Ejemplo n.º 1
// makeDeployerPod creates a pod which implements deployment behavior. The pod is correlated to
// the deployment with an annotation.
func (c *DeploymentController) makeDeployerPod(deployment *kapi.ReplicationController) (*kapi.Pod, error) {
	deploymentConfig, err := c.decodeConfig(deployment)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	container, err := c.makeContainer(&deploymentConfig.Template.Strategy)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Add deployment environment variables to the container.
	envVars := []kapi.EnvVar{}
	for _, env := range container.Env {
		envVars = append(envVars, env)
	envVars = append(envVars, kapi.EnvVar{Name: "OPENSHIFT_DEPLOYMENT_NAME", Value: deployment.Name})
	envVars = append(envVars, kapi.EnvVar{Name: "OPENSHIFT_DEPLOYMENT_NAMESPACE", Value: deployment.Namespace})

	// Assigning to a variable since its address is required
	maxDeploymentDurationSeconds := deployapi.MaxDeploymentDurationSeconds

	pod := &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name: deployutil.DeployerPodNameForDeployment(deployment.Name),
			Annotations: map[string]string{
				deployapi.DeploymentAnnotation: deployment.Name,
			Labels: map[string]string{
				deployapi.DeployerPodForDeploymentLabel: deployment.Name,
		Spec: kapi.PodSpec{
			Containers: []kapi.Container{
					Name:      "deployment",
					Command:   container.Command,
					Args:      container.Args,
					Image:     container.Image,
					Env:       envVars,
					Resources: deploymentConfig.Template.Strategy.Resources,
			ActiveDeadlineSeconds: &maxDeploymentDurationSeconds,
			// Setting the node selector on the deployer pod so that it is created
			// on the same set of nodes as the pods.
			NodeSelector:   deployment.Spec.Template.Spec.NodeSelector,
			RestartPolicy:  kapi.RestartPolicyNever,
			ServiceAccount: c.serviceAccount,

	pod.Spec.Containers[0].ImagePullPolicy = kapi.PullIfNotPresent

	return pod, nil
func okPod(deployment *kapi.ReplicationController) *kapi.Pod {
	return &kapi.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name: deployutil.DeployerPodNameForDeployment(deployment.Name),
			Annotations: map[string]string{
				deployapi.DeploymentAnnotation: deployment.Name,
		Status: kapi.PodStatus{
			ContainerStatuses: []kapi.ContainerStatus{
// TestHandle_orphanedPod ensures that deployer pods associated with a non-
// existent deployment results in all deployer pods being deleted.
func TestHandle_orphanedPod(t *testing.T) {
	deleted := kutil.NewStringSet()
	controller := &DeployerPodController{
		deploymentClient: &deploymentClientImpl{
			updateDeploymentFunc: func(namespace string, deployment *kapi.ReplicationController) (*kapi.ReplicationController, error) {
				t.Fatalf("Unexpected deployment update")
				return nil, nil
			getDeploymentFunc: func(namespace, name string) (*kapi.ReplicationController, error) {
				return nil, kerrors.NewNotFound("ReplicationController", name)
		deployerPodsFor: func(namespace, name string) (*kapi.PodList, error) {
			mkpod := func(suffix string) kapi.Pod {
				deployment, _ := deployutil.MakeDeployment(deploytest.OkDeploymentConfig(1), kapi.Codec)
				p := okPod(deployment)
				p.Name = p.Name + suffix
				return *p
			return &kapi.PodList{
				Items: []kapi.Pod{
			}, nil
		deletePod: func(namespace, name string) error {
			return nil

	deployment, _ := deployutil.MakeDeployment(deploytest.OkDeploymentConfig(1), kapi.Codec)
	err := controller.Handle(runningPod(deployment))

	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	deployerName := deployutil.DeployerPodNameForDeployment(deployment.Name)
	if !deleted.HasAll(deployerName, deployerName+"-prehook", deployerName+"-posthook") {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected deleted names: %v", deleted.List())
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Handle processes deployment and either creates a deployer pod or responds
// to a terminal deployment status.
func (c *DeploymentController) Handle(deployment *kapi.ReplicationController) error {
	currentStatus := deployutil.DeploymentStatusFor(deployment)
	nextStatus := currentStatus

	switch currentStatus {
	case deployapi.DeploymentStatusNew:
		// If the deployment has been cancelled, don't create a deployer pod, and
		// transition to failed immediately.
		if deployutil.IsDeploymentCancelled(deployment) {
			nextStatus = deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed

		// Generate a deployer pod spec.
		podTemplate, err := c.makeDeployerPod(deployment)
		if err != nil {
			return fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't make deployer pod for %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err))

