]!
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, plt, 0xe52de004)

		// ldr lr, [pc, #4]
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, plt, 0xe59fe004)

		// add lr, pc, lr
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, plt, 0xe08fe00e)

		// ldr pc, [lr, #8]!
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, plt, 0xe5bef008)

		// .word &GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE[0] - .
		ld.Addpcrelplus(ctxt, plt, got, 4)

		// the first .plt entry requires 3 entries
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, got, 0)

		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, got, 0)
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, got, 0)
Beispiel #4
func elfsetupplt() {
	plt := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".plt", 0)
	got := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got.plt", 0)
	if plt.Size == 0 {
		// pushl got+4
		ld.Adduint8(ld.Ctxt, plt, 0xff)

		ld.Adduint8(ld.Ctxt, plt, 0x35)
		ld.Addaddrplus(ld.Ctxt, plt, got, 4)

		// jmp *got+8
		ld.Adduint8(ld.Ctxt, plt, 0xff)

		ld.Adduint8(ld.Ctxt, plt, 0x25)
		ld.Addaddrplus(ld.Ctxt, plt, got, 8)

		// zero pad
		ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, plt, 0)

		// assume got->size == 0 too
		ld.Addaddrplus(ld.Ctxt, got, ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".dynamic", 0), 0)

		ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, got, 0)
		ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, got, 0)
Beispiel #5
Datei: asm.go Projekt: Mokolea/go
func genaddmoduledata() {
	addmoduledata := ld.Linkrlookup(ld.Ctxt, "runtime.addmoduledata", 0)
	if addmoduledata.Type == obj.STEXT {
	addmoduledata.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	initfunc := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "", 0)
	initfunc.Type = obj.STEXT
	initfunc.Attr |= ld.AttrLocal
	initfunc.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	o := func(op uint32) {
		ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, initfunc, op)
	// addis r2, r12, .TOC.-func@ha
	rel := ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	rel.Off = int32(initfunc.Size)
	rel.Siz = 8
	rel.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".TOC.", 0)
	rel.Type = obj.R_ADDRPOWER_PCREL
	// addi r2, r2, .TOC.-func@l
	// mflr r31
	// stdu r31, -32(r1)
	// addis r3, r2, local.moduledata@got@ha
	rel = ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	rel.Off = int32(initfunc.Size)
	rel.Siz = 8
	rel.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "local.moduledata", 0)
	rel.Type = obj.R_ADDRPOWER_GOT
	// ld r3, local.moduledata@got@l(r3)
	// bl runtime.addmoduledata
	rel = ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	rel.Off = int32(initfunc.Size)
	rel.Siz = 4
	rel.Sym = addmoduledata
	rel.Type = obj.R_CALLPOWER
	// nop
	// ld r31, 0(r1)
	// mtlr r31
	// addi r1,r1,32
	// blr

	ld.Ctxt.Textp = append(ld.Ctxt.Textp, initfunc)
	initarray_entry := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "", 0)
	initarray_entry.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	initarray_entry.Attr |= ld.AttrLocal
	initarray_entry.Type = obj.SINITARR
	ld.Addaddr(ld.Ctxt, initarray_entry, initfunc)
Beispiel #6
Datei: asm.go Projekt: 4ad/go
func gentext() {
	if !ld.DynlinkingGo() {
	addmoduledata := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "runtime.addmoduledata", 0)
	if addmoduledata.Type == obj.STEXT {
		// we're linking a module containing the runtime -> no need for
		// an init function
	addmoduledata.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	initfunc := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "", 0)
	initfunc.Type = obj.STEXT
	initfunc.Attr |= ld.AttrLocal
	initfunc.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	o := func(op uint32) {
		ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, initfunc, op)
	// 0000000000000000 <local.dso_init>:
	// 0:	90000000 	adrp	x0, 0 <runtime.firstmoduledata>
	// 	0: R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21	local.moduledata
	// 4:	91000000 	add	x0, x0, #0x0
	// 	4: R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC	local.moduledata
	rel := ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	rel.Off = 0
	rel.Siz = 8
	rel.Sym = ld.Ctxt.Moduledata
	rel.Type = obj.R_ADDRARM64

	// 8:	14000000 	bl	0 <runtime.addmoduledata>
	// 	8: R_AARCH64_CALL26	runtime.addmoduledata
	rel = ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	rel.Off = 8
	rel.Siz = 4
	rel.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "runtime.addmoduledata", 0)
	rel.Type = obj.R_CALLARM64 // Really should be R_AARCH64_JUMP26 but doesn't seem to make any difference

	if ld.Ctxt.Etextp != nil {
		ld.Ctxt.Etextp.Next = initfunc
	} else {
		ld.Ctxt.Textp = initfunc
	ld.Ctxt.Etextp = initfunc
	initarray_entry := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "", 0)
	initarray_entry.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	initarray_entry.Attr |= ld.AttrLocal
	initarray_entry.Type = obj.SINITARR
	ld.Addaddr(ld.Ctxt, initarray_entry, initfunc)
Beispiel #7
Datei: asm.go Projekt: hurkgu/go
// gentext generates assembly to append the local moduledata to the global
// moduledata linked list at initialization time. This is only done if the runtime
// is in a different module.
// <>:
// 	larl  %r2, <local.moduledata>
// 	jg    <runtime.addmoduledata@plt>
//	undef
// The job of appending the moduledata is delegated to runtime.addmoduledata.
func gentext(ctxt *ld.Link) {
	if !ld.DynlinkingGo() {
	addmoduledata := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.addmoduledata", 0)
	if addmoduledata.Type == obj.STEXT {
		// we're linking a module containing the runtime -> no need for
		// an init function
	addmoduledata.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	initfunc := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, "", 0)
	initfunc.Type = obj.STEXT
	initfunc.Attr |= ld.AttrLocal
	initfunc.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable

