Ejemplo n.º 1
If docker.io is not responding to requests in a timely manner, this test suite will be adversely affected.

If you suspect such a situation, attempt pulling some openshift images other than ruby-20-centos7 or origin-custom-docker-builder
while this test is running and compare results.  Restarting your docker daemon, assuming you can ping docker.io quickly, could
be a quick fix.

var _ = g.BeforeSuite(func() {
	// do a pull initially just to insure have the latest version
	// save hex image IDs for image reset after corruption
	tags := []string{s2iDockBldr + ":latest", custBldr + ":latest"}
	hexIDs, ierr := exutil.GetImageIDForTags(tags)
	for _, hexID := range hexIDs {
		g.By(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s FORCE PULL TEST:  hex id %s ", time.Now().Format(time.RFC850), hexID))
	resetData = map[string]string{s2iDockBldr: hexIDs[0], custBldr: hexIDs[1]}
	g.By(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s FORCE PULL TEST:  hex id for s2i/docker %s and for custom %s ", time.Now().Format(time.RFC850), hexIDs[0], hexIDs[1]))

// TODO this seems like a weird restriction with segregated namespaces.  provide a better explanation of why this doesn't work
// we don't run in parallel with this suite - do not want different tests tagging the same image in different ways at the same time
var _ = g.Describe("builds: serial: ForcePull from OpenShift induced builds (vs. sti)", func() {
	defer g.GinkgoRecover()
	var oc = exutil.NewCLI("force-pull-s2i", exutil.KubeConfigPath())

	g.JustBeforeEach(func() {
Ejemplo n.º 2
package compose_test

import (


func TestCompose(t *testing.T) {
	macchiato.RunSpecs(t, "Compose Suite")

var (
	pwd string

var _ = ginkgo.BeforeSuite(func() {
	p, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
	pwd = p