		// Create the deployer pod.
		deploymentPod, err := c.podClient.createPod(deployment.Namespace, podTemplate)
		if err == nil {
			deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentPodAnnotation] = deploymentPod.Name
			nextStatus = deployapi.DeploymentStatusPending
			glog.V(4).Infof("Created pod %s for deployment %s", deploymentPod.Name, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))

		// Retry on error.
		if !kerrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
			c.recorder.Eventf(deployment, "failedCreate", "Error creating deployer pod for %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)
			return fmt.Errorf("couldn't create deployer pod for %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)

		// If the pod already exists, it's possible that a previous CreatePod
		// succeeded but the deployment state update failed and now we're re-
		// entering. Ensure that the pod is the one we created by verifying the
		// annotation on it, and throw a retryable error.
		existingPod, err := c.podClient.getPod(deployment.Namespace, deployutil.DeployerPodNameForDeployment(deployment.Name))
		if err != nil {
			c.recorder.Eventf(deployment, "failedCreate", "Error getting existing deployer pod for %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)
			return fmt.Errorf("couldn't fetch existing deployer pod for %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)

		// Do a stronger check to validate that the existing deployer pod is
		// actually for this deployment, and if not, fail this deployment.
		// TODO: Investigate checking the container image of the running pod and
		// comparing with the intended deployer pod image. If we do so, we'll need
		// to ensure that changes to 'unrelated' pods don't result in updates to
		// the deployment. So, the image check will have to be done in other areas
		// of the code as well.
		if deployutil.DeploymentNameFor(existingPod) != deployment.Name {
			nextStatus = deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed
			deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusReasonAnnotation] = deployapi.DeploymentFailedUnrelatedDeploymentExists
			c.recorder.Eventf(deployment, "failedCreate", "Error creating deployer pod for %s since another pod with the same name (%q) exists", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), existingPod.Name)
			glog.V(2).Infof("Couldn't create deployer pod for %s since an unrelated pod with the same name (%q) exists", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), existingPod.Name)

		// Update to pending relative to the existing validated deployer pod.
		deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentPodAnnotation] = existingPod.Name
		nextStatus = deployapi.DeploymentStatusPending
		glog.V(4).Infof("Detected existing deployer pod %s for deployment %s", existingPod.Name, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))
	case deployapi.DeploymentStatusPending, deployapi.DeploymentStatusRunning:
		// If the deployer pod has vanished, consider the deployment a failure.
		deployerPodName := deployutil.DeployerPodNameForDeployment(deployment.Name)
		if _, err := c.podClient.getPod(deployment.Namespace, deployerPodName); err != nil {
			if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
				nextStatus = deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed
				deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusAnnotation] = string(nextStatus)
				deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusReasonAnnotation] = deployapi.DeploymentFailedDeployerPodNoLongerExists
				c.recorder.Eventf(deployment, "failed", "Deployer pod %q has gone missing", deployerPodName)
				glog.V(4).Infof("Failing deployment %q because its deployer pod %q disappeared", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), deployerPodName)
			} else {
				// We'll try again later on resync. Continue to process cancellations.
				glog.V(2).Infof("Error getting deployer pod %s for deployment %s: %#v", deployerPodName, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)

		// If the deployment is cancelled, terminate any deployer/hook pods.
		// NOTE: Do not mark the deployment as Failed just yet.
		// The deployment will be marked as Failed by the deployer pod controller
		// when the deployer pod failure state is picked up
		// Also, it will scale down the failed deployment and scale back up
		// the last successful completed deployment
		if deployutil.IsDeploymentCancelled(deployment) {
			deployerPods, err := c.podClient.getDeployerPodsFor(deployment.Namespace, deployment.Name)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("couldn't fetch deployer pods for %s while trying to cancel deployment: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)
			glog.V(4).Infof("Cancelling %d deployer pods for deployment %s", len(deployerPods), deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))
			zeroDelay := int64(1)
			for _, deployerPod := range deployerPods {
				// Set the ActiveDeadlineSeconds on the pod so it's terminated very soon.
				if deployerPod.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds == nil || *deployerPod.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds != zeroDelay {
					deployerPod.Spec.ActiveDeadlineSeconds = &zeroDelay
					if _, err := c.podClient.updatePod(deployerPod.Namespace, &deployerPod); err != nil {
						c.recorder.Eventf(deployment, "failedCancellation", "Error cancelling deployer pod %s for deployment %s: %v", deployerPod.Name, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)
						return fmt.Errorf("couldn't cancel deployer pod %s for deployment %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)
					glog.V(4).Infof("Cancelled deployer pod %s for deployment %s", deployerPod.Name, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))
			c.recorder.Eventf(deployment, "cancelled", "Cancelled deployment")
	case deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed:
		// Nothing to do in this terminal state.
		glog.V(4).Infof("Ignoring deployment %s (status %s)", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), currentStatus)
	case deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete:
		// now list any pods in the namespace that have the specified label
		deployerPods, err := c.podClient.getDeployerPodsFor(deployment.Namespace, deployment.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("couldn't fetch deployer pods for %s after successful completion: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Deleting %d deployer pods for deployment %s", len(deployerPods), deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))
		cleanedAll := true
		for _, deployerPod := range deployerPods {
			if err := c.podClient.deletePod(deployerPod.Namespace, deployerPod.Name); err != nil {
				if !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
					// if the pod deletion failed, then log the error and continue
					// we will try to delete any remaining deployer pods and return an error later
					kutil.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("couldn't delete completed deployer pod %s/%s for deployment %s: %v", deployment.Namespace, deployerPod.Name, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err))
					cleanedAll = false
				// Already deleted
			} else {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Deleted completed deployer pod %s/%s for deployment %s", deployment.Namespace, deployerPod.Name, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))

