Ejemplo n.º 1
func Socket(context ZContext, socketType int) (ZSocket, os.Error) {
	ptr := C.zmq_socket(context.Ptr, C.int(socketType))
	if ptr == nil {
		return ZSocket{nil}, error()
	return ZSocket{ptr}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Create a new socket.
// void *zmq_socket (void *context, int type);
func (c *zmqContext) NewSocket(t SocketType) (Socket, error) {
	// C.NULL is correct but causes a runtime failure on darwin at present
	if s := C.zmq_socket(c.c, C.int(t)); s != nil /*C.NULL*/ {
		return &zmqSocket{c: c, s: s}, nil
	return nil, errno()
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: zmq.go Proyecto: miffa/gozero
// Creates a new Socket with the given socketType
// Sockets only must be used from a fixed OSThread. This may be achieved
// by conveniently using Thunk.NewOSThread() or by calling runtime.LockOSThread()
func (p lzmqContext) NewSocket(socketType int) (Socket, os.Error) {
	ptr := unsafe.Pointer(C.zmq_socket(unsafe.Pointer(p), C.int(socketType)))
	if IsCNullPtr(uintptr(ptr)) {
		return nil, p.Provider().GetError()
	return lzmqSocket(ptr), nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: zmq.go Proyecto: brunoqc/gozmq
// Create a new socket.
// void *zmq_socket (void *context, int type);
func (c *Context) NewSocket(t SocketType) (*Socket, error) {
	s, err := C.zmq_socket(c.c, C.int(t))
	// C.NULL is correct but causes a runtime failure on darwin at present
	if s != nil /*C.NULL*/ {
		return &Socket{c: c, s: s}, nil
	return nil, casterr(err)
Ejemplo n.º 5
Create 0MQ socket.

The Socket is not thread safe. This means that you cannot access the same Socket
from different goroutines without using something like a mutex.

For a description of socket types, see: http://api.zeromq.org/3-2:zmq-socket#toc3
func NewSocket(t Type) (soc *Socket, err error) {
	soc = &Socket{}
	s, e := C.zmq_socket(ctx, C.int(t))
	if s == nil {
		err = errget(e)
	} else {
		soc.soc = s
		runtime.SetFinalizer(soc, (*Socket).Close)
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Creates a new Socket of the specified type.
func (c *Context) Socket(socktype SocketType) (sock *Socket, err error) {
	ptr := C.zmq_socket(c.ctx, C.int(socktype))
	if ptr == nil {
		return nil, zmqerr()
	sock = &Socket{
		ctx:  c,
		sock: ptr,
Ejemplo n.º 7
Create 0MQ socket in the given context.

The Socket is not thread safe. This means that you cannot access the same Socket
from different goroutines without using something like a mutex.

For a description of socket types, see: http://api.zeromq.org/3-2:zmq-socket#toc3
func (ctx *Context) NewSocket(t Type) (soc *Socket, err error) {
	soc = &Socket{}
	s, e := C.zmq_socket(ctx.ctx, C.int(t))
	if s == nil {
		err = errget(e)
		soc.err = err
	} else {
		soc.soc = s
		soc.ctx = ctx
		soc.opened = true
		runtime.SetFinalizer(soc, (*Socket).Close)