Ejemplo n.º 1
// TestSigCacheAddEvictEntry tests the eviction case where a new signature
// triplet is added to a full signature cache which should trigger randomized
// eviction, followed by adding the new element to the cache.
func TestSigCacheAddEvictEntry(t *testing.T) {
	// Create a sigcache that can hold up to 100 entries.
	sigCacheSize := uint(100)
	sigCache := NewSigCache(sigCacheSize)

	// Fill the sigcache up with some random sig triplets.
	for i := uint(0); i < sigCacheSize; i++ {
		msg, sig, key, err := genRandomSig()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unable to generate random signature test data")

		sigCache.Add(*msg, sig, key)

		sigCopy, _ := btcec.ParseSignature(sig.Serialize(), btcec.S256())
		keyCopy, _ := btcec.ParsePubKey(key.SerializeCompressed(), btcec.S256())
		if !sigCache.Exists(*msg, sigCopy, keyCopy) {
			t.Errorf("previously added item not found in signature" +

	// The sigcache should now have sigCacheSize entries within it.
	if uint(len(sigCache.validSigs)) != sigCacheSize {
		t.Fatalf("sigcache should now have %v entries, instead it has %v",
			sigCacheSize, len(sigCache.validSigs))

	// Add a new entry, this should cause eviction of a randomly chosen
	// previous entry.
	msgNew, sigNew, keyNew, err := genRandomSig()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to generate random signature test data")
	sigCache.Add(*msgNew, sigNew, keyNew)

	// The sigcache should still have sigCache entries.
	if uint(len(sigCache.validSigs)) != sigCacheSize {
		t.Fatalf("sigcache should now have %v entries, instead it has %v",
			sigCacheSize, len(sigCache.validSigs))

	// The entry added above should be found within the sigcache.
	sigNewCopy, _ := btcec.ParseSignature(sigNew.Serialize(), btcec.S256())
	keyNewCopy, _ := btcec.ParsePubKey(keyNew.SerializeCompressed(), btcec.S256())
	if !sigCache.Exists(*msgNew, sigNewCopy, keyNewCopy) {
		t.Fatalf("previously added item not found in signature cache")
Ejemplo n.º 2
// handleFundingResponse processes a response to the workflow initiation sent
// by the remote peer. This message then queues a message with the funding
// outpoint, and a commitment signature to the remote peer.
func (f *fundingManager) handleFundingResponse(fmsg *fundingResponseMsg) {
	msg := fmsg.msg
	sourcePeer := fmsg.peer

	resCtx := f.activeReservations[fmsg.peer.id][msg.ChannelID]

	fndgLog.Infof("Recv'd fundingResponse for pendingID(%v)", msg.ChannelID)

	// The remote node has responded with their portion of the channel
	// contribution. At this point, we can process their contribution which
	// allows us to construct and sign both the commitment transaction, and
	// the funding transaction.
	_, addrs, _, err := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(msg.DeliveryPkScript, activeNetParams.Params)
	if err != nil {
		fndgLog.Errorf("Unable to extract addresses from script: %v", err)
		resCtx.err <- err
	contribution := &lnwallet.ChannelContribution{
		FundingAmount:   0,
		MultiSigKey:     msg.ChannelDerivationPoint,
		CommitKey:       msg.CommitmentKey,
		DeliveryAddress: addrs[0],
		RevocationKey:   msg.RevocationKey,
		CsvDelay:        msg.CsvDelay,
	if err := resCtx.reservation.ProcessContribution(contribution); err != nil {
		fndgLog.Errorf("Unable to process contribution from %v: %v",
			sourcePeer, err)
		resCtx.err <- err

	// Now that we have their contribution, we can extract, then send over
	// both the funding out point and our signature for their version of
	// the commitment transaction to the remote peer.
	outPoint := resCtx.reservation.FundingOutpoint()
	_, sig := resCtx.reservation.OurSignatures()
	commitSig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(sig, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {
		fndgLog.Errorf("Unable to parse signature: %v", err)
		resCtx.err <- err

