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A Test framework for Btalk test server

Running Test:

To run feature test (feature test is used for running individual tests):

"xmltest.exe (-in inputfileName)"

Other flags for xmltest:
-bypass=(true/false) whether to bypass authentication server
-read=(true/false) print out debug information when reading reply from server
-send=(true/false) print out debug information when sending requests to server
read and send are the most useful/frequently used flag when debugging

-parse=(true/false) print out debug information for parsing
-func=(true/false) print out debug information when using function to evaluate variable value

-ignore=(true/false) print out debug information when trying to ignore message from server
-cmp_ptr=(true/false) print out debug information when comparing pointer value in reply from server
-cmp_slc=(true/false) print out debug information when comparing slice value in reply from server
-cmp_str=(true/false) print out debug information when comparing struct value in reply from server
-clean=(true/false) print out debug information when performing clean up if needed

To run auto test:

"autoTest.exe (-inputDir inputDir) (-timeOut timeOutForReadOperation)"

Same debug flags as feature tests. A few more are:
-numItr: number of times to run the auto test. Negative = not stop
-sleepTime: Time(ms) to wait between 2 iteration
-timeOut: Time(s) before each request timeout

To run stress test:

"stressTest.exe (-inputDir inputDir) (-rate ratePerMinute) (-duration durationInSecond)"

Same debug flags as 2 tests above. A few more are:
-server=(true/false): whether to run a web server to produce a graph. Note: When server flag is turned on, we MUST monitor the progress using a client browser pointing to testServerAddress:3000/displayResult.html  this page will display a graph with real time information about the stress test. If the server flag is turned on, and there's no monitoring client, server will be blocked after sometime.
-web=(true/false): print out debug information for the web server.

Inside the file: stressTest.go, we can change different engine for stress test, by changing the line:

StressTestEngine "xmltest/btalkTest/StressTestEngine"
For more info, refer to the file stressTest.go itself.

Further documentation:

Refer to Documentation/TestingSpecification.xlsx to get an idea of what are tested, where the specification files are.

Refer to Documentation/TestingSpecification.docx to get an idea of message flow / message commands for different kinds of tests.

Test suite description:

Structure of a test suite:

	<VarMap>(repeated <Var></Var>)</VarMap> (optional)
	<IgnoreMessages>(repeated <Message></Message>)</IgnoreMessages> (optional, global ignore message list)
		(repeated <TestInfo></TestInfo>)
		(repeated <Test></Test>)

The test suite consists of the following sections:

  1. Test suite info:

  1. Global var map:

#####- Purpose: In the test suite, sometimes some values can be repeated a lot of times. We want to introduce variables to help here: #####- How to add: To specify the list of varible to be used in the whole test suite, and specify their values, add section #####For example:

	<!-- to define a var name: email1, with value:>
	<Var name="email1">
	(.. repeat <Var> </Var> for other variables / values)

Inside the test suite, to use a variable, use the notion: {{.varname}}. If varname is a variable that's not defined in varmap, it value will be undertood as: "waiting to be filled". The first time this variable getting assigned (by value returned from server), it will carry that value from then on.

This can be used in case such as: Getting user id from server (assign to an unbound variable), then later on use that variable to use that userid value.

  1. Ignore list:

#####- Purpose: For some test cases, some type of messages can be missing / arrive out of order (especially for buddy online messages).

Sometimes, this is "expected", and some unimportant messages, such as buddy_online can be ignored when that problem happens. We can add them to "ignore list" #####- How to add: Adding the section


#####For example:

	<!-- to ignore buddy online message (base command = 0x00, command = 115 = 0x73)-->
	(... repeat <Message></Message> for other types of ignored messages)

This is the global ignore messages list (to be ignored for any test in the whole test suite). This section can also be added to each of the tag to specify additional ignore message types for the specific test:

#####For example:

	<TestInfo skip="false" repeat="1">
		<Name>A and B log in, A sends a message to B (both online), B receives</Name>
			(... repeat <Message></Message> for other types of ignored messages)
	(..repeated <TestInfo></TestInfo>)
  1. Test info section:

