Ejemplo n.º 1
func TestNeighborHelloMessageReadWrite(t *testing.T) {
	Id1 := graph.NewID(1)
	Id2 := graph.NewID(2)
	rt1 := rt.NewRoutingTable()
	rt1.AddChannel(Id1, Id2, graph.NewEdgeID("1"), &rt.ChannelInfo{1, 1})
	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
	msg1 := &NeighborHelloMessage{RT: rt1}
	_, err := WriteMessage(b, msg1, 0, wire.SimNet)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Can't write message %v", err)
	_, msg2, _, err := ReadMessage(b, 0, wire.SimNet)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Can't read message %v", err)
	msg2c, ok := msg2.(*NeighborHelloMessage)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatalf("Can't convert to *NeighborHelloMessage")
	if msg2c.RT == nil {
		t.Fatal("After decoding RT should not be nil")
	if !msg2c.RT.HasChannel(Id1, Id2, graph.NewEdgeID("1")) {
		t.Errorf("msg2.RT.HasChannel(Id1, Id2) = false, want true")
	if !msg2c.RT.HasChannel(Id2, Id1, graph.NewEdgeID("1")) {
		t.Errorf("msg2.RT.HasChannel(Id2, Id1) = false, want true")
Ejemplo n.º 2
func TestNeighborHelloMessageEncodeDecode(t *testing.T) {
	Id1 := graph.NewID(1)
	Id2 := graph.NewID(2)
	rt1 := rt.NewRoutingTable()
	rt1.AddChannel(Id1, Id2, graph.NewEdgeID("1"), &rt.ChannelInfo{1, 1})
	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
	msg1 := NeighborHelloMessage{RT: rt1}
	err := msg1.Encode(b, 0)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Can't encode message ", err)
	msg2 := new(NeighborHelloMessage)
	err = msg2.Decode(b, 0)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Can't decode message ", err)
	if msg2.RT == nil {
		t.Fatal("After decoding RT should not be nil")
	if !msg2.RT.HasChannel(Id1, Id2, graph.NewEdgeID("1")) {
		t.Errorf("msg2.RT.HasChannel(Id1, Id2) = false, want true")
	if !msg2.RT.HasChannel(Id2, Id1, graph.NewEdgeID("1")) {
		t.Errorf("msg2.RT.HasChannel(Id2, Id1) = false, want true")
Ejemplo n.º 3
func getRoutingTable(ctxb context.Context, client lnrpc.LightningClient) (*rt.RoutingTable, error) {
	req := &lnrpc.ShowRoutingTableRequest{}
	resp, err := client.ShowRoutingTable(ctxb, req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	r := rt.NewRoutingTable()
	for _, channel := range resp.Channels {
			&rt.ChannelInfo{channel.Capacity, channel.Weight},
	return r, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
// handleFundingOpen processes the final message when the daemon is the
// responder to a single funder channel workflow. The SPV proofs supplied by
// the initiating node is verified, which if correct, marks the channel as open
// to the source peer.
func (f *fundingManager) handleFundingOpen(fmsg *fundingOpenMsg) {
	resCtx := f.activeReservations[fmsg.peer.id][fmsg.msg.ChannelID]

	// The channel initiator has claimed the channel is now open, so we'll
	// verify the contained SPV proof for validity.
	// TODO(roasbeef): send off to the spv proof verifier, in the routing
	// sub-module.

	// Now that we've verified the initiator's proof, we'll commit the
	// channel state to disk, and notify the source peer of a newly opened
	// channel.
	openChan, err := resCtx.reservation.FinalizeReservation()
	if err != nil {
		fndgLog.Errorf("unable to finalize reservation: %v", err)

	// The reservation has been completed, therefore we can stop tracking
	// it within our active reservations map.
	delete(f.activeReservations[fmsg.peer.id], fmsg.msg.ChannelID)

	fndgLog.Infof("FundingOpen: ChannelPoint(%v) with peerID(%v) is now open",
		resCtx.reservation.FundingOutpoint, fmsg.peer.id)

	// Notify the L3 routing manager of the newly active channel link.
	capacity := int64(resCtx.reservation.OurContribution().FundingAmount +
	vertex := hex.EncodeToString(fmsg.peer.addr.IdentityKey.SerializeCompressed())
			Cpt: capacity,

	// Finally, notify the target peer of the newly open channel.
	fmsg.peer.newChannels <- openChan
Ejemplo n.º 5
// handleFundingSignComplete processes the final message received in a single
// funder workflow. Once this message is processed, the funding transaction is
// broadcast. Once the funding transaction reaches a sufficient number of
// confirmations, a message is sent to the responding peer along with an SPV
// proofs of transaction inclusion.
func (f *fundingManager) handleFundingSignComplete(fmsg *fundingSignCompleteMsg) {
	chanID := fmsg.msg.ChannelID

	resCtx := f.activeReservations[fmsg.peer.id][chanID]

	// The remote peer has responded with a signature for our commitment
	// transaction. We'll verify the signature for validity, then commit
	// the state to disk as we can now open the channel.
	commitSig := fmsg.msg.CommitSignature.Serialize()
	if err := resCtx.reservation.CompleteReservation(nil, commitSig); err != nil {
		fndgLog.Errorf("unable to complete reservation sign complete: %v", err)
		resCtx.err <- err

	fundingPoint := resCtx.reservation.FundingOutpoint()
	fndgLog.Infof("Finalizing pendingID(%v) over ChannelPoint(%v), "+
		"waiting for channel open on-chain", chanID, fundingPoint)