	// Register a new barrier for this channel to properly synchronize with
	// the peer's readHandler once the channel is open.
	fmsg.peer.barrierInits <- *outPoint

	fndgLog.Infof("Generated ChannelPoint(%v) for pendingID(%v)",
		outPoint, msg.ChannelID)

	revocationKey := resCtx.reservation.OurContribution().RevocationKey
	fundingComplete := lnwire.NewSingleFundingComplete(msg.ChannelID,
		outPoint, commitSig, revocationKey)
	sourcePeer.queueMsg(fundingComplete, nil)
Ejemplo n.º 3
// TestSigCacheAddMaxEntriesZeroOrNegative tests that if a sigCache is created
// with a max size <= 0, then no entries are added to the sigcache at all.
func TestSigCacheAddMaxEntriesZeroOrNegative(t *testing.T) {
	// Create a sigcache that can hold up to 0 entries.
	sigCache := NewSigCache(0)

	// Generate a random sigCache entry triplet.
	msg1, sig1, key1, err := genRandomSig()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unable to generate random signature test data")

	// Add the triplet to the signature cache.
	sigCache.Add(*msg1, sig1, key1)

	// The generated triplet should not be found.
	sig1Copy, _ := btcec.ParseSignature(sig1.Serialize(), btcec.S256())
	key1Copy, _ := btcec.ParsePubKey(key1.SerializeCompressed(), btcec.S256())
	if sigCache.Exists(*msg1, sig1Copy, key1Copy) {
		t.Errorf("previously added signature found in sigcache, but" +
			"shouldn't have been")

	// There shouldn't be any entries in the sigCache.
	if len(sigCache.validSigs) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("%v items found in sigcache, no items should have"+
			"been added", len(sigCache.validSigs))
Ejemplo n.º 4
// executeCooperativeClose executes the initial phase of a user-executed
// cooperative channel close. The channel state machine is transitioned to the
// closing phase, then our half of the closing witness is sent over to the
// remote peer.
func (p *peer) executeCooperativeClose(channel *lnwallet.LightningChannel) (*wire.ShaHash, error) {
	// Shift the channel state machine into a 'closing' state. This
	// generates a signature for the closing tx, as well as a txid of the
	// closing tx itself, allowing us to watch the network to determine
	// when the remote node broadcasts the fully signed closing
	// transaction.
	sig, txid, err := channel.InitCooperativeClose()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	chanPoint := channel.ChannelPoint()
	peerLog.Infof("Executing cooperative closure of "+
		"ChanPoint(%v) with peerID(%v), txid=%v", chanPoint, p.id, txid)

	// With our signature for the close tx generated, send the signature to
	// the remote peer instructing it to close this particular channel
	// point.
	// TODO(roasbeef): remove encoding redundancy
	closeSig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(sig, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	closeReq := lnwire.NewCloseRequest(chanPoint, closeSig)
	p.queueMsg(closeReq, nil)

	return txid, nil
Ejemplo n.º 5
// updateCommitTx signs, then sends an update to the remote peer adding a new
// commitment to their commitment chain which includes all the latest updates
// we've received+processed up to this point.
func (p *peer) updateCommitTx(state *commitmentState) (bool, error) {
	sigTheirs, logIndexTheirs, err := state.channel.SignNextCommitment()
	if err == lnwallet.ErrNoWindow {
		peerLog.Tracef("revocation window exhausted, unable to send %v",
		return false, nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return false, err

	parsedSig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(sigTheirs, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse sig: %v", err)

	commitSig := &lnwire.CommitSignature{
		ChannelPoint: state.chanPoint,
		CommitSig:    parsedSig,
		LogIndex:     uint64(logIndexTheirs),
	p.queueMsg(commitSig, nil)