#####- Purpose: To specify information specify to each test case (name/ how many times to run / skipped or not...) #####- How to add: Add the tag:

	(repeated <TestInfo></TestInfo> for each of the test case)

For each tag:

<TestInfo skip="false" repeat="1">
	<Name>A and B log in, A sends a message to B (both online), B receives</Name>
	(optional <IgnoreMessages></IgnoreMessages> as specified in the previous section)

######skip : whether to skip the test case. ######repeat : how many times to repeat the test case. Currently, all of the iterations will be run CONCURRENTLY.


######name of the test case

#####For example:

	<!--specify a test case that will not be skipped, is run only once, with a specific name-->
	<TestInfo skip="false" repeat="1">
		<Name>A and B log in, A sends a message to B (both online), B receives</Name>
  1. Test messages section:

#####- Purpose: To specify the lists of messages to be sent / received for each test case. #####- How to add: Add the tag:

	(repeated <Test></Tests> for each of the test case)

Each tag specifies the message sequence and clean up message sequence for a test case. Repeat for each test case in the suite.

Inside tag:

		(repeated <Message></Message>)
		(repeated <Message></Message>)

The tag specifies the message sequence for a test case.

Inside tag:

	(repeated <Message></Message> for each message of the sequence)

Inside the , the messages are specified in order. All the messages will be sent to / received from server one after another in order.

Each is specified as:

<Message type="Auth_C2S_LoginInfo" fromClient="true" connection="1" close="true">		
	<BaseCommand>(basecommand)</BaseCommand> (optional)
		<FieldName>(field name specified in domain format)</FieldName>
		(raw data in xml format of the message)

######type: type of the messages, in format: (packagename_typename) ######fromClient: true/false ######connection: multiple connections can be opened during a test (for example: A and B both logs in). This field specify the connections that the message belongs to. ######close: true/false. true to force close this connection (logout) after finish processing this message.

<BaseCommand>(base command of message)</BaseCommand> (optional)
<Command>(command of the message)</Command>
	(raw data of the message in xml format)

######ForceCheck: normally, for a message from server, the test framework only checks for value of the field that exists in the specification of the expected message, i.e: if the field is not specified in the expected message, the field is ignored. For instance: if a message can optionally have a field named: gender, but in the expected message specification, we leave out this field, this field is not checked in the message returned from server. This is used to ignore trivia fields that are not important. However, sometime, this behaviour is not desired, especially when there's an array that we need to make sure it's empty. To force the test framework to check for a field even though it's not specified (= need to be empty), we can include the flag: ForceCheck in format:

	<FieldName>(field name specified in domain format)</FieldName> (repeated)

Repeated specifies the name of the fields that need to be checked.

Domain format: is a special format to specify a field inside a message. The field name always starts with a ".". After that, the name of the fields (include nested field) that lead to the specified field is concatenated, separated by "."

For example: In a message with structure:


to specify field C, the domain name for C is: ".B.C" (A is the message name, which can be ignored). The domain name for B is ".B".

######ByteEncoded: In some message, a field could be the value of a wholly byte-encoded message. For example: In the binding account message, the field OAuthRawInfo is encoded in this manner. In this case, we cannot use a helper function to byte-encode the message and inject the value to the field. The reason is because after being byte-encoded, the resulted data may contain special character that are not understood by the XML parser. In this case, we need to use ByteEncoded field:

	<Var type="Auth_C2S_OAuthRawInfo" >
			(a message description here)
	</Var> (repeated Var for multiple byte-encoded message)

Each byte-encoded message specification starts with tags Var. The Type field refers to the raw message type that will be byte-encoded. The Field tag contains a value written in domain-name format (mentioned above) that specifies the field in the following message that this byte-encoded message will be injected into. The Data tag contains the specification for the message itself. Format of the message is just like any other message.

