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JUJU deployement bundle: mesos + value-add-services + telscale-restcomm

In the root of repo you can find all charms and scripts to deploy autoscale environment with mesos cluster, telscale-restcomm and set of value-add-services


  1. Source codes
  2. Deploy scripts
  3. Applications
  4. Local charms
  5. Autoscale
  6. Attachments

Source codes

  1. monitoring system - src folder
  2. value-add-services -

Deploy scripts

  1. - deploy mesos cluster to implement autoscale functionality - result here

Local installation with kvm

if you use nginx to expose installed apps you can use update-nginx script from misc folder to add juju_proxy config to nginx instance

sudo ./update-nginx tmpl_mesos.cfg


Repo contains a few apps which are wrapped to different charms with different installation ways

  1. tads2015-calls-consumer - handles incomming call/sms and add it to datastorage
  2. tads2015-conference-call - gets new participants from datastorage and adds them to conference
  3. tads2015-feedback-call - drops conference and makes feedback call
  4. redis - datastorage
  5. telscale-restcomm - restcomm server
  6. monitor-server - managing server of custom simple monitoring system
  7. monitor-agent-mesos - agent collects state of docker containers. It uses docker remote api to get statistics. This agent should be connected to all nodes of cluster
  8. monitor-agent-mesos-master - agent collects state of mesos cluster. It uses marathon rest api to get statistics. This agent should be connected to master only.

Local charms

  1. tads2015-calls-consumer-4mesos - wrapper for calls-consumer docker container to deploy to mesos cluster
  2. tads2015-conference-call-4mesos - wrapper for conference-call docker container to deploy to mesos cluster
  3. tads2015-feedback-call-4mesos - wrapper for feedback-call docker container to deploy to mesos cluster
  4. telscale-restcomm - telscale restcomm charm with fixes in sql init files
  5. mesos-master - patched original charm. Now it uses node hostname instead of $JUJU_UNIT_NAME.
  6. mesos-slave - the same patch
  7. monitor-server - monitoring system
  8. monitor-agent-mesos - monitoring system
  9. monitor-agent-mesos-master - monitoring system


Our monitoring system collects state of each deployed mesos application and stet of mesos cluster. Currently system uses cpu and memory usage only.

Each applicaiton can has a lot of instances. Statistics will be grouped.

It allows to manage:

  1. count of applicaitons instances
  2. count of mesos slave machines

We use the foolowing rules:

  1. if avg cpu usage of application(of all instances) is more than 70% system adds one more instance of this app.
  2. if avg cpu usage of applicaiton(of all instances) is less than 10% system removes one instance of this app.
  3. if mesos cluster cpu usage is more than 70% system adds mesos-slave node to environment
  4. if mesos cluster cpu usage is less than 10% system removes mesos-slave node


juju-gui screenshot


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