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cfval: The CloudFormation template validator

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Have you ever waited 15 minutes for CloudFormation to let you know that you forgot to set the Type of a DNS record? Yeah, and that's on a good day. Try 45 minutes for your CloudFront Distribution to fail...

cfval is a small tool which validates a CloudFormation JSON template and notifies you of any issues it can find. Missing required properties, properties which conflict with others, Refs to parameters which don't exist or incompatible properties of resources, and much more.


$ cfval validate my-template.json

Resources.MyLaunchConfiguration.UserData.Ref ... Ref 'CloudInitScript' is not a resource or parameter

Fail: 1 failure, 0 warnings


For the latest stable release on OSX (still pre-release):

brew install jagregory/tools/cfval

Or to update:

brew update && brew upgrade cfval

For other operating systems and/or to use the absoltue latest, cfval is installable from source via go get.

go get -v


cfval aims to identify as many possible issues with your CloudFormation templates before you try to run them. Issues are categorised as either:

  • Failure: things which are definitely wrong, such as a Ref pointing to something which doesn't exist, an unexpected resource property, or a unmistakably wrong value assigned to a property ("hello world" to a list property or an EC2 Instance ID).

  • Warning: things which are likely wrong, but we aren't certain. These are nearly always type coercion issues (a String being assigned to a more specific type like an VpcID) or unfortunate AWS documentation issues (a resource returning an ID when the docs suggest a Name). Please report any warnings which seem incorrect.

The main high-level features are:

  • Resource type checks (valid Type attribute)
    • Property validations
    • Unexpected properties
    • Required properties
    • Grouped required properties (e.g. must specify X when Y is specified)
    • Alternate required properties (e.g. must specify X when Y isn't specified)
    • Conflicting properties (e.g. can't specify X when Y is specified)
    • Required when certain property values are specified (e.g. must specify X when Y is hello)
  • Ref validations
    • Target exists and is a Resource/Parameter/Pseudo-parameter
    • Target actually is usable in a Ref
    • Value from a Ref is compatible with the property it is being assigned to
  • GetAtt validations
    • Target resource exists
    • Attribute is available on target resource
    • Attribute type is compatible with the property it is being assigned to
  • Pseudo-parameter validations (type checking)
  • Various type validations
    • IP addresses
    • CIDR ranges
    • Availability zone names
    • etc...

Known issues

Most of the major/common AWS resources are now supported by cfval; however, there are still quite a few outstanding.

Watch this space. Contributors very welcome.

See AWS Resource support for the current status of Resources.


I need help in two ways:

1. Implementing more resources

Take a look at the resources/ directory to see existing examples and go nuts. If there's anything complicated or unusual, write a test.

2. Testing

I only have limited CloudFormation templates available to test cfval against. The more weird and wonderful templates I have the more accurate I can make cfval.

The easiest thing you can do is run cfval against your weird and wonderful template and tell me what happens. Raise an issue.

Alternatively, email me ( your templates! Sanitise/obfuscate them if necessary.


The CloudFormation template validator







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