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an implementation of Etsy's statsd in Go with many enhacements (e.g. floats in timers and gauges, sets, key/values, absolute counters, many different backends)




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Port of Etsy's statsd server (, written in Go (based on szaydel/statsdaemon and changes from alexclear/statsdaemon and others) with many enhancements (e.g. floats in timers and gauges, sets, key/values, absolute counters, many different backends)


Metrics types:

  • Timers (with optional percentiles)
  • Counters (positive and negative with optional sampling) + ability send counter as rate(per flush interval - default) or absolute counter (using local BoltDB)
  • Gauges (including relative operations)
  • Sets
  • Key/values (unique untyped)

Float numbers are supported in Timers and Gauges

Backends supported:

  • Graphite
  • External shell command (data on STDIN) or output to STDOUT (when no external command provided)
  • OpenTSDB
  • File - enables to send metrics directly to specified file


  • Read configuration from YAML file
  • Ability to save configuration to YAML file
  • UDP and TCP listeners
  • Internal statistics is sent to datastore - for performance monitoring (can be switched off)
  • Ablility to enable Golang CPU profiling using command line switch
  • Ability to debug single metrics
Tag are supported as encoded in bucket name eg:

It means:
  gauge name: cpu.load.idle
  tags: host = dev, env = prod, zone = west

Tags encoding pattern can be changed/enhanced in function parseBucketAndTags(name string) (string, map[string]string, error)


Build from source

go get
cd statsdaemon
go build

Command Line Options

Usage of ./statsdaemon:
   --config string
         Configuration file name (warning not error if not exists). Standard: /etc/statsdaemon/statsdaemon.yml
   --cpuprofile string
         write cpu profile to file
         print curent config in yaml (can be used as default config)
         show program version

YAML config file

# Default config file in YAML

#config format version - curently 1 
cfg-format: 1

# UDP & TCP can be used at the same time
# UDP listening address and port
udp-addr: :8125

# TCP listening address and port
tcp-addr: ""

# maximum size of UDP packet that can be received
max-udp-packet-size: 1432

# backend types: 
# - external - send metrics to stdin of command specified on 'post-flush-cmd'
# - file - send metrics to 'file-name' in 'file-backend'
# - graphite - send metrics to graphite at address specified in 'graphite'
# - opentdsb - send metrics to opentdsb at address specified in 'opentdsb'
# - dummy - do nothing backend
# backend-type - one of the above backend types
backend-type: file
  file-name: /tmp/statsdaemon_metrics.log
# command to run (with args) or stdout. Shell redirects like <>| don't work here  
post-flush-cmd: stdout

# time in seconds to flush agregated metrics to backend
flush-interval: 10

# log levels: fatal,error,warn,info,debug
log-level: error

# delete gauge metrics if there is no new data or send last gauge value 
delete-gauges: true

# reset counter metrics to 0 after each flush or keep them growing using 'store-db' to keep value between restarts 
reset-counters: true

# number of flush-intervals to persist count keys
persist-count-keys: 0

# prefix for internal application metrics
stats-prefix: statsdaemon.

# name of database for permanent counters storage
store-db: /tmp/statsdaemon.db

# prefix for all stats (except internal application metrics)
prefix: ""

# default tags added to all measures in format: tag1=value1 tag2=value2
extra-tags: ""

# timers percentiles eg.:
#- value: 50
#  name: "50"
#- value: 80
#  name: "80"
#- value: 90
#  name: "90"
#- value: 95
#  name: "95"
percent-threshold: []

# log destination
log-name: stdout

# log to syslog (addtionaly to the destination in 'log-name')
log-to-syslog: true

# syslog udp address or unix socket if empty 
# syslog-udp-address: localhost:514
syslog-udp-address: ""

# disable sending internal application stats do backend
disable-stat-send: false

  enabled: false
# patterns is a list of metrics prefixes to be monitored and send to file  
#  patterns:
#      - "foo"
#      - "cpu"
  patterns: []
  file-name: ""


an implementation of Etsy's statsd in Go with many enhacements (e.g. floats in timers and gauges, sets, key/values, absolute counters, many different backends)







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  • Go 98.1%
  • Python 1.2%
  • Other 0.7%