Beispiel #1
func (g *Game) MakeHeatSeeker(pos linear.Vec2, entParams BaseEntParams, hsParams HeatSeekerParams) {
	mine := HeatSeeker{
		BaseEnt: BaseEnt{
			Side_:    10,
			Position: pos,
		HeatSeekerParams: hsParams,
	mine.BaseEnt.StatsInst = stats.Make(stats.Base{
		Health: entParams.Health,
		Mass:   entParams.Mass,
		Size:   entParams.Size,
		Acc:    entParams.Acc,
Beispiel #2
func (g *Game) MakeMine(pos, vel linear.Vec2, health, mass, damage, trigger float64) {
	mine := Mine{
		BaseEnt: BaseEnt{
			Side_:    10,
			Position: pos,
			Velocity: vel,
		Damage:  damage,
		Trigger: trigger,
	mine.BaseEnt.StatsInst = stats.Make(stats.Base{
		Health: health,
		Mass:   mass,
		Size:   5,
Beispiel #3
func (g *Game) MakeControlPoints() {
	var cps []*ControlPoint
	for _, towerData := range g.Level.Room.Towers {
		cp := ControlPoint{
			BaseEnt: BaseEnt{
				Abilities_: []Ability{ability_makers["spawnCreeps"](map[string]float64{})},
				Side_:      towerData.Side,
				Position:   towerData.Pos,
				Processes:  make(map[int]Process),
				StatsInst: stats.Make(stats.Base{
					Health: 100000,
					Mass:   1000000,
					Rate:   1,
					Size:   0,
					Vision: 900,
			Radius: 50,
		cps = append(cps, &cp)

		if towerData.Side != -1 {
			cp.Controlled = true
			cp.Control = 1.0
			cp.Controller = towerData.Side
			// Must do this after the call to AddEnt() because BindAi requires that
			// the ent's Gid has been set
			cp.BindAi("tower", g.local.Engine)

	// Now set up the target arrays
	for i := range cps {
		for _, index := range g.Level.Room.Towers[i].Targets {
			cps[i].Targets = append(cps[i].Targets, cps[index].Id())
Beispiel #4
func (g *Game) AddCreeps(pos linear.Vec2, count, side int, params map[string]interface{}) {
	if side < 0 || side >= len(g.Level.Room.SideData) {
		base.Error().Fatalf("Got side %d, but this level only supports sides from 0 to %d.", side, len(g.Level.Room.SideData)-1)
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		var c CreepEnt
		c.StatsInst = stats.Make(stats.Base{
			Health: 100,
			Mass:   250,
			Acc:    50.0,
			Rate:   0.0,
			Size:   8,
			Vision: 400,

		// Evenly space the players on a circle around the starting position.
		randAngle := rand.New(g.Rng).Float64() * math.Pi
		rot := (linear.Vec2{15, 0}).Rotate(randAngle + float64(i)*2*3.1415926535/float64(count))
		c.Position = pos.Add(rot)

		c.Side_ = side
		c.Gid = g.NextGid()

		c.Abilities_ = append(
			ability_makers["asplode"](map[string]float64{"startRadius": 40, "endRadius": 70, "durationThinks": 50, "dps": 5}))

		// if playerData.gid[0:2] == "Ai" {
		//  c.BindAi("simple", g.local.Engine)
		// }

		c.BindAi("creep", g.local.Engine)
		for name, value := range params {, value)
Beispiel #5
func (g *Game) addPlayersToSide(playerDatas []addPlayerData, side int) {
	if side < 0 || side >= len(g.Level.Room.SideData) {
		base.Error().Fatalf("Got side %d, but this level only supports sides from 0 to %d.", len(g.Level.Room.SideData)-1)
	for i, playerData := range playerDatas {
		var p PlayerEnt
		p.StatsInst = stats.Make(stats.Base{
			Health: 1000,
			Mass:   750,
			Acc:    150.0,
			Turn:   0.07,
			Rate:   0.5,
			Size:   12,
			Vision: 500,

		// Evenly space the players on a circle around the starting position.
		rot := (linear.Vec2{25, 0}).Rotate(float64(i) * 2 * 3.1415926535 / float64(len(playerDatas)))
		p.Position = g.Level.Room.SideData[side].Base.Add(rot)

		p.Side_ = side
		p.Gid = playerData.gid
		p.Processes = make(map[int]Process)

		for _, ability := range g.Champs[playerData.champ].Abilities {
			p.Abilities_ = append(

		if playerData.gid[0:2] == "Ai" {
			// p.BindAi("simple", g.local.Engine)