	// Send an update to the upstream client that the negotiation process
	// is over.
	// TODO(roasbeef): add abstraction over updates to accomdate
	// long-polling, or SSE, etc.
	resCtx.updates <- &lnrpc.OpenStatusUpdate{
		Update: &lnrpc.OpenStatusUpdate_ChanPending{
			ChanPending: &lnrpc.PendingUpdate{
				Txid: fundingPoint.Hash[:],

	// Spawn a goroutine which will send the newly open channel to the
	// source peer once the channel is open. A channel is considered "open"
	// once it reaches a sufficient number of confirmations.
	// TODO(roasbeef): semaphore to limit active chan open goroutines
	go func() {
		select {
		// TODO(roasbeef): need to persist pending broadcast channels,
		// send chan open proof during scan of blocks mined while down.
		case openChan := <-resCtx.reservation.DispatchChan():
			// This reservation is no longer pending as the funding
			// transaction has been fully confirmed.
			delete(f.activeReservations[fmsg.peer.id], chanID)

			fndgLog.Infof("ChannelPoint(%v) with peerID(%v) is now active",
				fundingPoint, fmsg.peer.id)

			// Now that the channel is open, we need to notify a
			// number of parties of this event.

			// First we send the newly opened channel to the source
			// server peer.
			fmsg.peer.newChannels <- openChan

			// Next, we queue a message to notify the remote peer
			// that the channel is open. We additionally provide an
			// SPV proof allowing them to verify the transaction
			// inclusion.
			// TODO(roasbeef): obtain SPV proof from sub-system.
			//  * ChainNotifier constructs proof also?
			spvProof := []byte("fake proof")
			fundingOpen := lnwire.NewSingleFundingOpenProof(chanID, spvProof)
			fmsg.peer.queueMsg(fundingOpen, nil)

			// Register the new link with the L3 routing manager
			// so this new channel can be utilized during path
			// finding.
			chanInfo := openChan.StateSnapshot()
			capacity := int64(chanInfo.LocalBalance + chanInfo.RemoteBalance)
			pubSerialized := fmsg.peer.addr.IdentityKey.SerializeCompressed()
			vertex := hex.EncodeToString(pubSerialized)
					Cpt: capacity,

			// Finally give the caller a final update notifying
			// them that the channel is now open.
			// TODO(roasbeef): helper funcs for proto construction
			resCtx.updates <- &lnrpc.OpenStatusUpdate{
				Update: &lnrpc.OpenStatusUpdate_ChanOpen{
					ChanOpen: &lnrpc.ChannelOpenUpdate{
						ChannelPoint: &lnrpc.ChannelPoint{
							FundingTxid: fundingPoint.Hash[:],
							OutputIndex: fundingPoint.Index,
		case <-f.quit:
Ejemplo n.º 6
// handleUnregisterLink unregisters a currently active link. If the deletion of
// this link leaves the interface empty, then the interface entry itself is
// also deleted.
func (h *htlcSwitch) handleUnregisterLink(req *unregisterLinkMsg) {
	hswcLog.Infof("unregistering active link, interface=%v, chan_point=%v",
		hex.EncodeToString(req.chanInterface[:]), req.chanPoint)

	chanInterface := req.chanInterface

	links := h.interfaces[chanInterface]

	// A request with a nil channel point indicates that all the current
	// links for this channel should be cleared.
	chansRemoved := make([]*wire.OutPoint, 0, len(links))
	if req.chanPoint == nil {
		hswcLog.Infof("purging all active links for interface %v",

		for _, link := range links {
			delete(h.chanIndex, *link.chanPoint)

			chansRemoved = append(chansRemoved, link.chanPoint)
		links = nil
	} else {
		delete(h.chanIndex, *req.chanPoint)

		for i := 0; i < len(links); i++ {
			chanLink := links[i]
			if chanLink.chanPoint == req.chanPoint {
				chansRemoved = append(chansRemoved, req.chanPoint)

				// We perform an in-place delete by sliding
				// every element down one, then slicing off the
				// last element. Additionally, we update the
				// slice reference within the source map to
				// ensure full deletion.
				copy(links[i:], links[i+1:])
				links[len(links)-1] = nil
				h.interfaces[chanInterface] = links[:len(links)-1]


	// Purge the now inactive channels from the routing table.
	// TODO(roasbeef): routing layer should only see the links as a
	// summation of their capacity/etc
	//  * distinction between connection close and channel close
	for _, linkChan := range chansRemoved {
		err := h.router.RemoveChannel(
		if err != nil {
			hswcLog.Errorf("unable to remove channel from "+
				"routing table: %v", err)

	// TODO(roasbeef): clean up/modify onion links
	//  * just have the interfaces index be keyed on hash160?

	if len(links) == 0 {
		hswcLog.Infof("interface %v has no active links, destroying",
		delete(h.interfaces, chanInterface)

	if req.done != nil {
		req.done <- struct{}{}