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Content-keyed directory structures for xlattice_go; a Go implementation of a file system based on content keys, where a content key is a cryptographically secure hash either 20 or 32 bytes long.

Directory Structure

Files are stored under two directory levels. At the upper level, directory names are the hex value of the first 8 bits of the content key, so there are 256 such directories. Below each is a set of directories whose names correspond to the second byte of the content key. Files within the lower directories have names based on the hex value of the rest of the content key. Conventionally the upper directory is called U.

So if a file has a content key like 0xabcdef01234... then it will usually be found at U/ab/cd/ef01234...

There will also be at least two subdirectories at the upper level

  • U/in, used for assembling files prior to being moved into the appropriate lower directory; typically used for files being received over the wire
  • U/tmp, similarly used by the system for temporary storage of files being moved into U/ from the local file system

Content Keys

Hashes are calculated using a variant of the Secure Hash Algorithm. Currently three versions of SHA are supported:

  • SHA1 (20 bytes/160 bits), also called SHA-1
  • SHA2 (32 bytes/256 bits), also called SHA-256
  • SHA3 (32 bytes/256 bits), which is the 256-bit variant of Keccak, the winner of a recent competition run by an agency of the US government


CopyAndPut(path string, key []byte) (int64, error)
CopyAndPut1(path, key string) (int64, string, error)
CopyAndPut2(path, key string) (int64, string, error)
CopyAndPut3(path, key string) (int64, string, error)

GetData(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
GetData1(key string) (data []byte, err error)
GetData2(key string) (data []byte, err error)
GetData3(key string) (data []byte, err error)

Put(inFile string, key []byte) (length int64, err error)
Put1(inFile, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)
Put2(inFile, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)
Put3(inFile, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)

PutData(data []byte, key []byte) (length int64, hash []byte, err error)
PutData1(data []byte, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)
PutData2(data []byte, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)
PutData3(data []byte, key string) (length int64, hash string, err error)

GetDirStruc() DirStruc
GetPath() string

// These exist in two forms, for convenience
HexKeyExists(key string) (bool, error)
ByteKeyExists(key []byte) (bool, error)

HexKeyFileLen(key string) (length int64, err error)
ByteKeyFileLen(key []byte) (length int64, err error)

GetPathForHexKey(key string) (string, error)
GetPathForByteKey(key []byte) (string, error)


The actual Go code is in u.go. Test code is in three files: hash_test.go contains common tests, and sha1_test.go and sha3_test.go contain driver code specifc to SHA1 and SHA3 respectively.

myData, myU1, myU2, and myU3 are scratch directories used in testing. The file named abc contains just that string and is used in an extremely simple check that SHA3 is functionng correctly. The Keccak distribution ( contains a very large collection of test vectors.

Project Status

A good beta. The code is stable and well-tested.

On-line Documentation

More information on the xlU_go project can be found here


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