	// larl %r2, <local.moduledata>
	ld.Adduint8(ctxt, initfunc, 0xc0)
	ld.Adduint8(ctxt, initfunc, 0x20)
	lmd := ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	lmd.Off = int32(initfunc.Size)
	lmd.Siz = 4
	lmd.Sym = ctxt.Moduledata
	lmd.Type = obj.R_PCREL
	lmd.Variant = ld.RV_390_DBL
	lmd.Add = 2 + int64(lmd.Siz)
	ld.Adduint32(ctxt, initfunc, 0)

	// jg <runtime.addmoduledata[@plt]>
	ld.Adduint8(ctxt, initfunc, 0xc0)
	ld.Adduint8(ctxt, initfunc, 0xf4)
	rel := ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	rel.Off = int32(initfunc.Size)
	rel.Siz = 4
	rel.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.addmoduledata", 0)
	rel.Type = obj.R_CALL
	rel.Variant = ld.RV_390_DBL
	rel.Add = 2 + int64(rel.Siz)
	ld.Adduint32(ctxt, initfunc, 0)

	// undef (for debugging)
	ld.Adduint32(ctxt, initfunc, 0)

	ctxt.Textp = append(ctxt.Textp, initfunc)
	initarray_entry := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, "", 0)
	initarray_entry.Attr |= ld.AttrLocal
	initarray_entry.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	initarray_entry.Type = obj.SINITARR
	ld.Addaddr(ctxt, initarray_entry, initfunc)
Beispiel #8
Datei: asm.go Projekt: hurkgu/go
func elfsetupplt(ctxt *ld.Link) {
	plt := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".plt", 0)
	got := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got", 0)
	if plt.Size == 0 {
		// stg     %r1,56(%r15)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0xe3)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x10)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0xf0)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x38)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x00)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x24)
		// larl    %r1,_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0xc0)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x10)
		ld.Addpcrelplus(ctxt, plt, got, 6)
		// mvc     48(8,%r15),8(%r1)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0xd2)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x07)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0xf0)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x30)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x10)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x08)
		// lg      %r1,16(%r1)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0xe3)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x10)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x10)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x10)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x00)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x04)
		// br      %r1
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x07)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0xf1)
		// nopr    %r0
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x07)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x00)
		// nopr    %r0
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x07)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x00)
		// nopr    %r0
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x07)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x00)

		// assume got->size == 0 too
		ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, got, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".dynamic", 0), 0)

		ld.Adduint64(ctxt, got, 0)
		ld.Adduint64(ctxt, got, 0)
Beispiel #9
func gentext() {
	if !ld.DynlinkingGo() {
	addmoduledata := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "runtime.addmoduledata", 0)
	if addmoduledata.Type == obj.STEXT {
		// we're linking a module containing the runtime -> no need for
		// an init function
	addmoduledata.Reachable = true
	initfunc := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "", 0)
	initfunc.Type = obj.STEXT
	initfunc.Local = true
	initfunc.Reachable = true
	o := func(op uint32) {
		ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, initfunc, op)

	rel := ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	rel.Off = 8
	rel.Siz = 4
	rel.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "runtime.addmoduledata", 0)
	rel.Type = obj.R_CALLARM
	rel.Add = 0xeafffffe // vomit

	rel = ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	rel.Off = 12
	rel.Siz = 4
	rel.Sym = ld.Ctxt.Moduledata
	rel.Type = obj.R_PCREL
	rel.Add = 4

	if ld.Ctxt.Etextp != nil {
		ld.Ctxt.Etextp.Next = initfunc
	} else {
		ld.Ctxt.Textp = initfunc
	ld.Ctxt.Etextp = initfunc
	initarray_entry := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "", 0)
	initarray_entry.Reachable = true
	initarray_entry.Local = true
	initarray_entry.Type = obj.SINITARR
	ld.Addaddr(ld.Ctxt, initarray_entry, initfunc)
Beispiel #10
func gentext() {
	if !ld.DynlinkingGo() && ld.Buildmode != ld.BuildmodePIE {

	thunkfunc := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "", 0)
	thunkfunc.Type = obj.STEXT
	thunkfunc.Local = true
	thunkfunc.Reachable = true
	o := func(op ...uint8) {
		for _, op1 := range op {
			ld.Adduint8(ld.Ctxt, thunkfunc, op1)
	// 8b 0c 24	mov    (%esp),%ecx
	o(0x8b, 0x0c, 0x24)
	// c3		ret

	if ld.Ctxt.Etextp != nil {
		ld.Ctxt.Etextp.Next = thunkfunc
	} else {
		ld.Ctxt.Textp = thunkfunc
	ld.Ctxt.Etextp = thunkfunc
Beispiel #11
func addgotsym(ctxt *ld.Link, s *ld.Symbol) {
	if s.Got >= 0 {

	ld.Adddynsym(ctxt, s)
	got := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got", 0)
	s.Got = int32(got.Size)
	ld.Adduint32(ctxt, got, 0)

	if ld.Iself {
		rel := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".rel", 0)
		ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, rel, got, int64(s.Got))
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, rel, ld.ELF32_R_INFO(uint32(s.Dynid), ld.R_ARM_GLOB_DAT))
	} else {
		ctxt.Diag("addgotsym: unsupported binary format")
Beispiel #12
func gentext(ctxt *ld.Link) {
	if !ld.DynlinkingGo() {
	addmoduledata := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.addmoduledata", 0)
	if addmoduledata.Type == obj.STEXT {
		// we're linking a module containing the runtime -> no need for
		// an init function
	addmoduledata.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	initfunc := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, "", 0)
	initfunc.Type = obj.STEXT
	initfunc.Attr |= ld.AttrLocal
	initfunc.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	o := func(op uint32) {
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, initfunc, op)

	rel := ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	rel.Off = 8
	rel.Siz = 4
	rel.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.addmoduledata", 0)
	rel.Type = obj.R_CALLARM
	rel.Add = 0xeafffffe // vomit

	rel = ld.Addrel(initfunc)
	rel.Off = 12
	rel.Siz = 4
	rel.Sym = ctxt.Moduledata
	rel.Type = obj.R_PCREL
	rel.Add = 4

	ctxt.Textp = append(ctxt.Textp, initfunc)
	initarray_entry := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, "", 0)
	initarray_entry.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
	initarray_entry.Attr |= ld.AttrLocal
	initarray_entry.Type = obj.SINITARR
	ld.Addaddr(ctxt, initarray_entry, initfunc)
Beispiel #13
Datei: asm.go Projekt: Mokolea/go
func addpltsym(ctxt *ld.Link, s *ld.Symbol) {
	if s.Plt >= 0 {

	ld.Adddynsym(ctxt, s)

	if ld.Iself {
		plt := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".plt", 0)
		rela := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".rela.plt", 0)
		if plt.Size == 0 {

