Beispiel #1
func ParseRefSpec(spec string) (RefSpec, error) {
	dspec, err := ParseDatasetSpec(spec)
	if err != nil {
		return RefSpec{}, err

	if r, ok := hash.MaybeParse(dspec.DatasetName); ok {
		return RefSpec{DbSpec: dspec.DbSpec, Ref: r}, nil

	return RefSpec{}, fmt.Errorf("Invalid path spec: %s", spec)
Beispiel #2
func NewAbsolutePath(str string) (AbsolutePath, error) {
	if len(str) == 0 {
		return AbsolutePath{}, errors.New("Empty path")

	var h hash.Hash
	var dataset string
	var pathStr string

	if str[0] == '#' {
		tail := str[1:]
		if len(tail) < hash.StringLen {
			return AbsolutePath{}, errors.New("Invalid hash: " + tail)

		hashStr := tail[:hash.StringLen]
		if h2, ok := hash.MaybeParse(hashStr); ok {
			h = h2
		} else {
			return AbsolutePath{}, errors.New("Invalid hash: " + hashStr)

		pathStr = tail[hash.StringLen:]
	} else {
		datasetParts := datasetCapturePrefixRe.FindStringSubmatch(str)
		if datasetParts == nil {
			return AbsolutePath{}, fmt.Errorf("Invalid dataset name: %s", str)

		dataset = datasetParts[1]
		pathStr = str[len(dataset):]

	if len(pathStr) == 0 {
		return AbsolutePath{hash: h, dataset: dataset}, nil

	path, err := types.ParsePath(pathStr)
	if err != nil {
		return AbsolutePath{}, err

	return AbsolutePath{hash: h, dataset: dataset, path: path}, nil
Beispiel #3
func parsePathIndex(str string) (idx Value, h hash.Hash, rem string, err error) {
	switch str[0] {
	case '"':
		// String is complicated because ] might be quoted, and " or \ might be escaped.
		stringBuf := bytes.Buffer{}
		i := 1

		for ; i < len(str); i++ {
			c := str[i]
			if c == '"' {
			if c == '\\' && i < len(str)-1 {
				c = str[i]
				if c != '\\' && c != '"' {
					err = errors.New(`Only " and \ can be escaped`)
					break Switch

		if i == len(str) {
			err = errors.New("[ is missing closing ]")
		} else {
			idx = String(stringBuf.String())
			rem = str[i+2:]

		split := strings.SplitN(str, "]", 2)
		if len(split) < 2 {
			err = errors.New("[ is missing closing ]")
			break Switch

		idxStr := split[0]
		rem = split[1]

		if len(idxStr) == 0 {
			err = errors.New("Empty index value")
		} else if idxStr[0] == '#' {
			hashStr := idxStr[1:]
			h, _ = hash.MaybeParse(hashStr)
			if h.IsEmpty() {
				err = errors.New("Invalid hash: " + hashStr)
		} else if idxStr == "true" {
			idx = Bool(true)
		} else if idxStr == "false" {
			idx = Bool(false)
		} else if i, err2 := strconv.ParseFloat(idxStr, 64); err2 == nil {
			// Should we be more strict here? ParseFloat allows leading and trailing dots, and exponents.
			idx = Number(i)
		} else {
			err = errors.New("Invalid index: " + idxStr)
