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Inside main/ and server/ you'll find code for a Go web-server. In .www/ there is a build system that will generate static assets that can be served by the Go web-server.

Obtaining All Required Code

  • Clone the repo %> git clone <this repo> to your $GOPATH src/ folder.
  • Issue go install web_pair/main which should attempt to compile the web-server and all it's dependencies. This being the first time compiling the code, you'll also need to issue go get <missing-lib> for each lib you don't currently have in your GOPATH.
  • Next cd into .www and issue npm install and bower install (you may need install node brew install node, or bower: npm install bower -f for you can issue the first two commands).


At this point you should have all the required code. You now need to build the web-server and the static assets.

cd into the .www/ directory of the cloned repo and issue the command %> gulp. If you don't have this command you'll need to install it via %> npm install gulp -g.

From within $GOPATH, the web-server can be built with %> go install web_pair/main and running the server typically can be done with $GOPATH/bin/main web from which will start the web server listening on 9100 and serving files from inside $GOPATH/src/web_pair/.www/dest/_site by default.


See license file.

The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file 'license' at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.


A web-server lib to create an executable with embedded web assets.







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