		// Create the glink resolver if necessary
		glink := ensureglinkresolver()

		// Write symbol resolver stub (just a branch to the
		// glink resolver stub)
		r := ld.Addrel(glink)

		r.Sym = glink
		r.Off = int32(glink.Size)
		r.Siz = 4
		r.Type = obj.R_CALLPOWER
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, glink, 0x48000000) // b .glink

		// In the ppc64 ABI, the dynamic linker is responsible
		// for writing the entire PLT.  We just need to
		// reserve 8 bytes for each PLT entry and generate a
		// JMP_SLOT dynamic relocation for it.
		// TODO(austin): ABI v1 is different
		s.Plt = int32(plt.Size)

		plt.Size += 8

		ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, rela, plt, int64(s.Plt))
		ld.Adduint64(ctxt, rela, ld.ELF64_R_INFO(uint32(s.Dynid), ld.R_PPC64_JMP_SLOT))
		ld.Adduint64(ctxt, rela, 0)
	} else {
		ld.Diag("addpltsym: unsupported binary format")
Beispiel #14
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		// TODO(minux): translate R_ADDRPOWER and R_CALLPOWER into standard ELF relocations.
		// R_ADDRPOWER corresponds to R_PPC_ADDR16_HA and R_PPC_ADDR16_LO.
		// R_CALLPOWER corresponds to R_PPC_REL24.
		return -1

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

		return archrelocaddr(r, s, val)

	case obj.R_CALLPOWER:
		// Bits 6 through 29 = (S + A - P) >> 2

		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))
		if t&3 != 0 {
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is not aligned: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)
		if int64(int32(t<<6)>>6) != t {
			// TODO(austin) This can happen if text > 32M.
			// Add a call trampoline to .text in that case.
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is too big: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)

		*val |= int64(uint32(t) &^ 0xfc000003)
		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TOC: // S + A - .TOC.
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - symtoc(s)

		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TLS_LE:
		// The thread pointer points 0x7000 bytes after the start of the the
		// thread local storage area as documented in section "3.7.2 TLS
		// Runtime Handling" of "Power Architecture 64-Bit ELF V2 ABI
		// Specification".
		v := r.Sym.Value - 0x7000
		if int64(int16(v)) != v {
			ld.Diag("TLS offset out of range %d", v)
		*val = (*val &^ 0xffff) | (v & 0xffff)
		return 0

	return -1
Beispiel #15
Datei: asm.go Projekt: Mokolea/go
func addgotsym(s *ld.Symbol) {
	if s.Got >= 0 {

	ld.Adddynsym(ld.Ctxt, s)
	got := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0)
	s.Got = int32(got.Size)
	ld.Adduint64(ld.Ctxt, got, 0)

	if ld.Iself {
		rela := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".rela", 0)
		ld.Addaddrplus(ld.Ctxt, rela, got, int64(s.Got))
		ld.Adduint64(ld.Ctxt, rela, ld.ELF64_R_INFO(uint32(s.Dynid), ld.R_390_GLOB_DAT))
		ld.Adduint64(ld.Ctxt, rela, 0)
	} else {
		ld.Diag("addgotsym: unsupported binary format")
Beispiel #16
Datei: asm.go Projekt: sreis/go
func gentext() {
	if !ld.DynlinkingGo() {
	addmoduledata := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "runtime.addmoduledata", 0)
	if addmoduledata.Type == obj.STEXT {
		// we're linking a module containing the runtime -> no need for
		// an init function
	addmoduledata.Reachable = true
	initfunc := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "", 0)
	initfunc.Type = obj.STEXT
	initfunc.Local = true
	initfunc.Reachable = true
	o := func(op ...uint8) {
		for _, op1 := range op {
			ld.Adduint8(ld.Ctxt, initfunc, op1)
	// 0000000000000000 <local.dso_init>:
	//    0:	48 8d 3d 00 00 00 00 	lea    0x0(%rip),%rdi        # 7 <local.dso_init+0x7>
	// 			3: R_X86_64_PC32	runtime.firstmoduledata-0x4
	o(0x48, 0x8d, 0x3d)
	ld.Addpcrelplus(ld.Ctxt, initfunc, ld.Ctxt.Moduledata, 0)
	//    7:	e8 00 00 00 00       	callq  c <local.dso_init+0xc>
	// 			8: R_X86_64_PLT32	runtime.addmoduledata-0x4
	Addcall(ld.Ctxt, initfunc, addmoduledata)
	//    c:	c3                   	retq
	if ld.Ctxt.Etextp != nil {
		ld.Ctxt.Etextp.Next = initfunc
	} else {
		ld.Ctxt.Textp = initfunc
	ld.Ctxt.Etextp = initfunc
	initarray_entry := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "", 0)
	initarray_entry.Reachable = true
	initarray_entry.Local = true
	initarray_entry.Type = obj.SINITARR
	ld.Addaddr(ld.Ctxt, initarray_entry, initfunc)
Beispiel #17
Datei: asm.go Projekt: Mokolea/go
func elfsetupplt() {
	plt := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".plt", 0)
	if plt.Size == 0 {
		// The dynamic linker stores the address of the
		// dynamic resolver and the DSO identifier in the two
		// doublewords at the beginning of the .plt section
		// before the PLT array. Reserve space for these.
		plt.Size = 16
Beispiel #18
func addgotsym(ctxt *ld.Link, s *ld.LSym) {
	if s.Got >= 0 {

