Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: mock.go Proyecto: rht/ipget
// Mocks returns |n| connected mock Blockservices
func Mocks(n int) []*BlockService {
	net := tn.VirtualNetwork(mockrouting.NewServer(), delay.Fixed(0))
	sg := bitswap.NewTestSessionGenerator(net)

	instances := sg.Instances(n)

	var servs []*BlockService
	for _, i := range instances {
		servs = append(servs, New(i.Blockstore(), i.Exchange))
	return servs
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: bitswap.go Proyecto: rht/ipget
	// results.
	// TODO: if a 'non-nice' strategy is implemented, consider increasing this value
	maxProvidersPerRequest = 3
	providerRequestTimeout = time.Second * 10
	hasBlockTimeout        = time.Second * 15
	provideTimeout         = time.Second * 15
	sizeBatchRequestChan   = 32
	// kMaxPriority is the max priority as defined by the bitswap protocol
	kMaxPriority = math.MaxInt32

	HasBlockBufferSize    = 256
	provideKeysBufferSize = 2048
	provideWorkerMax      = 512

var rebroadcastDelay = delay.Fixed(time.Second * 10)

// New initializes a BitSwap instance that communicates over the provided
// BitSwapNetwork. This function registers the returned instance as the network
// delegate.
// Runs until context is cancelled.
func New(parent context.Context, p peer.ID, network bsnet.BitSwapNetwork,
	bstore blockstore.Blockstore, nice bool) exchange.Interface {

	// important to use provided parent context (since it may include important
	// loggable data). It's probably not a good idea to allow bitswap to be
	// coupled to the concerns of the IPFS daemon in this way.
	// FIXME(btc) Now that bitswap manages itself using a process, it probably
	// shouldn't accept a context anymore. Clients should probably use Close()
	// exclusively. We should probably find another way to share logging data
Ejemplo n.º 3
// NewServer returns a mockrouting Server
func NewServer() Server {
	return NewServerWithDelay(DelayConfig{
		ValueVisibility: delay.Fixed(0),
		Query:           delay.Fixed(0),