		if !cleanedAll {
			return fmt.Errorf("couldn't clean up all deployer pods for %s", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))

	if currentStatus != nextStatus {
		deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusAnnotation] = string(nextStatus)
		if _, err := c.deploymentClient.updateDeployment(deployment.Namespace, deployment); err != nil {
			c.recorder.Eventf(deployment, "failedUpdate", "Error updating deployment %s status to %s", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), nextStatus)
			return fmt.Errorf("couldn't update deployment %s to status %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), nextStatus, err)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Updated deployment %s status from %s to %s", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), currentStatus, nextStatus)
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Handle syncs pod's status with any associated deployment.
func (c *DeployerPodController) Handle(pod *kapi.Pod) error {
	// Find the deployment associated with the deployer pod.
	deploymentName := deployutil.DeploymentNameFor(pod)
	if len(deploymentName) == 0 {
		return nil
	// Reject updates to anything but the main deployer pod
	// TODO: Find a way to filter this on the watch side.
	if pod.Name != deployutil.DeployerPodNameForDeployment(deploymentName) {
		return nil

	deployment, err := c.deploymentClient.getDeployment(pod.Namespace, deploymentName)
	// If the deployment for this pod has disappeared, we should clean up this
	// and any other deployer pods, then bail out.
	if err != nil {
		// Some retrieval error occured. Retry.
		if !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get deployment %s/%s which owns deployer pod %s/%s", pod.Namespace, deploymentName, pod.Name, pod.Namespace)
		// Find all the deployer pods for the deployment (including this one).
		deployers, err := c.deployerPodsFor(pod.Namespace, deploymentName)
		if err != nil {
			// Retry.
			return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get deployer pods for %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)
		// Delete all deployers.
		for _, deployer := range deployers.Items {
			err := c.deletePod(deployer.Namespace, deployer.Name)
			if err != nil {
				if !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
					// TODO: Should this fire an event?
					glog.V(2).Infof("Couldn't delete orphaned deployer pod %s/%s: %v", deployer.Namespace, deployer.Name, err)
			} else {
				// TODO: Should this fire an event?
				glog.V(2).Infof("Deleted orphaned deployer pod %s/%s", deployer.Namespace, deployer.Name)
		return nil

	currentStatus := deployutil.DeploymentStatusFor(deployment)
	nextStatus := currentStatus

	switch pod.Status.Phase {
	case kapi.PodRunning:
		nextStatus = deployapi.DeploymentStatusRunning
	case kapi.PodSucceeded:
		// Detect failure based on the container state
		nextStatus = deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete
		for _, info := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
			if info.State.Termination != nil && info.State.Termination.ExitCode != 0 {
				nextStatus = deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed
	case kapi.PodFailed:
		// if the deployment is already marked Failed, do not attempt clean up again
		if currentStatus != deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed {
			// clean up will also update the deployment status to Failed
			// failure to clean up will result in retries and
			// the deployment will not be marked Failed
			// Note: this will prevent new deployments from being created for this config
			err := c.cleanupFailedDeployment(deployment)
			if err != nil {
				return transientError(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't clean up failed deployment: %v", err))

	if currentStatus != nextStatus {
		deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusAnnotation] = string(nextStatus)
		if _, err := c.deploymentClient.updateDeployment(deployment.Namespace, deployment); err != nil {
			if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
				return nil
			return fmt.Errorf("couldn't update Deployment %s to status %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), nextStatus, err)
		glog.V(4).Infof("Updated Deployment %s status from %s to %s", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), currentStatus, nextStatus)

	return nil