Ejemplo n.º 1
func (w *Walker) walkRegular(relPath string, info os.FileInfo, mtime time.Time, fchan chan protocol.FileInfo) error {
	curMode := uint32(info.Mode())
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && osutil.IsWindowsExecutable(relPath) {
		curMode |= 0111

	var currentVersion protocol.Vector
	if w.CurrentFiler != nil {
		// A file is "unchanged", if it
		//  - exists
		//  - has the same permissions as previously, unless we are ignoring permissions
		//  - was not marked deleted (since it apparently exists now)
		//  - had the same modification time as it has now
		//  - was not a directory previously (since it's a file now)
		//  - was not a symlink (since it's a file now)
		//  - was not invalid (since it looks valid now)
		//  - has the same size as previously
		cf, ok := w.CurrentFiler.CurrentFile(relPath)
		permUnchanged := w.IgnorePerms || !cf.HasPermissionBits() || PermsEqual(cf.Flags, curMode)
		if ok && permUnchanged && !cf.IsDeleted() && cf.Modified == mtime.Unix() && !cf.IsDirectory() &&
			!cf.IsSymlink() && !cf.IsInvalid() && cf.Size() == info.Size() {
			return nil
		currentVersion = cf.Version

		l.Debugln("rescan:", cf, mtime.Unix(), info.Mode()&os.ModePerm)

	var flags = curMode & uint32(maskModePerm)
	if w.IgnorePerms {
		flags = protocol.FlagNoPermBits | 0666

	f := protocol.FileInfo{
		Name:       relPath,
		Version:    currentVersion.Update(w.ShortID),
		Flags:      flags,
		Modified:   mtime.Unix(),
		CachedSize: info.Size(),
	l.Debugln("to hash:", relPath, f)

	select {
	case fchan <- f:
	case <-w.Cancel:
		return errors.New("cancelled")

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
func (w *walker) walkRegular(relPath string, info os.FileInfo, fchan chan protocol.FileInfo) error {
	curMode := uint32(info.Mode())
	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && osutil.IsWindowsExecutable(relPath) {
		curMode |= 0111

	// A file is "unchanged", if it
	//  - exists
	//  - has the same permissions as previously, unless we are ignoring permissions
	//  - was not marked deleted (since it apparently exists now)
	//  - had the same modification time as it has now
	//  - was not a directory previously (since it's a file now)
	//  - was not a symlink (since it's a file now)
	//  - was not invalid (since it looks valid now)
	//  - has the same size as previously
	cf, ok := w.CurrentFiler.CurrentFile(relPath)
	permUnchanged := w.IgnorePerms || !cf.HasPermissionBits() || PermsEqual(cf.Permissions, curMode)
	if ok && permUnchanged && !cf.IsDeleted() && cf.ModTime().Equal(info.ModTime()) && !cf.IsDirectory() &&
		!cf.IsSymlink() && !cf.IsInvalid() && cf.Size == info.Size() {
		return nil

	l.Debugln("rescan:", cf, info.ModTime().Unix(), info.Mode()&os.ModePerm)

	f := protocol.FileInfo{
		Name:          relPath,
		Type:          protocol.FileInfoTypeFile,
		Version:       cf.Version.Update(w.ShortID),
		Permissions:   curMode & uint32(maskModePerm),
		NoPermissions: w.IgnorePerms,
		ModifiedS:     info.ModTime().Unix(),
		ModifiedNs:    int32(info.ModTime().Nanosecond()),
		ModifiedBy:    w.ShortID,
		Size:          info.Size(),
	l.Debugln("to hash:", relPath, f)

	select {
	case fchan <- f:
	case <-w.Cancel:
		return errors.New("cancelled")

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (w *Walker) walkAndHashFiles(fchan, dchan chan protocol.FileInfo) filepath.WalkFunc {
	now := time.Now()
	return func(p string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		// Return value used when we are returning early and don't want to
		// process the item. For directories, this means do-not-descend.
		var skip error // nil
		// info nil when error is not nil
		if info != nil && info.IsDir() {
			skip = filepath.SkipDir

		if err != nil {
			if debug {
				l.Debugln("error:", p, info, err)
			return skip

		rn, err := filepath.Rel(w.Dir, p)
		if err != nil {
			if debug {
				l.Debugln("rel error:", p, err)
			return skip

		if rn == "." {
			return nil

		mtime := info.ModTime()
		if w.MtimeRepo != nil {
			mtime = w.MtimeRepo.GetMtime(rn, mtime)

		if w.TempNamer != nil && w.TempNamer.IsTemporary(rn) {
			// A temporary file
			if debug {
				l.Debugln("temporary:", rn)
			if info.Mode().IsRegular() && mtime.Add(w.TempLifetime).Before(now) {
				if debug {
					l.Debugln("removing temporary:", rn, mtime)
			return nil

		if sn := filepath.Base(rn); sn == ".stignore" || sn == ".stfolder" ||
			strings.HasPrefix(rn, ".stversions") || (w.Matcher != nil && w.Matcher.Match(rn)) {
			// An ignored file
			if debug {
				l.Debugln("ignored:", rn)
			return skip

		if !utf8.ValidString(rn) {
			l.Warnf("File name %q is not in UTF8 encoding; skipping.", rn)
			return skip

		var normalizedRn string
		if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
			// Mac OS X file names should always be NFD normalized.
			normalizedRn = norm.NFD.String(rn)
		} else {
			// Every other OS in the known universe uses NFC or just plain
			// doesn't bother to define an encoding. In our case *we* do care,
			// so we enforce NFC regardless.
			normalizedRn = norm.NFC.String(rn)

		if rn != normalizedRn {
			// The file name was not normalized.

