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Ghaml - the golang parser for a HAML-like language

Ghaml is a go parser for a haml-like language. It's goals are to provide a HAML-like syntax for creating views while being fast and efficient.

Ghaml achieves this by compiling ghaml templates into go code, which can then be compiled into your application directly. To ease this burden, the ghaml tool can call 'go build' for you, making a near seemless replacement.

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What is HAML?

Haml stands for HTML Abstraction Markup Language, a templating system originally developed for the Ruby language. Ghaml is very similar in intent, differing where it makes sense to accomodate the differences between Go and Ruby.

HAML's core principles are: 1 Markup Should be Beautiful 2 Markup Should be DRY 3 Markup Should be Well-Indented 4 HTML Structure Should be Clear

Learn more about Haml here:

A look at a Template

@package view
@import ("my/app/controller")
@var data   controller.ViewModel
@var footer string

  / a comment
    %title= "Hello, ", data
    %h1= "Hello, ", data
      This is child content for the div above. Note that
	  HAML is space-sensitive, so all text indented at
      this level is encased in the div.

      You can use the # operator as a shortcut to create
      a div with the given id.

      The .operator (think of the '.' css selector') lets
      you create a div with the given class. For example
      this text will be wrapped in a div that looks like
      this: `<div class="implicit_class">...`
    %ul {type=disc, class=super}
      - for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { // arbitrary go code
        %li= "Item: ", i
      - }

    != footer

The ghaml template above illustrates many features of Ghaml templates:

  • Strongly-typed data type: the @var directive specifies that the template accepts a parameter called data of type string. This will typically be a struct containing view content.
  • Outputting tag content via the = operator is syntactically equal to the variadic parameter definition of the fmt.Print() function. Therefore variables and strings can be concatenated by seperating them with commas. Further, the '=' operator protects against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
  • The - operator lets the developer execute arbitrary Go code.
  • The special '!=' operator is equal to the '=' operator, but does not perform HTML encoding, allowing for formatted output, with the risk of XSS attacks.

Ghaml command syntax

The default workflow is to use the ghaml command in your working directory. This will compile all ghaml template, and then run the 'go build' command. Command line options are:

  • -v Output verbose (as in 'some') comments on what is going on
  • -clean Remove all generated *.go files
  • -nogo Do not run the 'go build' command. This might be useful in a build script
  • -f forces template regeneration

Copyright / License

Copyright 2013 Travis Simon

Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2.0 (or later); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Ghaml is a go parser for a haml-like language. It seeks to provide an efficient alternative to the inbuilt template system.







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