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This API provides a way of viewing pizzas and ordering them.

Verb Path Description
GET /doc Get the API documentation
GET /pizzas List all pizzas which can be ordered
POST /orders Order a new pizza
GET /orders List all orders
GET /orders/:id View an order pizza's status

There is no database. Everything is stored in memory, except for the pizzas list which is in pizza.json.

API Documentation

We're using Swagger/OpenAPI v2.0 for the API documentation. The schema is located in schema.yaml.

Regenerating the documentation

When the schema has changed, we need to regenerate the documentation.

Install swagger-codegen:

brew install swagger-codegen

Regenerate the files:

swagger-codegen generate -i schema.yaml -l html2 -o ./static

Ordering a pizza

curl -H "Authorization: team_name" --data '{"id":1}' http://localhost:5000/orders


I'm using this API to teach resiliance in a master's degree. While it would work nicely by default, we can add constraints:

  • maintenance - All requests will respond with a 503.
  • slow - All requests will wait between 30 and 60 seconds before being answered.
  • cancel - 7 requests out of 10 will be closed without any response.

Constraints are scoped by the Authorization header, so they can be added only for some students.

Adding a constraint

curl --data '{"name":"maintenance","token":"team_name"}' http://localhost:5000/upgrade

A constraint can be added by setting an empty token.

Upgrade authentication

By setting the UPGRADE_KEY environment variable, you can limit who can perform upgrades.

curl -H "Authorization: my_token" --data '{"name":"maintenance","token":"team_name"}' http://localhost:5000/upgrade


I'm open to contributions on this project.
However, please note that I'm using it for the lessons I'm giving. New constraints will not necessarily be adopted (they can always be suggested though).


Teaching resiliancy in a university







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