	// Move all pending updates to the map of cleared HTLC's, clearing out
	// the set of pending updates.
	for _, update := range state.pendingBatch {
		// TODO(roasbeef): add parsed next-hop info to pending batch
		// for multi-hop forwarding
		state.clearedHTCLs[update.index] = update
	state.logCommitTimer = nil
	state.pendingBatch = nil

	return true, nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
// handleFundingComplete progresses the funding workflow when the daemon is on
// the responding side of a single funder workflow. Once this message has been
// processed, a signature is sent to the remote peer allowing it to broadcast
// the funding transaction, progressing the workflow into the final stage.
func (f *fundingManager) handleFundingComplete(fmsg *fundingCompleteMsg) {
	resCtx := f.activeReservations[fmsg.peer.id][fmsg.msg.ChannelID]

	// The channel initiator has responded with the funding outpoint of the
	// final funding transaction, as well as a signature for our version of
	// the commitment transaction. So at this point, we can validate the
	// inititator's commitment transaction, then send our own if it's valid.
	// TODO(roasbeef): make case (p vs P) consistent throughout
	fundingOut := fmsg.msg.FundingOutPoint
	chanID := fmsg.msg.ChannelID
	commitSig := fmsg.msg.CommitSignature.Serialize()
	fndgLog.Infof("completing pendingID(%v) with ChannelPoint(%v)",
		fmsg.msg.ChannelID, fundingOut,

	// Append a sighash type of SigHashAll to the signature as it's the
	// sighash type used implicitly within this type of channel for
	// commitment transactions.
	revokeKey := fmsg.msg.RevocationKey
	if err := resCtx.reservation.CompleteReservationSingle(revokeKey, fundingOut, commitSig); err != nil {
		// TODO(roasbeef): better error logging: peerID, channelID, etc.
		fndgLog.Errorf("unable to complete single reservation: %v", err)

	// With their signature for our version of the commitment transaction
	// verified, we can now send over our signature to the remote peer.
	// TODO(roasbeef): just have raw bytes in wire msg? avoids decoding
	// then decoding shortly afterwards.
	_, sig := resCtx.reservation.OurSignatures()
	ourCommitSig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(sig, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {
		fndgLog.Errorf("unable to parse signature: %v", err)

	// Register a new barrier for this channel to properly synchronize with
	// the peer's readHandler once the channel is open.
	fmsg.peer.barrierInits <- *fundingOut

	fndgLog.Infof("sending signComplete for pendingID(%v) over ChannelPoint(%v)",
		fmsg.msg.ChannelID, fundingOut)

	signComplete := lnwire.NewSingleFundingSignComplete(chanID, ourCommitSig)
	fmsg.peer.queueMsg(signComplete, nil)
Ejemplo n.º 7
// TestSigCacheAddExists tests the ability to add, and later check the
// existence of a signature triplet in the signature cache.
func TestSigCacheAddExists(t *testing.T) {
	sigCache := NewSigCache(200)

	// Generate a random sigCache entry triplet.
	msg1, sig1, key1, err := genRandomSig()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("unable to generate random signature test data")

	// Add the triplet to the signature cache.
	sigCache.Add(*msg1, sig1, key1)

	// The previously added triplet should now be found within the sigcache.
	sig1Copy, _ := btcec.ParseSignature(sig1.Serialize(), btcec.S256())
	key1Copy, _ := btcec.ParsePubKey(key1.SerializeCompressed(), btcec.S256())
	if !sigCache.Exists(*msg1, sig1Copy, key1Copy) {
		t.Errorf("previously added item not found in signature cache")
Ejemplo n.º 8
// This example demonstrates verifying a secp256k1 signature against a public
// key that is first parsed from raw bytes.  The signature is also parsed from
// raw bytes.
func Example_verifySignature() {
	// Decode hex-encoded serialized public key.
	pubKeyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("02a673638cb9587cb68ea08dbef685c" +
	if err != nil {
	pubKey, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(pubKeyBytes, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {

