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OpenTracing API for Go

This package is a Go platform API for OpenTracing.

Required Reading

In order to understand the Go platform API, one must first be familiar with the OpenTracing project and terminology more generally.

API overview for those adding instrumentation

Everyday consumers of this opentracing package really only need to worry about a couple of key abstractions: the StartTrace function, the Span interface, and binding a Tracer at main()-time. Here are code snippets demonstrating some important use cases.

Singleton initialization

The simplest starting point is ./default_tracer.go. As early as possible, call

    import ".../opentracing-go"
    import ".../some_tracing_impl"
    func main() {
        tracerImpl := some_tracing_impl.New(...) // tracing impl specific
Non-Singleton initialization

If you prefer direct control to singletons, manage ownership of the opentracing.Tracer implementation explicitly.

Starting an empty trace by creating a "root span"

    func xyz() {
        sp := opentracing.StartTrace("span_name")
        defer sp.Finish()
        sp.Info("called xyz")

Creating a Span given an existing Span

    func xyz(parentSpan opentracing.Span, ...) {
        sp := opentracing.JoinTrace("span_name", parentSpan)
        defer sp.Finish()
        sp.Info("called xyz")

Creating a Span given an existing Golang context.Context

Additionally, this example demonstrates how to get a context.Context associated with any opentracing.Span instance.

    func xyz(goCtx context.Context, ...) {
        sp, goCtx := opentracing.JoinTrace("span_name", goCtx).AddToGoContext(goCtx)
        defer sp.Finish()
        sp.Info("called xyz")

Serializing to the wire

    func makeSomeRequest(ctx context.Context) ... {
        if span := opentracing.SpanFromGoContext(ctx); span != nil {
            httpClient := &http.Client{}
            httpReq, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://myservice/", nil)

            // Transmit the span's TraceContext as an HTTP header on our
            // outbound request.

            resp, err := httpClient.Do(httpReq)

Deserializing from the wire

    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
        // Grab the TraceContext from the HTTP header using the
        // opentracing helper.
        reqTraceCtx, err := opentracing.TraceContextFromHeader(
                req.Header, opentracing.GlobalTracer())
        var serverSpan opentracing.Span
        var goCtx context.Context = ...
        if err != nil {
            // Just make a root span.
            serverSpan, goCtx = opentracing.StartTrace("serverSpan").AddToGoContext(goCtx)
        } else {
            // Make a new server-side span that's a child of the span/context sent
            // over the wire.
            serverSpan, goCtx = opentracing.JoinTrace(
                "serverSpan", reqTraceCtx).AddToGoContext(goCtx)
        defer serverSpan.Finish()


The entire public API is goroutine-safe and does not require external synchronization.

API pointers for those implementing a tracing system

There should be no need for most tracing system implementors to worry about the opentracing.Span or opentracing.Tracer interfaces directly: standardtracer.New(...) should work well enough in most circumstances.

In order to integrate with standardtracer, tracing system authors are expected to provide implementations of:

  • opentracing.TraceContext
  • opentracing.TraceContextSource
  • standardtracer.Recorder

For a small working example, see ../examples/dapperish/*.go.


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