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newspeak api server

for creating a predictable working environment during development and testing, the server is run as a virtual machine (vm). for managment of the vm, virtualbox and vagrant are used.

vagrant supports deployment to amazon aws in a way similar to when used with virtualbox.

this leads to the following directory structure:

  • newspeak-server/api-vm: api server for use with vagrant/virtualbox vm
  • newspeak-server/api-aws: api server for use with amazon aws
  • newspeak-server/shared: files shared between the above machine setups (code, config files, ..)

each of the directories api-vm and api-aws contains a file called Vagrantfile with server configuration.

the directory newspeak-server/shared/newspeak contains the actual server sources. see the readme file there for more information.


to run the server locally, installation of the following software is needed:

  • virtualbox
  • vagrant - only a recent version (1.3.x) is supported! download from here.
  • install vagrant bindler plugin with: vagrant plugin install bindler

to test sending push messages to ios devices, you have to be member in the ios developer program. receiving push messages is not supported by the ios simulator so will need a real ios device for that. however, you can still test large parts of the system without device or developer program membership.

quick start

for the impatient: set up an api server vm instance with two commands:

git clone

api server overview

the api server consists of the following components:

                       |                                |
    +------+   +-------+-------+   +----------+   +-----+-----+
    | inet |---| go api server |---| usergrid |---| cassandra |
    +------+   +-------+-------+   +----------+   +-----------+
                       |           +---------+
                       +-----------| uniqush |

main entry point is the go api server, listening on port 80 (http) and exposing a rest inspired api. it is written in go. the go api server sources are located at newspeak-server/shared/newspeak. some additional go resources, for reference only:

the go api server in turn uses a http based (rest) api to communicate with usergrid and uniqush. this loosely follows the "api facade" design pattern described in this pdf. the components are:

  • usergrid: manages user signup, login, groups
  • uniqush: send push messages to android and ios
  • cassandra: scalable data store

the go api server may also communicate with cassandra directly.

the cassandra nodes communicate with each other using a vpn built with tinc.

command line usage of the api server

run these commands from your host machine. adjust the ip to match the ip assigned to your api server vm.

  • set api server ip and port: export HOST=''

  • request access token: export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl $HOST/tokens --silent --data username=user --data password=user|grep AccessToken|cut -f 2 -d : |cut -f 2 -d \"); echo ACCESS_TOKEN=$ACCESS_TOKEN

  • register device with push service (adjust device token): curl $HOST/devices --include --data accessToken=$ACCESS_TOKEN --data username=user --data deviceToken=047595d0fae972fbed0cf1b3a41c7a549e0c475be1a9de5dc7f97cc185ade65d

  • send push message: curl $HOST/messages --include --data accessToken=$ACCESS_TOKEN --data recipient=user --data message="hello world"

usergrid documentation

usergrid homepage, usergrid on github, usergrid readme

usergrid has an admin interface which is entirely written in javascript and therefore completely runs in the browser. that means you can use the admin interface hostet on github to access your local machine. the url is (adjust ip to your setup)

uniqush documentation

uniqush homepage

to send push messages with uniqush on the command line without proxying through the go api server, use these curl commands from within the api server vm:

  • register push service provider: curl -d service=newspeak -d pushservicetype=apns -d cert=/etc/newspeak/apns-certs/cert.pem -d key=/etc/newspeak/apns-certs/priv-noenc.pem -d sandbox=true

  • register device (adjust device token): curl -d service=newspeak -d subscriber=user -d pushservicetype=apns -d devtoken=047595d0fae972fbed0cf1b3a41c7a549e0c475be1a9de5dc7f97cc185ade65d

  • send message: curl -d service=newspeak -d subscriber=user -d msg="hello world"

apple push notification certificate creation

the go api server requires a valid apple push notification service certificate corresponding to your app's bundle id.

create your certificate in the ios dev center according to this guide in section 'creating the ssl certificate and keys'.

if you have the certificate imported into your keychain, follow these instructions on how to convert the apple push notification certificates from .p12 into .pem format as required by uniqush.

  • in osx keychain application filter by 'certificate' and select the 'Apple IOS Push Services' certificate you want to use.

  • expand disclosure triangle of certificate. you'll see the private key corresponding to the certificate.

  • export private key as 'priv.p12' and export certificate as 'cert.p12'. if you can't export as p12 you're not trying to export the correct thing!

  • set an empty password while exporting.

  • part 1: convert to certificate to pem: (enter empty import password) openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -out cert.pem -in cert.p12

  • part 2: convert private key to pem (enter empty import password, enter "1234" as pem pass phrase): openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out priv.pem -in priv.p12

  • remove password from above file (enter passphrase "1234"): openssl rsa -in priv.pem -out priv-noenc.pem

  • you may now delete the file priv.pem, priv.p12 and cert.p12 since they are no longer required. rm priv.pem priv.p12 cert.p12

place the resulting certificate cert.pem and private key priv-noenc.pem for the sandbox configuration in

  • newspeak-server/shared/api/apns-certs-sandbox

and for the production configuration in

  • newspeak-server/shared/api/apns-certs-production

ubuntu images

list of available ubuntu aws instances

list of available ubuntu vagrant base boxes

Copyright (C) 2013 Jahn Bertsch

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.