	ld.Adddynsym(ctxt, s)
	got := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got", 0)
	s.Got = int32(got.Size)
	ld.Adduint32(ctxt, got, 0)

	if ld.Iself {
		rel := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".rel", 0)
		ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, rel, got, int64(s.Got))
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, rel, ld.ELF32_R_INFO(uint32(s.Dynid), ld.R_386_GLOB_DAT))
	} else if ld.HEADTYPE == obj.Hdarwin {
		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, "", 0), uint32(s.Dynid))
	} else {
		ld.Diag("addgotsym: unsupported binary format")
Beispiel #19
func addpltsym(ctxt *ld.Link, s *ld.LSym) {
	if s.Plt >= 0 {

	ld.Adddynsym(ctxt, s)

	if ld.Iself {
		plt := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".plt", 0)
		got := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got.plt", 0)
		rel := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".rel.plt", 0)
		if plt.Size == 0 {

		// jmpq *got+size
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0xff)

		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x25)
		ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, plt, got, got.Size)

		// add to got: pointer to current pos in plt
		ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, got, plt, plt.Size)

		// pushl $x
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x68)

		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, plt, uint32(rel.Size))

		// jmp .plt
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0xe9)

		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, plt, uint32(-(plt.Size + 4)))

		// rel
		ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, rel, got, got.Size-4)

		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, rel, ld.ELF32_R_INFO(uint32(s.Dynid), ld.R_386_JMP_SLOT))

		s.Plt = int32(plt.Size - 16)
	} else if ld.HEADTYPE == obj.Hdarwin {
		// Same laziness as in 6l.

		plt := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".plt", 0)

		addgotsym(ctxt, s)

		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".linkedit.plt", 0), uint32(s.Dynid))

		// jmpq *got+size(IP)
		s.Plt = int32(plt.Size)

		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0xff)
		ld.Adduint8(ctxt, plt, 0x25)
		ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, plt, ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got", 0), int64(s.Got))
	} else {
		ld.Diag("addpltsym: unsupported binary format")
Beispiel #20
func addpltsym(ctxt *ld.Link, s *ld.Symbol) {
	if s.Plt >= 0 {

	ld.Adddynsym(ctxt, s)

	if ld.Iself {
		plt := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".plt", 0)
		got := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got.plt", 0)
		rel := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".rel.plt", 0)
		if plt.Size == 0 {

		// .got entry
		s.Got = int32(got.Size)

		// In theory, all GOT should point to the first PLT entry,
		// Linux/ARM's dynamic linker will do that for us, but FreeBSD/ARM's
		// dynamic linker won't, so we'd better do it ourselves.
		ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, got, plt, 0)

		// .plt entry, this depends on the .got entry
		s.Plt = int32(plt.Size)

		addpltreloc(ctxt, plt, got, s, obj.R_PLT0) // add lr, pc, #0xXX00000
		addpltreloc(ctxt, plt, got, s, obj.R_PLT1) // add lr, lr, #0xYY000
		addpltreloc(ctxt, plt, got, s, obj.R_PLT2) // ldr pc, [lr, #0xZZZ]!

		// rel
		ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, rel, got, int64(s.Got))

		ld.Adduint32(ctxt, rel, ld.ELF32_R_INFO(uint32(s.Dynid), ld.R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT))
	} else {
		ctxt.Diag("addpltsym: unsupported binary format")
Beispiel #21
func addgotsyminternal(ctxt *ld.Link, s *ld.Symbol) {
	if s.Got >= 0 {

	got := ld.Linklookup(ctxt, ".got", 0)
	s.Got = int32(got.Size)

	ld.Addaddrplus(ctxt, got, s, 0)

	if ld.Iself {
	} else {
		ctxt.Diag("addgotsyminternal: unsupported binary format")
Beispiel #22
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		return -1
	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

	return -1
Beispiel #23
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.LSym, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		return -1

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

	case obj.R_ADDRMIPS:
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add
		if t >= 1<<32 || t < -1<<32 {
			ld.Diag("program too large, address relocation = %v", t)

		// the first instruction is always at the lower address, this is endian neutral;
		// but note that o1 and o2 should still use the target endian.
		o1 := ld.Thelinkarch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off:])
		o2 := ld.Thelinkarch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off+4:])
		o1 = o1&0xffff0000 | uint32(t>>16)&0xffff
		o2 = o2&0xffff0000 | uint32(t)&0xffff

		// when laid out, the instruction order must always be o1, o2.
		if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
			*val = int64(o1)<<32 | int64(o2)
		} else {
			*val = int64(o2)<<32 | int64(o1)
		return 0

	case obj.R_CALLMIPS,
		// Low 26 bits = (S + A) >> 2
		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add
		o1 := ld.Thelinkarch.ByteOrder.Uint32(s.P[r.Off:])
		*val = int64(o1&0xfc000000 | uint32(t>>2)&^0xfc000000)
		return 0

	return -1
Beispiel #24
Datei: asm.go Projekt: Mokolea/go
// Construct a call stub in stub that calls symbol targ via its PLT
// entry.
func gencallstub(abicase int, stub *ld.Symbol, targ *ld.Symbol) {
	if abicase != 1 {
		// If we see R_PPC64_TOCSAVE or R_PPC64_REL24_NOTOC
		// relocations, we'll need to implement cases 2 and 3.
		log.Fatalf("gencallstub only implements case 1 calls")

	plt := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".plt", 0)

	stub.Type = obj.STEXT

	// Save TOC pointer in TOC save slot
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, stub, 0xf8410018) // std r2,24(r1)

