Ejemplo n.º 1
func createParents(path string) error {
	parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
	pth := ""
	for _, p := range parts[1:] {
		pth += "/" + p
		_, err := zookeeper.Create(pth, []byte{}, 0, gozk.WorldACL(gozk.PermAll))
		if err != nil && err != gozk.ErrNodeExists {
			return err
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// RegionLeader block indefinitely until this invocation has been elected the "leader" within the local operating region.
// It will then return a channel that will eventually be closed when leadership is rescinded.
func RegionLeader(id string) Leader {
	path := fmt.Sprintf(regionLeaderPath, id)
	prefix := path + "/lock-"
	var lockNode string

	for {
		// create our lock node -- retry until this is done, use exponential backoff
		// to add some delay between attempts
		b := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
		b.InitialInterval = backoffInitialInterval
		b.MaxInterval = backoffMaxInterval
		b.MaxElapsedTime = 0 // Never stop retrying

		backoff.RetryNotify(func() (err error) {
			log.Infof("[Sync:RegionLeader] Attepting to create ephemeral lock node for leadership election")
			lockNode, err = zookeeper.CreateProtectedEphemeralSequential(prefix, []byte{}, gozk.WorldACL(gozk.PermAll))

		}, b, func(err error, d time.Duration) {
			if err == gozk.ErrNoNode {
			} else if err != nil {
				log.Warnf("[Sync:RegionLeader] ZooKeeper error creating ephemeral lock node for leadership election: %s. Waiting %s", err, d)

		err := waitForWinner(path, lockNode)
		if err != nil {
			// try to cleanup - then go again
			zookeeper.Delete(lockNode, -1)

		// we are the leader

	log.Infof("[Sync:RegionLeader] Elected leader of '%v'", id)
	inst.Counter(1.0, "sync.regionleader.elected")

	return newRegionLeader(lockNode)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// RegionTimedLock attempts to achieve a regional lock on `id`, waiting for `waitFor` time in
// case of contention (before giving up) and reserving the lock for a maximum `holdFor`
// in the event of failing to Unlock()
func RegionTimedLock(id []byte, waitFor, holdFor time.Duration) (Lock, error) {
	// Ensure we are reaping

	if int64(holdFor) < int64(minRegionHoldFor) {
		return nil, ErrRegionHoldFor

	lockId := string(id) // we use []byte for function signature compatibility with the global lock

	// Our locks are namespaced per service
	path, err := constructLockPath(regionLockNamespace, lockId)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	log.Tracef("[Sync:RegionTimedLock] Attempting to acquire '%s'; held for %v", path, holdFor)

	// Create new lock which we will be lock()ed
	lock := &regionLock{
		zkLock: zk.NewLock(path, gozk.WorldACL(gozk.PermAll)),
	// Acquire a lock
	startTime := time.Now()
	err = lock.zkLock.Lock()
	inst.Timing(1.0, "sync.regionlock.acquire", time.Since(startTime))
	defaultReaper.addPath(path) // only add path to reaper AFTER we've acquired the lock (or not)

	if err == nil {
		log.Tracef("[Sync:RegionTimedLock] Successfully acquired '%s'", path)
		inst.Counter(1.0, "sync.regionlock.acquire.success")
	} else {
		log.Errorf("[Sync:RegionTimedLock] Failed to acquire '%s': %s", path, err.Error())
		inst.Counter(1.0, "sync.regionlock.acquire.failure")

	return lock, err
Ejemplo n.º 4
// RegionLeader block indefinitely until this invocation has been elected the "leader" within the local operating region.
// It will then return a channel that will eventually be closed when leadership is rescinded.
func RegionLeader(id string) Leader {
	path := fmt.Sprintf(regionLeaderPath, id)
	prefix := path + "/lock-"
	var lockNode string

	for {
		// create our lock node -- retry until this is done
		for {
			var err error
			lockNode, err = zookeeper.CreateProtectedEphemeralSequential(prefix, []byte{}, gozk.WorldACL(gozk.PermAll))
			if err == gozk.ErrNoNode {
			} else if err == nil {
			} else {
				log.Warnf("[Sync:RegionLeader] ZooKeeper error creating ephemeral lock node for leadership election: %s",

		err := waitForWinner(path, lockNode)
		if err != nil {
			// try to cleanup - then go again
			zookeeper.Delete(lockNode, -1)

		// we are the leader

	log.Infof("[Sync:RegionLeader] Elected leader of '%v'", id)
	inst.Counter(1.0, "sync.regionleader.elected")

	return newRegionLeader(lockNode)