	// Decode hex-encoded serialized signature.
	sigBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("30450220090ebfb3690a0ff115bb1b38b" +
		"8b323a667b7653454f1bccb06d4bbdca42c2079022100ec95778b51e707" +

	if err != nil {
	signature, err := btcec.ParseSignature(sigBytes, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {

	// Verify the signature for the message using the public key.
	message := "test message"
	messageHash := chainhash.DoubleHashB([]byte(message))
	verified := signature.Verify(messageHash, pubKey)
	fmt.Println("Signature Verified?", verified)

	// Output:
	// Signature Verified? true
Ejemplo n.º 9
	shaHash1Bytes, _ = hex.DecodeString("e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855")
	shaHash1, _      = wire.NewShaHash(shaHash1Bytes)
	outpoint1        = wire.NewOutPoint(shaHash1, 0)
	// echo | openssl sha256
	// This stuff gets reversed!!!
	shaHash2Bytes, _ = hex.DecodeString("01ba4719c80b6fe911b091a7c05124b64eeece964e09c058ef8f9805daca546b")
	shaHash2, _      = wire.NewShaHash(shaHash2Bytes)
	outpoint2        = wire.NewOutPoint(shaHash2, 1)
	// create inputs from outpoint1 and outpoint2
	inputs = []*wire.TxIn{wire.NewTxIn(outpoint1, nil, nil), wire.NewTxIn(outpoint2, nil, nil)}

	// Commitment Signature
	tx           = wire.NewMsgTx()
	emptybytes   = new([]byte)
	sigStr, _    = txscript.RawTxInSignature(tx, 0, *emptybytes, txscript.SigHashAll, privKey)
	commitSig, _ = btcec.ParseSignature(sigStr, btcec.S256())

	// Funding TX Sig 1
	sig1privKeyBytes, _ = hex.DecodeString("927f5827d75dd2addeb532c0fa5ac9277565f981dd6d0d037b422be5f60bdbef")
	sig1privKey, _      = btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(), sig1privKeyBytes)
	sigStr1, _          = txscript.RawTxInSignature(tx, 0, *emptybytes, txscript.SigHashAll, sig1privKey)
	commitSig1, _       = btcec.ParseSignature(sigStr1, btcec.S256())
	// Funding TX Sig 2
	sig2privKeyBytes, _ = hex.DecodeString("8a4ad188f6f4000495b765cfb6ffa591133a73019c45428ddd28f53bab551847")
	sig2privKey, _      = btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(btcec.S256(), sig2privKeyBytes)
	sigStr2, _          = txscript.RawTxInSignature(tx, 0, *emptybytes, txscript.SigHashAll, sig2privKey)
	commitSig2, _       = btcec.ParseSignature(sigStr2, btcec.S256())
	// Slice of Funding TX Sigs
	ptrFundingTXSigs = append(*new([]*btcec.Signature), commitSig1, commitSig2)

	// TxID
Ejemplo n.º 10
// handleFundingCounterPartySigs is the final step in the channel reservation
// workflow. During this step, we validate *all* the received signatures for
// inputs to the funding transaction. If any of these are invalid, we bail,
// and forcibly cancel this funding request. Additionally, we ensure that the
// signature we received from the counterparty for our version of the commitment
// transaction allows us to spend from the funding output with the addition of
// our signature.
func (l *LightningWallet) handleFundingCounterPartySigs(msg *addCounterPartySigsMsg) {
	res, ok := l.fundingLimbo[msg.pendingFundingID]
	if !ok {
		msg.err <- fmt.Errorf("attempted to update non-existant funding state")

	// Grab the mutex on the ChannelReservation to ensure thead-safety
	defer res.Unlock()

	// Now we can complete the funding transaction by adding their
	// signatures to their inputs.
	res.theirFundingInputScripts = msg.theirFundingInputScripts
	inputScripts := msg.theirFundingInputScripts
	fundingTx := res.fundingTx
	sigIndex := 0
	fundingHashCache := txscript.NewTxSigHashes(fundingTx)
	for i, txin := range fundingTx.TxIn {
		if len(inputScripts) != 0 && len(txin.Witness) == 0 {
			// Attach the input scripts so we can verify it below.
			txin.Witness = inputScripts[sigIndex].Witness
			txin.SignatureScript = inputScripts[sigIndex].ScriptSig