	// Load the function pointer from the PLT.
	r := ld.Addrel(stub)

	r.Off = int32(stub.Size)
	r.Sym = plt
	r.Add = int64(targ.Plt)
	r.Siz = 2
	if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
		r.Off += int32(r.Siz)
	r.Type = obj.R_POWER_TOC
	r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_HA
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, stub, 0x3d820000) // addis r12,r2,targ@plt@toc@ha
	r = ld.Addrel(stub)
	r.Off = int32(stub.Size)
	r.Sym = plt
	r.Add = int64(targ.Plt)
	r.Siz = 2
	if ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder == binary.BigEndian {
		r.Off += int32(r.Siz)
	r.Type = obj.R_POWER_TOC
	r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_LO
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, stub, 0xe98c0000) // ld r12,targ@plt@toc@l(r12)

	// Jump to the loaded pointer
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, stub, 0x7d8903a6) // mtctr r12
	ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, stub, 0x4e800420) // bctr
Beispiel #25
func adddynrel(s *ld.LSym, r *ld.Reloc) {
	targ := r.Sym
	ld.Ctxt.Cursym = s

	switch r.Type {
		if r.Type >= 256 {
			ld.Diag("unexpected relocation type %d", r.Type)

		// Handle relocations found in ELF object files.
	case 256 + ld.R_386_PC32:
		if targ.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
			ld.Diag("unexpected R_386_PC32 relocation for dynamic symbol %s", targ.Name)
		if targ.Type == 0 || targ.Type == obj.SXREF {
			ld.Diag("unknown symbol %s in pcrel", targ.Name)
		r.Type = obj.R_PCREL
		r.Add += 4

	case 256 + ld.R_386_PLT32:
		r.Type = obj.R_PCREL
		r.Add += 4
		if targ.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
			addpltsym(ld.Ctxt, targ)
			r.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".plt", 0)
			r.Add += int64(targ.Plt)


	case 256 + ld.R_386_GOT32, 256 + ld.R_386_GOT32X:
		if targ.Type != obj.SDYNIMPORT {
			// have symbol
			if r.Off >= 2 && s.P[r.Off-2] == 0x8b {
				// turn MOVL of GOT entry into LEAL of symbol address, relative to GOT.
				s.P[r.Off-2] = 0x8d

				r.Type = obj.R_GOTOFF

			if r.Off >= 2 && s.P[r.Off-2] == 0xff && s.P[r.Off-1] == 0xb3 {
				// turn PUSHL of GOT entry into PUSHL of symbol itself.
				// use unnecessary SS prefix to keep instruction same length.
				s.P[r.Off-2] = 0x36

				s.P[r.Off-1] = 0x68
				r.Type = obj.R_ADDR

			ld.Diag("unexpected GOT reloc for non-dynamic symbol %s", targ.Name)

		addgotsym(ld.Ctxt, targ)
		r.Type = obj.R_CONST // write r->add during relocsym
		r.Sym = nil
		r.Add += int64(targ.Got)

	case 256 + ld.R_386_GOTOFF:
		r.Type = obj.R_GOTOFF

	case 256 + ld.R_386_GOTPC:
		r.Type = obj.R_PCREL
		r.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0)
		r.Add += 4

	case 256 + ld.R_386_32:
		if targ.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
			ld.Diag("unexpected R_386_32 relocation for dynamic symbol %s", targ.Name)
		r.Type = obj.R_ADDR

	case 512 + ld.MACHO_GENERIC_RELOC_VANILLA*2 + 0:
		r.Type = obj.R_ADDR
		if targ.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
			ld.Diag("unexpected reloc for dynamic symbol %s", targ.Name)

	case 512 + ld.MACHO_GENERIC_RELOC_VANILLA*2 + 1:
		if targ.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
			addpltsym(ld.Ctxt, targ)
			r.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".plt", 0)
			r.Add = int64(targ.Plt)
			r.Type = obj.R_PCREL

		r.Type = obj.R_PCREL

	case 512 + ld.MACHO_FAKE_GOTPCREL:
		if targ.Type != obj.SDYNIMPORT {
			// have symbol
			// turn MOVL of GOT entry into LEAL of symbol itself
			if r.Off < 2 || s.P[r.Off-2] != 0x8b {
				ld.Diag("unexpected GOT reloc for non-dynamic symbol %s", targ.Name)

			s.P[r.Off-2] = 0x8d
			r.Type = obj.R_PCREL

		addgotsym(ld.Ctxt, targ)
		r.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0)
		r.Add += int64(targ.Got)
		r.Type = obj.R_PCREL

	// Handle references to ELF symbols from our own object files.
	if targ.Type != obj.SDYNIMPORT {

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CALL,
		addpltsym(ld.Ctxt, targ)
		r.Sym = ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".plt", 0)
		r.Add = int64(targ.Plt)

	case obj.R_ADDR:
		if s.Type != obj.SDATA {
		if ld.Iself {
			ld.Adddynsym(ld.Ctxt, targ)
			rel := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".rel", 0)
			ld.Addaddrplus(ld.Ctxt, rel, s, int64(r.Off))
			ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, rel, ld.ELF32_R_INFO(uint32(targ.Dynid), ld.R_386_32))
			r.Type = obj.R_CONST // write r->add during relocsym
			r.Sym = nil

		if ld.HEADTYPE == obj.Hdarwin && s.Size == PtrSize && r.Off == 0 {
			// Mach-O relocations are a royal pain to lay out.
			// They use a compact stateful bytecode representation
			// that is too much bother to deal with.
			// Instead, interpret the C declaration
			//	void *_Cvar_stderr = &stderr;
			// as making _Cvar_stderr the name of a GOT entry
			// for stderr.  This is separate from the usual GOT entry,
			// just in case the C code assigns to the variable,
			// and of course it only works for single pointers,
			// but we only need to support cgo and that's all it needs.
			ld.Adddynsym(ld.Ctxt, targ)

