Beispiel #1
func (u *user) state(now time.Time, f gregor.ObjFactory, d gregor.DeviceID, t gregor.TimeOrOffset) (gregor.State, error) {
	var items []gregor.Item
	table := make(map[string]gregor.Item)
	for _, i := range u.items {
		md := i.item.Metadata()
		did := md.DeviceID()
		if d != nil && did != nil && !bytes.Equal(did.Bytes(), d.Bytes()) {
		if t != nil && toTime(now, t).Before(i.ctime) {
		if i.isDismissedAt(toTime(now, t)) {
		exported, err := i.export(f)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		items = append(items, exported)
		table[exported.Metadata().MsgID().String()] = exported
	return f.MakeStateWithLookupTable(items, table)
Beispiel #2
// export the item i to a generic gregor.Item interface. Basically just return
// the object we got, but if there was no CTime() on the incoming message,
// then use the ctime we stamped on the message when it arrived.
func (i item) export(f gregor.ObjFactory) (gregor.Item, error) {
	md := i.item.Metadata()
	return f.MakeItem(md.UID(), md.MsgID(), md.DeviceID(), i.ctime, i.item.Category(), i.dtime, i.item.Body())