			// Fetch the alleged previous output along with the
			// pkscript referenced by this input.
			prevOut := txin.PreviousOutPoint
			output, err := l.chainIO.GetUtxo(&prevOut.Hash, prevOut.Index)
			if output == nil {
				msg.err <- fmt.Errorf("input to funding tx does not exist: %v", err)

			// Ensure that the witness+sigScript combo is valid.
			vm, err := txscript.NewEngine(output.PkScript,
				fundingTx, i, txscript.StandardVerifyFlags, nil,
				fundingHashCache, output.Value)
			if err != nil {
				// TODO(roasbeef): cancel at this stage if invalid sigs?
				msg.err <- fmt.Errorf("cannot create script engine: %s", err)
			if err = vm.Execute(); err != nil {
				msg.err <- fmt.Errorf("cannot validate transaction: %s", err)


	// At this point, we can also record and verify their signature for our
	// commitment transaction.
	res.theirCommitmentSig = msg.theirCommitmentSig
	commitTx := res.partialState.OurCommitTx
	theirKey := res.theirContribution.MultiSigKey

	// Re-generate both the witnessScript and p2sh output. We sign the
	// witnessScript script, but include the p2sh output as the subscript
	// for verification.
	witnessScript := res.partialState.FundingWitnessScript

	// Next, create the spending scriptSig, and then verify that the script
	// is complete, allowing us to spend from the funding transaction.
	theirCommitSig := msg.theirCommitmentSig
	channelValue := int64(res.partialState.Capacity)
	hashCache := txscript.NewTxSigHashes(commitTx)
	sigHash, err := txscript.CalcWitnessSigHash(witnessScript, hashCache,
		txscript.SigHashAll, commitTx, 0, channelValue)
	if err != nil {
		msg.err <- fmt.Errorf("counterparty's commitment signature is invalid: %v", err)

	// Verify that we've received a valid signature from the remote party
	// for our version of the commitment transaction.
	sig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(theirCommitSig, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {
		msg.err <- err
	} else if !sig.Verify(sigHash, theirKey) {
		msg.err <- fmt.Errorf("counterparty's commitment signature is invalid")
	res.partialState.OurCommitSig = theirCommitSig

	// Funding complete, this entry can be removed from limbo.
	delete(l.fundingLimbo, res.reservationID)

	walletLog.Infof("Broadcasting funding tx for ChannelPoint(%v): %v",
		res.partialState.FundingOutpoint, spew.Sdump(fundingTx))

	// Broacast the finalized funding transaction to the network.
	if err := l.PublishTransaction(fundingTx); err != nil {
		msg.err <- err

	// Add the complete funding transaction to the DB, in it's open bucket
	// which will be used for the lifetime of this channel.
	// TODO(roasbeef): revisit faul-tolerance of this flow
	nodeAddr := res.nodeAddr
	if err := res.partialState.FullSyncWithAddr(nodeAddr); err != nil {
		msg.err <- err

	// Create a goroutine to watch the chain so we can open the channel once
	// the funding tx has enough confirmations.
	go l.openChannelAfterConfirmations(res)

	msg.err <- nil
Ejemplo n.º 11
// handleSingleFunderSigs is called once the remote peer who initiated the
// single funder workflow has assembled the funding transaction, and generated
// a signature for our version of the commitment transaction. This method
// progresses the workflow by generating a signature for the remote peer's
// version of the commitment transaction.
func (l *LightningWallet) handleSingleFunderSigs(req *addSingleFunderSigsMsg) {
	pendingReservation, ok := l.fundingLimbo[req.pendingFundingID]
	if !ok {
		req.err <- fmt.Errorf("attempted to update non-existant funding state")