			got := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0)
			s.Type = got.Type | obj.SSUB
			s.Outer = got
			s.Sub = got.Sub
			got.Sub = s
			s.Value = got.Size
			ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, got, 0)
			ld.Adduint32(ld.Ctxt, ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "", 0), uint32(targ.Dynid))
			r.Type = 256 // ignore during relocsym

		if ld.HEADTYPE == obj.Hwindows && s.Size == PtrSize {
			// nothing to do, the relocation will be laid out in pereloc1

	ld.Ctxt.Cursym = s
	ld.Diag("unsupported relocation for dynamic symbol %s (type=%d stype=%d)", targ.Name, r.Type, targ.Type)
Beispiel #26
func asmb() {
	if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(&ld.Bso, "%5.2f asmb\n", obj.Cputime())

	if ld.Iself {

	sect := ld.Segtext.Sect
	ld.Cseek(int64(sect.Vaddr - ld.Segtext.Vaddr + ld.Segtext.Fileoff))
	ld.Codeblk(int64(sect.Vaddr), int64(sect.Length))
	for sect = sect.Next; sect != nil; sect = sect.Next {
		ld.Cseek(int64(sect.Vaddr - ld.Segtext.Vaddr + ld.Segtext.Fileoff))
		ld.Datblk(int64(sect.Vaddr), int64(sect.Length))

	if ld.Segrodata.Filelen > 0 {
		if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
			fmt.Fprintf(&ld.Bso, "%5.2f rodatblk\n", obj.Cputime())

		ld.Datblk(int64(ld.Segrodata.Vaddr), int64(ld.Segrodata.Filelen))

	if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(&ld.Bso, "%5.2f datblk\n", obj.Cputime())

	ld.Datblk(int64(ld.Segdata.Vaddr), int64(ld.Segdata.Filelen))

	machlink := uint32(0)
	if ld.HEADTYPE == obj.Hdarwin {
		if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
			fmt.Fprintf(&ld.Bso, "%5.2f dwarf\n", obj.Cputime())

		dwarfoff := uint32(ld.Rnd(int64(uint64(ld.HEADR)+ld.Segtext.Length), int64(ld.INITRND)) + ld.Rnd(int64(ld.Segdata.Filelen), int64(ld.INITRND)))

		ld.Segdwarf.Fileoff = uint64(ld.Cpos())
		ld.Segdwarf.Filelen = uint64(ld.Cpos()) - ld.Segdwarf.Fileoff

		machlink = uint32(ld.Domacholink())

	ld.Symsize = 0
	ld.Spsize = 0
	ld.Lcsize = 0
	symo := uint32(0)
	if ld.Debug['s'] == 0 {
		// TODO: rationalize
		if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
			fmt.Fprintf(&ld.Bso, "%5.2f sym\n", obj.Cputime())
		switch ld.HEADTYPE {
			if ld.Iself {
				symo = uint32(ld.Segdata.Fileoff + ld.Segdata.Filelen)
				symo = uint32(ld.Rnd(int64(symo), int64(ld.INITRND)))

		case obj.Hplan9:
			symo = uint32(ld.Segdata.Fileoff + ld.Segdata.Filelen)

		case obj.Hdarwin:
			symo = uint32(ld.Segdwarf.Fileoff + uint64(ld.Rnd(int64(ld.Segdwarf.Filelen), int64(ld.INITRND))) + uint64(machlink))

		case obj.Hwindows:
			symo = uint32(ld.Segdata.Fileoff + ld.Segdata.Filelen)
			symo = uint32(ld.Rnd(int64(symo), ld.PEFILEALIGN))

		switch ld.HEADTYPE {
			if ld.Iself {
				if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
					fmt.Fprintf(&ld.Bso, "%5.2f elfsym\n", obj.Cputime())

				if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
					fmt.Fprintf(&ld.Bso, "%5.2f dwarf\n", obj.Cputime())

				if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {

		case obj.Hplan9:

			sym := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "pclntab", 0)
			if sym != nil {
				ld.Lcsize = int32(len(sym.P))
				for i := 0; int32(i) < ld.Lcsize; i++ {


		case obj.Hwindows:
			if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
				fmt.Fprintf(&ld.Bso, "%5.2f dwarf\n", obj.Cputime())

		case obj.Hdarwin:
			if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {

	if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(&ld.Bso, "%5.2f headr\n", obj.Cputime())
	switch ld.HEADTYPE {
	case obj.Hplan9: /* plan9 */
		magic := int32(4*11*11 + 7)

		ld.Lputb(uint32(magic))              /* magic */
		ld.Lputb(uint32(ld.Segtext.Filelen)) /* sizes */
		ld.Lputb(uint32(ld.Segdata.Length - ld.Segdata.Filelen))
		ld.Lputb(uint32(ld.Symsize))      /* nsyms */
		ld.Lputb(uint32(ld.Entryvalue())) /* va of entry */
		ld.Lputb(uint32(ld.Spsize))       /* sp offsets */
		ld.Lputb(uint32(ld.Lcsize))       /* line offsets */

	case obj.Hdarwin:

	case obj.Hlinux,

	case obj.Hwindows:

Beispiel #27
Datei: asm.go Projekt: Mokolea/go
func asmb() {
	if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(ld.Bso, "%5.2f asmb\n", obj.Cputime())

	if ld.Iself {

	sect := ld.Segtext.Sect
	ld.Cseek(int64(sect.Vaddr - ld.Segtext.Vaddr + ld.Segtext.Fileoff))
	ld.Codeblk(int64(sect.Vaddr), int64(sect.Length))
	for sect = sect.Next; sect != nil; sect = sect.Next {
		ld.Cseek(int64(sect.Vaddr - ld.Segtext.Vaddr + ld.Segtext.Fileoff))
		ld.Datblk(int64(sect.Vaddr), int64(sect.Length))

	if ld.Segrodata.Filelen > 0 {
		if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
			fmt.Fprintf(ld.Bso, "%5.2f rodatblk\n", obj.Cputime())

		ld.Datblk(int64(ld.Segrodata.Vaddr), int64(ld.Segrodata.Filelen))

	if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(ld.Bso, "%5.2f datblk\n", obj.Cputime())

	ld.Datblk(int64(ld.Segdata.Vaddr), int64(ld.Segdata.Filelen))

	ld.Dwarfblk(int64(ld.Segdwarf.Vaddr), int64(ld.Segdwarf.Filelen))

