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#Assets GoDoc Travis

Provides a convenient set of tools for handling template files and turning assets into embeddable go files


  • Emdedding

    Note to run the tests in ./test/ sub directories, first run go test in the root directory to generate the needed files*

    • To embed a given directory but in development mode(loading from disk) but also gzipping output
    	bf, err := NewBindFS(&BindFSConfig{
    		InDir:   "./",
    		OutDir:     "./tests/debug",
    		Package: "debug",
    		File:    "debug",
    		Gzipped: true,
            NoDecompression: true,
            Production: false,
    	if err != nil {
             panic("directory path is not valid")
      //to get this to create and embed the files,simple call .Record()
    	err = bf.Record() // you can call this as many times as you want to update go file
    • Loading a generated asset file
      //a genetate file called `debug.go` will exists in ./tests/debug/
      //to use simply loadup
      import (
      func main(){
        //to retrieve a directory,simply do:
        fixtures,err := debug.RootDirectory.GetDir("/fixtures/")
        //to retrieve a file,simply do:
        basic,err := debug.RootDirectory.GetFile("/fixtures/base/basic.tmpl")
        // create a http.FileServer from the global RootDirectory listing
        rootFs := http.FileServer(debug.RootDirectory)
        // or use the root VirtualDirectory as a http.FileSystem
        rootFs2 := http.FileServer(debug.RootDirectory.Root())
        //or use any sub-directory you want
        fixturesFs := http.FileServer(debug.RootDirectory.Get("/fixtures/"))
    • To embed a given directory but in development mode,where files are loaded directory from disk
    	bf, err := NewBindFS(&BindFSConfig{
    		InDir:   "./",
    		OutDir:     "./tests/debug",
    		Package: "debug",
    		File:    "debug",
    		Gzipped: false,
            Production: false,
    	if err != nil {
          panic("directory path is not valid")
      //to get this to create and embed the files,simple call .Record()
    	err = bf.Record() // you can call this as many times as you want to update go file
    • To embed files in production mode,i.e all assets are embedded into the generated go file and have all output ungzipped
    	bf, err := NewBindFS(&BindFSConfig{
    		InDir:      "./",
    		OutDir:     "./tests/prod",
    		Package:    "prod",
    		File:       "prod",
    		Gzipped:    true,
    	    Production: true,
    	if err != nil {
          panic("directory path is not valid")
    	err = bf.Record() // you can call this as many times as you want to update go file
    • To embed a given directory in production mode but also enforcing no decompression of output
    	bf, err := NewBindFS(&BindFSConfig{
    		InDir:   "./",
    		OutDir:     "./tests/debug",
    		Package: "debug",
    		File:    "debug",
    		Gzipped: true,
            NoDecompression: true,
            Production: true,
    	if err != nil {
          panic("directory path is not valid")
      //to get this to create and embed the files,simple call .Record()
    	err = bf.Record() // you can call this as many times as you want to update go file
  • Templates

  dir := NewTemplateDir(&TemplateConfig{
  	Dir:       "./fixtures",
  	Extension: ".tmpl",

  dirs := []string{"base"}

  asst, _ := dir.Create("base.tmpl", dirs, nil)

  buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})

  do := &dataPack{
  	Name:  "alex",
  	Title: "flabber",

  _ = asst.Tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(buf, "base", do)

 buf => `



               <div class=alex>flabber</div>

                 <i>we are equal</i>




asset is a small go library providing useful utilites for gathering asset files(templates) from directories






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