Ejemplo n.º 1
// processAnnotations takes an *ssa.Package and a
// *importer.PackageInfo, and processes all of the
// llgo source annotations attached to each top-level
// function and global variable.
func (c *compiler) processAnnotations(u *unit, pkginfo *loader.PackageInfo) {
	members := make(map[types.Object]*LLVMValue, len(u.globals))
	for k, v := range u.globals {
		members[k.(ssa.Member).Object()] = v
	applyAttributes := func(attrs []Attribute, idents ...*ast.Ident) {
		if len(attrs) == 0 {
		for _, ident := range idents {
			if v := members[pkginfo.ObjectOf(ident)]; v != nil {
				for _, attr := range attrs {
	for _, f := range pkginfo.Files {
		for _, decl := range f.Decls {
			switch decl := decl.(type) {
			case *ast.FuncDecl:
				attrs := parseAttributes(decl.Doc)
				applyAttributes(attrs, decl.Name)
			case *ast.GenDecl:
				if decl.Tok != token.VAR {
				for _, spec := range decl.Specs {
					varspec := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec)
					attrs := parseAttributes(decl.Doc)
					applyAttributes(attrs, varspec.Names...)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// findInterestingNode classifies the syntax node denoted by path as one of:
//    - an expression, part of an expression or a reference to a constant
//      or variable;
//    - a type, part of a type, or a reference to a named type;
//    - a statement, part of a statement, or a label referring to a statement;
//    - part of a package declaration or import spec.
//    - none of the above.
// and returns the most "interesting" associated node, which may be
// the same node, an ancestor or a descendent.
func findInterestingNode(pkginfo *loader.PackageInfo, path []ast.Node) ([]ast.Node, action) {
	// TODO(adonovan): integrate with go/types/stdlib_test.go and
	// apply this to every AST node we can find to make sure it
	// doesn't crash.

	// TODO(adonovan): audit for ParenExpr safety, esp. since we
	// traverse up and down.

	// TODO(adonovan): if the users selects the "." in
	// "fmt.Fprintf()", they'll get an ambiguous selection error;
	// we won't even reach here.  Can we do better?

	// TODO(adonovan): describing a field within 'type T struct {...}'
	// describes the (anonymous) struct type and concludes "no methods".
	// We should ascend to the enclosing type decl, if any.

	for len(path) > 0 {
		switch n := path[0].(type) {
		case *ast.GenDecl:
			if len(n.Specs) == 1 {
				// Descend to sole {Import,Type,Value}Spec child.
				path = append([]ast.Node{n.Specs[0]}, path...)
			return path, actionUnknown // uninteresting

		case *ast.FuncDecl:
			// Descend to function name.
			path = append([]ast.Node{n.Name}, path...)

		case *ast.ImportSpec:
			return path, actionPackage

		case *ast.ValueSpec:
			if len(n.Names) == 1 {
				// Descend to sole Ident child.
				path = append([]ast.Node{n.Names[0]}, path...)
			return path, actionUnknown // uninteresting

		case *ast.TypeSpec:
			// Descend to type name.
			path = append([]ast.Node{n.Name}, path...)

		case ast.Stmt:
			return path, actionStmt

		case *ast.ArrayType,
			return path, actionType

		case *ast.Comment, *ast.CommentGroup, *ast.File, *ast.KeyValueExpr, *ast.CommClause:
			return path, actionUnknown // uninteresting

		case *ast.Ellipsis:
			// Continue to enclosing node.
			// e.g. [...]T in ArrayType
			//      f(x...) in CallExpr
			//      f(x...T) in FuncType

		case *ast.Field:
			// TODO(adonovan): this needs more thought,
			// since fields can be so many things.
			if len(n.Names) == 1 {
				// Descend to sole Ident child.
				path = append([]ast.Node{n.Names[0]}, path...)
			// Zero names (e.g. anon field in struct)
			// or multiple field or param names:
			// continue to enclosing field list.

		case *ast.FieldList:
			// Continue to enclosing node:
			// {Struct,Func,Interface}Type or FuncDecl.

		case *ast.BasicLit:
			if _, ok := path[1].(*ast.ImportSpec); ok {
				return path[1:], actionPackage
			return path, actionExpr

		case *ast.SelectorExpr:
			if pkginfo.ObjectOf(n.Sel) == nil {
				// TODO(adonovan): is this reachable?
				return path, actionUnknown
			// Descend to .Sel child.
			path = append([]ast.Node{n.Sel}, path...)

		case *ast.Ident:
			switch pkginfo.ObjectOf(n).(type) {
			case *types.PkgName:
				return path, actionPackage

			case *types.Const:
				return path, actionExpr

			case *types.Label:
				return path, actionStmt

			case *types.TypeName:
				return path, actionType

			case *types.Var:
				// For x in 'struct {x T}', return struct type, for now.
				if _, ok := path[1].(*ast.Field); ok {
					_ = path[2].(*ast.FieldList) // assertion
					if _, ok := path[3].(*ast.StructType); ok {
						return path[3:], actionType
				return path, actionExpr

			case *types.Func:
				// For f in 'interface {f()}', return the interface type, for now.
				if _, ok := path[1].(*ast.Field); ok {
					_ = path[2].(*ast.FieldList) // assertion
					if _, ok := path[3].(*ast.InterfaceType); ok {
						return path[3:], actionType
				return path, actionExpr

			case *types.Builtin:
				// For reference to built-in function, return enclosing call.
				path = path[1:] // ascend to enclosing function call