	/* output symbol table */
	ld.Symsize = 0

	ld.Lcsize = 0
	symo := uint32(0)
	if ld.Debug['s'] == 0 {
		// TODO: rationalize
		if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
			fmt.Fprintf(ld.Bso, "%5.2f sym\n", obj.Cputime())
		switch ld.HEADTYPE {
			if ld.Iself {
				symo = uint32(ld.Segdwarf.Fileoff + ld.Segdwarf.Filelen)
				symo = uint32(ld.Rnd(int64(symo), int64(ld.INITRND)))

		case obj.Hplan9:
			symo = uint32(ld.Segdata.Fileoff + ld.Segdata.Filelen)

		switch ld.HEADTYPE {
			if ld.Iself {
				if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
					fmt.Fprintf(ld.Bso, "%5.2f elfsym\n", obj.Cputime())

				if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {

		case obj.Hplan9:

			sym := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, "pclntab", 0)
			if sym != nil {
				ld.Lcsize = int32(len(sym.P))
				for i := 0; int32(i) < ld.Lcsize; i++ {


	ld.Ctxt.Cursym = nil
	if ld.Debug['v'] != 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(ld.Bso, "%5.2f header\n", obj.Cputime())
	switch ld.HEADTYPE {
	case obj.Hplan9: /* plan 9 */
		ld.Thearch.Lput(0x647)                      /* magic */
		ld.Thearch.Lput(uint32(ld.Segtext.Filelen)) /* sizes */
		ld.Thearch.Lput(uint32(ld.Segdata.Length - ld.Segdata.Filelen))
		ld.Thearch.Lput(uint32(ld.Symsize))      /* nsyms */
		ld.Thearch.Lput(uint32(ld.Entryvalue())) /* va of entry */

	case obj.Hlinux,

	if ld.Debug['c'] != 0 {
		fmt.Printf("textsize=%d\n", ld.Segtext.Filelen)
		fmt.Printf("datsize=%d\n", ld.Segdata.Filelen)
		fmt.Printf("bsssize=%d\n", ld.Segdata.Length-ld.Segdata.Filelen)
		fmt.Printf("symsize=%d\n", ld.Symsize)
		fmt.Printf("lcsize=%d\n", ld.Lcsize)
		fmt.Printf("total=%d\n", ld.Segtext.Filelen+ld.Segdata.Length+uint64(ld.Symsize)+uint64(ld.Lcsize))
Beispiel #28
Datei: asm.go Projekt: Mokolea/go
func archreloc(r *ld.Reloc, s *ld.Symbol, val *int64) int {
	if ld.Linkmode == ld.LinkExternal {
		switch r.Type {
			return -1

		case obj.R_POWER_TLS, obj.R_POWER_TLS_LE, obj.R_POWER_TLS_IE:
			r.Done = 0
			// check Outer is nil, Type is TLSBSS?
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			r.Xsym = r.Sym
			return 0

		case obj.R_ADDRPOWER,
			r.Done = 0

			// set up addend for eventual relocation via outer symbol.
			rs := r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			for rs.Outer != nil {
				r.Xadd += ld.Symaddr(rs) - ld.Symaddr(rs.Outer)
				rs = rs.Outer

			if rs.Type != obj.SHOSTOBJ && rs.Type != obj.SDYNIMPORT && rs.Sect == nil {
				ld.Diag("missing section for %s", rs.Name)
			r.Xsym = rs

			return 0

		case obj.R_CALLPOWER:
			r.Done = 0
			r.Xsym = r.Sym
			r.Xadd = r.Add
			return 0

	switch r.Type {
	case obj.R_CONST:
		*val = r.Add
		return 0

	case obj.R_GOTOFF:
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - ld.Symaddr(ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".got", 0))
		return 0

		return archrelocaddr(r, s, val)

	case obj.R_CALLPOWER:
		// Bits 6 through 29 = (S + A - P) >> 2

		t := ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - (s.Value + int64(r.Off))
		if t&3 != 0 {
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is not aligned: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)
		if int64(int32(t<<6)>>6) != t {
			// TODO(austin) This can happen if text > 32M.
			// Add a call trampoline to .text in that case.
			ld.Ctxt.Diag("relocation for %s+%d is too big: %d", r.Sym.Name, r.Off, t)

		*val |= int64(uint32(t) &^ 0xfc000003)
		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TOC: // S + A - .TOC.
		*val = ld.Symaddr(r.Sym) + r.Add - symtoc(s)

		return 0

	case obj.R_POWER_TLS_LE:
		// The thread pointer points 0x7000 bytes after the start of the the
		// thread local storage area as documented in section "3.7.2 TLS
		// Runtime Handling" of "Power Architecture 64-Bit ELF V2 ABI
		// Specification".
		v := r.Sym.Value - 0x7000
		if int64(int16(v)) != v {
			ld.Diag("TLS offset out of range %d", v)
		*val = (*val &^ 0xffff) | (v & 0xffff)
		return 0

