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Frala is fragment and translation engine.


  • Frala enables you to separate out files into "fragments" and import / re-use them elsewhere.
  • Frala enables your content to be multi-lingual through the use of "Terms". With Terms, you can specify the term name, languages and the language's value for the word.
  • Frala interfaces with the standarized gettext PO files for translations, enabling you to convert to and from PO files / Frala Terms.
  • Frala provides an optional CLI tool that leverages the package, to provide CLI-based Po conversion and parsing.

Current Version: 0.4.1

License: Apache 2.0


  • Add more built-in Terms


Frala does all this by using a syntax similar to JSON and Mustache, in that it leverages {{ and }}.

Example Fragment: In the example below, we are importing a Fragment. Note that we are using an HTML file in this example, but any file type works.

{{ type="fragment" src="file.html" }}

Example Term: In the example below, we are importing a Term. In our config, we have a term specified for "hello" in the Finnish fi language.

{{ type="term" lang="fi" src="hello" }}


Configuring Frala is simple.

  1. We will automatically read frala.json from the directory (if it exists).
  2. Using Fragments requires no configuration at all and you only need to specify what you use.
  3. You can specify a default language and thus eliminate the need to pass lang="the-language" for a Term if you want it for the value of the term for the same language as your default.
  4. Specify Terms.

Note: We will default to using en if not default language is specified in the config.

Example Config:

    "DefaultLanguage" : "en",
    "Languages" : ["en", "fi"],
    "Terms" : {
        "good_morning" : {
            "en" : "good morning",
            "fi" : "hyvä huomenta"


This project leverages CodeUtils for development and adopts the CodeUtils Usage Spec. To learn how to contribute to this project and set up CodeUtils, read here.

Usage: CLI Tool

We provide a command-line tool built upon the Frala package, called frala-tool. This tool is tested and supported under Linux, though interested parties are welcome to test and provide fixes for support on other operating systems.

This command-line tool enables you to do gettext Po to Frala Term syntax (with automatic saving to the config), Frala Term syntax to gettext Po file, and file parsing.

We provide this tool in a separate tarball available on the Releases page.

File Parsing

You can parse one or multiple files by providing:

  • A comma-separated list of files to parse
  • Optionally a language to parse as. By default, it'll be the DefaultLanguage defined in your frala.json config (or en if none set).
  • Optionally a target directory (otherwise outputted to current working directory).
./frala-tool --lang=ar --parse=src1.html,src2.html,src3.html --target-dir=./test-directory/

Po Conversion

Frala Term to Po File

You can convert Frala Terms to a gettext Po file. This is useful for conversion to Po for use on services like Transifex. You can do so by providing:

  • The name of the po file you wish to save as.
  • Optionally a language of the Terms. By default, it'll be the DefaultLanguage defined in your frala.json config (or en if none set).
  • Optionally a target directory (otherwise outputted to current working directory).
./frala-tool --lang=ar --po=ar.po --target-dir=./po/

Po File to Frala Terms

You can convert a Po file to Frala Terms, which gets automatically saved to the config. This is useful for converting gettext Po files from services like Transifex to Frala. You can do so by providing:

  • The name of the po file you wish to use.

We will automatically detect the language declared in the Po file.

./frala-tool --po=ar.po

Usage: HTML


You can declare the importing of a Fragment by using the Frala Fragment syntax anywhere in an HTML file, including other Fragments. If you specify only the file, without a path, it will look in the directory of the same file that the Fragment it is.


In the example below, we are importing info.html from the current directory and innerfragment.html from innerdir.

    {{type="fragment" src="info.html"}}
    {{type="fragment" src="innerdir/innerfragment.html"}}

In innerfragment.html, the content imports innerdirref.html. Because of our use of relative URLs, we are actually importing the file from the same directory as innerfragment.html

{{ type="fragment" src="innerdirref.html" }}


You can declare the use of a Term by using the Frala Term Syntax anywhere in an HTML file, including Fragments. Terms can be specified without a language, meaning it will use the DefaultLanguage from the Config, or if specified with a language, it will attempt to use the value from that Term's language key / val.


In the example below, we are importing the "hello" Term with English (default language) and Finnish.

    This is our message in English: {{type="term" src="hello" }}, Josh!
    This is our message in Finnish: {{type="term" src="hello" lang="fi"}}, Josh!

You can also use Frala "Built-in" Terms. These "built-in" Terms (always starting with frala.) expose certain attributes relating to Frala, discussed below:


frala.Direction returns the likely direction (LTR or RTL) of the DefaultLanguage.

{{ type="term" src="frala.Direction" }}

Default Language:

frala.DefaultLanguage enables you to fetch the DefaultLanguage from frala for use in your syntax.

    What language are we using? {{ type="term" src="frala.DefaultLanguage" }}


frala.Languages provides a joined (comma-separated) string of Languages defined in the Config or DefaultLanguage if no Languages are defined.

{{ type="term" src="frala.Languages" }}

Usage: Go Package


You can use Frala in your Go software via: import ""



Context is a struct that has properties relating to the type and type's associated information. Used by the line parser.

type Context struct {
    Lang   string `json:"lang"` // Language of the term (if not a fragment)
    Source string `json:"src"`  // Source such as the word or link to fragment
    Type   string `json:"type"` // Type of the Context (fragment or term)


This is the configuration for Frala.

type ConfigOptions struct {
    DefaultLanguage string          // Default Language string, if not declared, default to en
    Direction       string          // Direction string, informs what the likely direction of the DefaultLanguage is
    Languages       []string        // Languages is a list of languages (string)
    Terms           map[string]Term // Terms is a map of strings (term names) to individual Terms


ParseResponse is a struct that contains both the content of a file and associated parsing error

type ParseResponse struct {
    Content string // Content of the parsed file
    Error   error  // Error that occurred during parsing


Term is a map[string]string, as each Term has a map of language -> value (where language is a string and value is a string)

type Term map[string]string


// Config is the configuration of FralaConfig
var Config ConfigOptions

// Define CurrentParsingFile as the file we're currently parsing
var CurrentParsingFile string

// Define InitError as any potential error from initializing Frala
var InitError error




This function will read any frala.json file and update the Config.

func ReadConfig() error

This function will save the Config to frala.json.

func SaveConfig() error



GetDirection gets the likely direction of the language provided.

func GetDirection(language string) string



This function will parse multiple files provided and return a map of ParseResponses

func MultiParse(files []string) map[string]ParseResponse

This function will parse a file provided and return a ParseResponse.

func Parse(file string) ParseResponse

This function will parse an individual line.

func ParseLine(lineContent string) string

This function will parse a Frala syntax string and return the appropriate (if any) associated HTML content or term

func ParseSyntax(fralaSyntax string) string

Po Conversion


ConvertFromPo reads a .po file and convert its content to Frala Terms, automatically adding them to the config. We will also automatically add the language of the Po file to the Languages []string in the Frala Config.

func ConvertFromPo(fileName string) error

ConvertToPo converts Frala Terms into msgid / msgstr context for usage in a .po file. It returns the po file content.

func ConvertToPo(language string) string


Really these are all helper functions. They aren't necessary to use, but handy if desired.


This function will delete a Term from Terms.

func DeleteTerm(termName string)

This function will delete a language / value from a Term

func DeleteValue(termName, language string)

This function will get the value of a language from a Term, if it exists

func GetValue(termName, language string) string

This function will enable you to set a Term to Terms.

func SetTerm(termName string)

This function will enable you to set the value of a Term language.

func SetValue(termName, language, value string)