	// Grab the mutex on the ChannelReservation to ensure thead-safety
	defer pendingReservation.Unlock()

	pendingReservation.partialState.FundingOutpoint = req.fundingOutpoint
	pendingReservation.partialState.TheirCurrentRevocation = req.revokeKey
	pendingReservation.partialState.ChanID = req.fundingOutpoint
	fundingTxIn := wire.NewTxIn(req.fundingOutpoint, nil, nil)

	// Now that we have the funding outpoint, we can generate both versions
	// of the commitment transaction, and generate a signature for the
	// remote node's commitment transactions.
	ourCommitKey := pendingReservation.ourContribution.CommitKey
	theirCommitKey := pendingReservation.theirContribution.CommitKey
	ourBalance := pendingReservation.ourContribution.FundingAmount
	theirBalance := pendingReservation.theirContribution.FundingAmount
	ourCommitTx, err := CreateCommitTx(fundingTxIn, ourCommitKey, theirCommitKey,
		pendingReservation.ourContribution.CsvDelay, ourBalance, theirBalance)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	theirCommitTx, err := CreateCommitTx(fundingTxIn, theirCommitKey, ourCommitKey,
		req.revokeKey, pendingReservation.theirContribution.CsvDelay,
		theirBalance, ourBalance)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err

	// Sort both transactions according to the agreed upon cannonical
	// ordering. This ensures that both parties sign the same sighash
	// without further synchronization.
	pendingReservation.partialState.OurCommitTx = ourCommitTx

	witnessScript := pendingReservation.partialState.FundingWitnessScript
	channelValue := int64(pendingReservation.partialState.Capacity)
	hashCache := txscript.NewTxSigHashes(ourCommitTx)
	theirKey := pendingReservation.theirContribution.MultiSigKey
	ourKey := pendingReservation.partialState.OurMultiSigKey

	sigHash, err := txscript.CalcWitnessSigHash(witnessScript, hashCache,
		txscript.SigHashAll, ourCommitTx, 0, channelValue)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err

	// Verify that we've received a valid signature from the remote party
	// for our version of the commitment transaction.
	sig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(req.theirCommitmentSig, btcec.S256())
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	} else if !sig.Verify(sigHash, theirKey) {
		req.err <- fmt.Errorf("counterparty's commitment signature is invalid")
	pendingReservation.partialState.OurCommitSig = req.theirCommitmentSig

	// With their signature for our version of the commitment transactions
	// verified, we can now generate a signature for their version,
	// allowing the funding transaction to be safely broadcast.
	p2wsh, err := witnessScriptHash(witnessScript)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	signDesc := SignDescriptor{
		WitnessScript: witnessScript,
		PubKey:        ourKey,
		Output: &wire.TxOut{
			PkScript: p2wsh,
			Value:    channelValue,
		HashType:   txscript.SigHashAll,
		SigHashes:  txscript.NewTxSigHashes(theirCommitTx),
		InputIndex: 0,
	sigTheirCommit, err := l.Signer.SignOutputRaw(theirCommitTx, &signDesc)
	if err != nil {
		req.err <- err
	pendingReservation.ourCommitmentSig = sigTheirCommit

	req.err <- nil
Ejemplo n.º 12
// readElement is a one-stop utility function to deserialize any datastructure
// encoded using the serialization format of lnwire.
func readElement(r io.Reader, element interface{}) error {
	var err error
	switch e := element.(type) {
	case *uint8:
		var b [1]uint8
		if _, err := r.Read(b[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		*e = b[0]
	case *uint16:
		var b [2]byte
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		*e = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[:])
	case *ErrorCode:
		var b [2]byte
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		*e = ErrorCode(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b[:]))
	case *CreditsAmount:
		var b [8]byte
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		*e = CreditsAmount(int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[:])))
	case *uint32:
		var b [4]byte
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		*e = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[:])
	case *uint64:
		var b [8]byte
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		*e = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[:])
	case *HTLCKey:
		var b [8]byte
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		*e = HTLCKey(int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[:])))
	case *btcutil.Amount:
		var b [8]byte
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		*e = btcutil.Amount(int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b[:])))
	case **wire.ShaHash:
		var b wire.ShaHash
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		*e = &b
	case **btcec.PublicKey:
		var b [33]byte
		if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, b[:]); err != nil {
			return err