	return -1
Beispiel #29
Datei: asm.go Projekt: Mokolea/go
func genplt() {
	// The ppc64 ABI PLT has similar concepts to other
	// architectures, but is laid out quite differently. When we
	// see an R_PPC64_REL24 relocation to a dynamic symbol
	// (indicating that the call needs to go through the PLT), we
	// generate up to three stubs and reserve a PLT slot.
	// 1) The call site will be bl x; nop (where the relocation
	//    applies to the bl).  We rewrite this to bl x_stub; ld
	//    r2,24(r1).  The ld is necessary because x_stub will save
	//    r2 (the TOC pointer) at 24(r1) (the "TOC save slot").
	// 2) We reserve space for a pointer in the .plt section (once
	//    per referenced dynamic function).  .plt is a data
	//    section filled solely by the dynamic linker (more like
	// on other architectures).  Initially, the
	//    dynamic linker will fill each slot with a pointer to the
	//    corresponding x@plt entry point.
	// 3) We generate the "call stub" x_stub (once per dynamic
	//    function/object file pair).  This saves the TOC in the
	//    TOC save slot, reads the function pointer from x's .plt
	//    slot and calls it like any other global entry point
	//    (including setting r12 to the function address).
	// 4) We generate the "symbol resolver stub" x@plt (once per
	//    dynamic function).  This is solely a branch to the glink
	//    resolver stub.
	// 5) We generate the glink resolver stub (only once).  This
	//    computes which symbol resolver stub we came through and
	//    invokes the dynamic resolver via a pointer provided by
	//    the dynamic linker. This will patch up the .plt slot to
	//    point directly at the function so future calls go
	//    straight from the call stub to the real function, and
	//    then call the function.

	// NOTE: It's possible we could make ppc64 closer to other
	// architectures: ppc64's .plt is like on other
	// platforms and ppc64's .glink is like .plt on other
	// platforms.

	// Find all R_PPC64_REL24 relocations that reference dynamic
	// imports. Reserve PLT entries for these symbols and
	// generate call stubs. The call stubs need to live in .text,
	// which is why we need to do this pass this early.
	// This assumes "case 1" from the ABI, where the caller needs
	// us to save and restore the TOC pointer.
	for _, s := range ld.Ctxt.Textp {
		for i := range s.R {
			r := &s.R[i]
			if r.Type != 256+ld.R_PPC64_REL24 || r.Sym.Type != obj.SDYNIMPORT {

			// Reserve PLT entry and generate symbol
			// resolver
			addpltsym(ld.Ctxt, r.Sym)

			// Generate call stub
			n := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", s.Name, r.Sym.Name)

			stub := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, n, 0)
			if s.Attr.Reachable() {
				stub.Attr |= ld.AttrReachable
			if stub.Size == 0 {
				// Need outer to resolve .TOC.
				stub.Outer = s
				ld.Ctxt.Textp = append(ld.Ctxt.Textp, stub)
				gencallstub(1, stub, r.Sym)

			// Update the relocation to use the call stub
			r.Sym = stub

			// Restore TOC after bl. The compiler put a
			// nop here for us to overwrite.
			const o1 = 0xe8410018 // ld r2,24(r1)
			ld.Ctxt.Arch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(s.P[r.Off+4:], o1)
Beispiel #30
Datei: asm.go Projekt: Mokolea/go
func adddynrel(s *ld.Symbol, r *ld.Reloc) {
	targ := r.Sym
	ld.Ctxt.Cursym = s

	switch r.Type {
		if r.Type >= 256 {
			ld.Diag("unexpected relocation type %d", r.Type)

		// Handle relocations found in ELF object files.
	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_REL24:
		r.Type = obj.R_CALLPOWER

		// This is a local call, so the caller isn't setting
		// up r12 and r2 is the same for the caller and
		// callee. Hence, we need to go to the local entry
		// point.  (If we don't do this, the callee will try
		// to use r12 to compute r2.)
		r.Add += int64(r.Sym.Localentry) * 4

		if targ.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
			// Should have been handled in elfsetupplt
			ld.Diag("unexpected R_PPC64_REL24 for dyn import")


	case 256 + ld.R_PPC_REL32:
		r.Type = obj.R_PCREL
		r.Add += 4

		if targ.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
			ld.Diag("unexpected R_PPC_REL32 for dyn import")


	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_ADDR64:
		r.Type = obj.R_ADDR
		if targ.Type == obj.SDYNIMPORT {
			// These happen in .toc sections
			ld.Adddynsym(ld.Ctxt, targ)

			rela := ld.Linklookup(ld.Ctxt, ".rela", 0)
			ld.Addaddrplus(ld.Ctxt, rela, s, int64(r.Off))
			ld.Adduint64(ld.Ctxt, rela, ld.ELF64_R_INFO(uint32(targ.Dynid), ld.R_PPC64_ADDR64))
			ld.Adduint64(ld.Ctxt, rela, uint64(r.Add))
			r.Type = 256 // ignore during relocsym


	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_TOC16:
		r.Type = obj.R_POWER_TOC
		r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_LO | ld.RV_CHECK_OVERFLOW

	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_TOC16_LO:
		r.Type = obj.R_POWER_TOC
		r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_LO

	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_TOC16_HA:
		r.Type = obj.R_POWER_TOC
		r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_HA | ld.RV_CHECK_OVERFLOW

	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_TOC16_HI:
		r.Type = obj.R_POWER_TOC
		r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_HI | ld.RV_CHECK_OVERFLOW

	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_TOC16_DS:
		r.Type = obj.R_POWER_TOC
		r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_DS | ld.RV_CHECK_OVERFLOW

	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS:
		r.Type = obj.R_POWER_TOC
		r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_DS

	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_REL16_LO:
		r.Type = obj.R_PCREL
		r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_LO
		r.Add += 2 // Compensate for relocation size of 2

	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_REL16_HI:
		r.Type = obj.R_PCREL
		r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_HI | ld.RV_CHECK_OVERFLOW
		r.Add += 2

	case 256 + ld.R_PPC64_REL16_HA:
		r.Type = obj.R_PCREL
		r.Variant = ld.RV_POWER_HA | ld.RV_CHECK_OVERFLOW
		r.Add += 2

	// Handle references to ELF symbols from our own object files.
	if targ.Type != obj.SDYNIMPORT {

	// TODO(austin): Translate our relocations to ELF

	ld.Diag("unsupported relocation for dynamic symbol %s (type=%d stype=%d)", targ.Name, r.Type, targ.Type)