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Middleware is often described as software glue. go-middleware focuses specifically on glueing together functions related to serving HTTP requests (such http.Handler/http.HandlerFunc).

Middleware is used for authentication (including Openid/OAuth redirects), authorization, request logging, error handling, request scoping, request throttling, request/response buffering, compression/decompression, CORS, CSRF, data binding, routing, content-type inference (rendering the result as JSON, XML as required), handling protocol upgrades (ex. Web Sockets), data hydration (ex. loading data into the request context based on an identifier (header/cookie) such as sessions), pre/post filters and more and are generally considered the 'core' of a web framework.

Having investigated multiple web frameworks on how they implement middleware; I found that none of them implemented middleware in what I consider idiomatic Go:

  • Pluggability: Creating middleware or middleware-adapters shouldn't require a dependency on the middleware chaining implementation (ex. Go interfaces are satisfied implicitly) - See the context middleware
  • Usability: Middleware can have multiple forms and shouldn't require satisfying a specific interface (ex. http.Handler/middleware.Middleware) to be used as such - See middleware.go type switch that supports 9 common variants
  • Succinctness: The implementation should be concise and terse to reduce ambiguity and be considered self-documenting. middleware.go is 39 lines excluding white space and comments.

Go programming is different from traditional object oriented programming (OOP) and such existing implementations tend to translate poorly into Go.

Example Usage

import "net/http"
import ""
var handler http.HandlerFunc = middleware.Compose(...)

See example


go get -u 


See GoDoc on Github

Copyright and Licensing



done packages may be used
work in progress (WIP) packages should not be used - only for inspiration
TODO packages currently lack implementation

  • context - based on context - done
  • compression - WIP
  • cors - WIP
  • panic/recover error handling - WIP
  • request logging - WIP
  • static file server - TODO
  • CSRF - nosurf - TODO
  • Request throttling - TODO
  • Request/Response buffering - TODO
  • Auth - TODO
  • Sessions - TODO
  • bind - binding / schema - TODO

Middleware/Web Frameworks (for inspiration)

Links indicate interesting implementations
* can be converted or may be useful in middleware

Web Frameworks


  • Shelakel
  • Attribution for inspiration as per Middleware/Web Frameworks


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