#####Note: Inside the raw data section, we can use {{.varname}} notion to use variable (as specified in the var map section)

#####For example:

<Message type="Auth_S2C_LoginUserInfo" fromClient="false">

The tag specifies the clean up message sequence for a test case. This is a sequence of messages to open up (logins) some connections for some users, and let the program perform message clean up (ack all pending offline message) for that connection.

This part is retained for historical reason, but its function is better replaced by using cleanUpEngine.

Clean up:

Clean up failed test: When either feature test or autoTest runs, if it encounters any error in any test case, it will stop at the test case.

In that case, some states on server might have been changed, which could leave side effects / affect the next test. To clean up this so that we can re-run the test freshly, run:

"cleanUpEngine.exe (-in cleanUpFileName)"

The cleanUpFile has the CleanUpSequence, with the same meaning as the CleanUpSequence mentioned bove.

Message Map and Special Message:

A new feature has been added to the test framework to simplify the process of writing test case. In a test case, when there are multiple repeatitive message, we can define special "macro message". To add this kind of message, after VarMap, we can add section:

	<Var name="SpecialMessage0">

In this case, a marco message name = SpecialMessage0 is added. To use this macro message in the body of the test file, instead of using the normal MessageType, just use the name of the macro message as the message type. For example:

<Message type="SpecialMessage0" (repeat="x")></Message>

If we want the macro message to be repeated (for example: send a hello message and receive reply for 60 times), just use repeat tag. Default (without repeat tag) repeat = 1, so the macro message is replayed only once.

List of files in this directory:

#####Folders: All folders with single .pb.go files are the protobuf messages (in Go) Opcode folder: file that specifies operation code for the messages proto files: original proto specification files.

js: folder that contains javascript and css file for the displayResult.html page (display a monitoring page for stresstest) IndividualCases: individual test specification, can be used for feature test. Mics go files: some miscellaneous source files. Documentation: documentation.

#####Feature test: xmltest.go : standard feature test (that runs single test case). Default test file is test.xml. For more option refer to documentation. cleanUp.go : standard clean up program. Refer to documentation for more information. generateMapCode.go : generate a map of protobuf messages that can be used to create protobuf message dynamically. generateMapFuncCode.go : generate a map of helper functions that can used in the test specification. The helper function are defined in the file helper.func.go in folder Helper.

#####Auto test: autoTest.go : autotest program (runs multiple test cases, continuously). By default, autotest program will run all cases that are stored in folder TestCase. Refer to documentation for more information. TestCase: folder that contains xml file (test specifications) that can be used for autoTest engine. TestEngine: autoTest engine.

#####Stress test: stressTest.go : standard stresstest program. (spawning multiple go routines to stress test server using a set of specifications).

StressTestCase: folder that contains a set of test specifications that are used in the stressTest engine. StressTestEngine* : different stress test engine. Refer to stressTest.go for more information

Steps to add a new test:

I. (optional) If the test needs new proto file:

Compile the proto file into proto.go file using protoc command. Put the file into corresponding packet folder (inside the btalkTest folder).

Run generateMapCode.exe: It will traverse all sub-folder inside the btalkTest folder and put all proto-message struct it can find to a map. This map is declared in the file: GeneratedDataStructure/generatedDataStructure.go. All of the test engine can refer to this file to initialize the message.

After running the generateMapCode.exe file, it will generate a fresh file: GeneratedDataStructure/generatedDataStructure.go. Therefore, we need to recompile xmltest.go, autoTest.go and stressTest.go

II. Writing test specification files (the xml file - according to the documentation in the aforementioned parts).

II.1. (optional) Inside the specification files, if we need to define some helper function:

Write the function to file: Helper/helper.func.go - Note: function must be exportable (first letter in function name must be capitalized) Run generateMapFuncCode.exe: It will do something similar to generateMapCode.exe, but this time put all available helper function in a map in the file: GeneratedDataStructure/generatedDataFuncStructure.go

After running generateMapFuncCode.exe, we also need to recompile: xmltest.go, autoTest.go and stressTest.go

III. Run the test. Refer to previous sections on the instructions of running the tests.


A Test framework for Btalk test server






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