		pubKey, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(b[:], btcec.S256())
		if err != nil {
			return err
		*e = pubKey
	case *[]uint64:
		var numItems uint16
		if err := readElement(r, &numItems); err != nil {
			return err
		// if numItems > 65535 {
		// 	return fmt.Errorf("Too many items in []uint64")
		// }

		// Read the number of items
		var items []uint64
		for i := uint16(0); i < numItems; i++ {
			var item uint64
			err = readElement(r, &item)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			items = append(items, item)
		*e = items
	case *[]*btcec.Signature:
		var numSigs uint8
		err = readElement(r, &numSigs)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if numSigs > 127 {
			return fmt.Errorf("Too many signatures!")

		// Read that number of signatures
		var sigs []*btcec.Signature
		for i := uint8(0); i < numSigs; i++ {
			sig := new(btcec.Signature)
			err = readElement(r, &sig)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			sigs = append(sigs, sig)
		*e = sigs
		return nil
	case **btcec.Signature:
		sigBytes, err := wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, 73, "signature")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		sig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(sigBytes, btcec.S256())
		if err != nil {
			return err
		*e = sig
	case *[][32]byte:
		// How many to read
		var sliceSize uint16
		err = readElement(r, &sliceSize)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		data := make([][32]byte, 0, sliceSize)
		// Append the actual
		for i := uint16(0); i < sliceSize; i++ {
			var element [32]byte
			err = readElement(r, &element)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			data = append(data, element)
		*e = data
	case *[32]byte:
		if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, e[:]); err != nil {
			return err
	case *wire.BitcoinNet:
		var b [4]byte
		if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		*e = wire.BitcoinNet(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[:]))
		return nil
	case *[]byte:
		bytes, err := wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, MaxSliceLength, "byte slice")
		if err != nil {
			return err
		*e = bytes
	case *PkScript:
		pkScript, err := wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, 25, "pkscript")
		if err != nil {
			return err
		*e = pkScript
	case *string:
		str, err := wire.ReadVarString(r, 0)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		*e = str
	case *[]*wire.TxIn:
		// Read the size (1-byte number of txins)
		var numScripts uint8
		if err := readElement(r, &numScripts); err != nil {
			return err
		if numScripts > 127 {
			return fmt.Errorf("Too many txins")

		// Append the actual TxIns
		txins := make([]*wire.TxIn, 0, numScripts)
		for i := uint8(0); i < numScripts; i++ {
			outpoint := new(wire.OutPoint)
			txin := wire.NewTxIn(outpoint, nil, nil)
			if err := readElement(r, &txin); err != nil {
				return err
			txins = append(txins, txin)
		*e = txins
	case **wire.TxIn:
		// Hash
		var h [32]byte
		if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, h[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		hash, err := wire.NewShaHash(h[:])
		if err != nil {
			return err
		(*e).PreviousOutPoint.Hash = *hash

		// Index
		var idxBytes [4]byte
		_, err = io.ReadFull(r, idxBytes[:])
		if err != nil {
			return err
		(*e).PreviousOutPoint.Index = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(idxBytes[:])
		return nil
	case **wire.OutPoint:
		// TODO(roasbeef): consolidate with above
		var h [32]byte
		if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, h[:]); err != nil {
			return err
		hash, err := wire.NewShaHash(h[:])
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// Index
		var idxBytes [4]byte
		_, err = io.ReadFull(r, idxBytes[:])
		if err != nil {
			return err
		index := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(idxBytes[:])

		*e = wire.NewOutPoint(hash, index)
		return fmt.Errorf("Unknown type in readElement: %T", e)

	return nil