			case *types.Nil:
				return path, actionExpr

			// No object.
			switch path[1].(type) {
			case *ast.SelectorExpr:
				// Return enclosing selector expression.
				return path[1:], actionExpr

			case *ast.Field:
				// TODO(adonovan): test this.
				// e.g. all f in:
				//  struct { f, g int }
				//  interface { f() }
				//  func (f T) method(f, g int) (f, g bool)
				// switch path[3].(type) {
				// case *ast.FuncDecl:
				// case *ast.StructType:
				// case *ast.InterfaceType:
				// }
				// return path[1:], actionExpr
				// Unclear what to do with these.
				// Struct.Fields             -- field
				// Interface.Methods         -- field
				// FuncType.{Params.Results} -- actionExpr
				// FuncDecl.Recv             -- actionExpr

			case *ast.File:
				// 'package foo'
				return path, actionPackage

			case *ast.ImportSpec:
				// TODO(adonovan): fix: why no package object? go/types bug?
				return path[1:], actionPackage

				// e.g. blank identifier (go/types bug?)
				// or y in "switch y := x.(type)" (go/types bug?)
				// or code in a _test.go file that's not part of the package.
				fmt.Printf("unknown reference %s in %T\n", n, path[1])
				return path, actionUnknown

		case *ast.StarExpr:
			if pkginfo.IsType(n) {
				return path, actionType
			return path, actionExpr

		case ast.Expr:
			// All Expr but {BasicLit,Ident,StarExpr} are
			// "true" expressions that evaluate to a value.
			return path, actionExpr

		// Ascend to parent.
		path = path[1:]

	return nil, actionUnknown // unreachable
Ejemplo n.º 3
// NewTransformer returns a transformer based on the specified template,
// a package containing "before" and "after" functions as described
// in the package documentation.
func NewTransformer(fset *token.FileSet, template *loader.PackageInfo, verbose bool) (*Transformer, error) {
	// Check the template.
	beforeSig := funcSig(template.Pkg, "before")
	if beforeSig == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no 'before' func found in template")
	afterSig := funcSig(template.Pkg, "after")
	if afterSig == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no 'after' func found in template")

	// TODO(adonovan): should we also check the names of the params match?
	if !types.Identical(afterSig, beforeSig) {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("before %s and after %s functions have different signatures",
			beforeSig, afterSig)

	templateFile := template.Files[0]
	for _, imp := range templateFile.Imports {
		if imp.Name != nil && imp.Name.Name == "." {
			// Dot imports are currently forbidden.  We
			// make the simplifying assumption that all
			// imports are regular, without local renames.
			//TODO document
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("dot-import (of %s) in template", imp.Path.Value)
	var beforeDecl, afterDecl *ast.FuncDecl
	for _, decl := range templateFile.Decls {
		if decl, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
			switch decl.Name.Name {
			case "before":
				beforeDecl = decl
			case "after":
				afterDecl = decl

	before, err := soleExpr(beforeDecl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("before: %s", err)
	after, err := soleExpr(afterDecl)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("after: %s", err)

	wildcards := make(map[*types.Var]bool)
	for i := 0; i < beforeSig.Params().Len(); i++ {
		wildcards[beforeSig.Params().At(i)] = true

	// checkExprTypes returns an error if Tb (type of before()) is not
	// safe to replace with Ta (type of after()).
	// Only superficial checks are performed, and they may result in both
	// false positives and negatives.
	// Ideally, we would only require that the replacement be assignable
	// to the context of a specific pattern occurrence, but the type
	// checker doesn't record that information and it's complex to deduce.
	// A Go type cannot capture all the constraints of a given expression
	// context, which may include the size, constness, signedness,
	// namedness or constructor of its type, and even the specific value
	// of the replacement.  (Consider the rule that array literal keys
	// must be unique.)  So we cannot hope to prove the safety of a
	// transformation in general.
	Tb := template.TypeOf(before)
	Ta := template.TypeOf(after)
	if types.AssignableTo(Tb, Ta) {
		// safe: replacement is assignable to pattern.
	} else if tuple, ok := Tb.(*types.Tuple); ok && tuple.Len() == 0 {
		// safe: pattern has void type (must appear in an ExprStmt).
	} else {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a safe replacement for %s", Ta, Tb)

	tr := &Transformer{
		fset:           fset,
		verbose:        verbose,
		wildcards:      wildcards,
		allowWildcards: true,
		seenInfos:      make(map[*types.Info]bool),
		importedObjs:   make(map[types.Object]*ast.SelectorExpr),
		before:         before,
		after:          after,

	// Combine type info from the template and input packages, and
	// type info for the synthesized ASTs too.  This saves us
	// having to book-keep where each ast.Node originated as we
	// construct the resulting hybrid AST.
	// TODO(adonovan): move type utility methods of PackageInfo to
	// types.Info, or at least into go/types.typeutil.
	tr.info.Info = types.Info{
		Types:      make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue),
		Defs:       make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
		Uses:       make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
		Selections: make(map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*types.Selection),
	mergeTypeInfo(&tr.info.Info, &template.Info)

	// Compute set of imported objects required by after().
	// TODO reject dot-imports in pattern
	ast.Inspect(after, func(n ast.Node) bool {
		if n, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
			if _, ok := tr.info.Selections[n]; !ok {
				// qualified ident
				obj := tr.info.Uses[n.Sel]
				tr.importedObjs[obj] = n
				return false // prune
		return true // recur

	return tr, nil