			if !w.AutoNormalize {
				// We're not authorized to do anything about it, so complain and skip.

				l.Warnf("File name %q is not in the correct UTF8 normalization form; skipping.", rn)
				return skip

			// We will attempt to normalize it.
			normalizedPath := filepath.Join(w.Dir, normalizedRn)
			if _, err := osutil.Lstat(normalizedPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
				// Nothing exists with the normalized filename. Good.
				if err = os.Rename(p, normalizedPath); err != nil {
					l.Infof(`Error normalizing UTF8 encoding of file "%s": %v`, rn, err)
					return skip
				l.Infof(`Normalized UTF8 encoding of file name "%s".`, rn)
			} else {
				// There is something already in the way at the normalized
				// file name.
				l.Infof(`File "%s" has UTF8 encoding conflict with another file; ignoring.`, rn)
				return skip

			rn = normalizedRn

		var cf protocol.FileInfo
		var ok bool

		// Index wise symlinks are always files, regardless of what the target
		// is, because symlinks carry their target path as their content.
		if info.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
			// If the target is a directory, do NOT descend down there. This
			// will cause files to get tracked, and removing the symlink will
			// as a result remove files in their real location.
			if !symlinks.Supported {
				return skip

			// We always rehash symlinks as they have no modtime or
			// permissions. We check if they point to the old target by
			// checking that their existing blocks match with the blocks in
			// the index.

			target, targetType, err := symlinks.Read(p)
			if err != nil {
				if debug {
					l.Debugln("readlink error:", p, err)
				return skip

			blocks, err := Blocks(strings.NewReader(target), w.BlockSize, 0, nil)
			if err != nil {
				if debug {
					l.Debugln("hash link error:", p, err)
				return skip

			if w.CurrentFiler != nil {
				// A symlink is "unchanged", if
				//  - it exists
				//  - it wasn't deleted (because it isn't now)
				//  - it was a symlink
				//  - it wasn't invalid
				//  - the symlink type (file/dir) was the same
				//  - the block list (i.e. hash of target) was the same
				cf, ok = w.CurrentFiler.CurrentFile(rn)
				if ok && !cf.IsDeleted() && cf.IsSymlink() && !cf.IsInvalid() && SymlinkTypeEqual(targetType, cf) && BlocksEqual(cf.Blocks, blocks) {
					return skip

			f := protocol.FileInfo{
				Name:     rn,
				Version:  cf.Version.Update(w.ShortID),
				Flags:    uint32(protocol.FlagSymlink | protocol.FlagNoPermBits | 0666 | SymlinkFlags(targetType)),
				Modified: 0,
				Blocks:   blocks,

			if debug {
				l.Debugln("symlink changedb:", p, f)

			dchan <- f

			return skip

		if info.Mode().IsDir() {
			if w.CurrentFiler != nil {
				// A directory is "unchanged", if it
				//  - exists
				//  - has the same permissions as previously, unless we are ignoring permissions
				//  - was not marked deleted (since it apparently exists now)
				//  - was a directory previously (not a file or something else)
				//  - was not a symlink (since it's a directory now)
				//  - was not invalid (since it looks valid now)
				cf, ok = w.CurrentFiler.CurrentFile(rn)
				permUnchanged := w.IgnorePerms || !cf.HasPermissionBits() || PermsEqual(cf.Flags, uint32(info.Mode()))
				if ok && permUnchanged && !cf.IsDeleted() && cf.IsDirectory() && !cf.IsSymlink() && !cf.IsInvalid() {
					return nil

			flags := uint32(protocol.FlagDirectory)
			if w.IgnorePerms {
				flags |= protocol.FlagNoPermBits | 0777
			} else {
				flags |= uint32(info.Mode() & maskModePerm)
			f := protocol.FileInfo{
				Name:     rn,
				Version:  cf.Version.Update(w.ShortID),
				Flags:    flags,
				Modified: mtime.Unix(),
			if debug {
				l.Debugln("dir:", p, f)
			dchan <- f
			return nil

		if info.Mode().IsRegular() {
			curMode := uint32(info.Mode())
			if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && osutil.IsWindowsExecutable(rn) {
				curMode |= 0111

			if w.CurrentFiler != nil {
				// A file is "unchanged", if it
				//  - exists
				//  - has the same permissions as previously, unless we are ignoring permissions
				//  - was not marked deleted (since it apparently exists now)
				//  - had the same modification time as it has now
				//  - was not a directory previously (since it's a file now)
				//  - was not a symlink (since it's a file now)
				//  - was not invalid (since it looks valid now)
				//  - has the same size as previously
				cf, ok = w.CurrentFiler.CurrentFile(rn)
				permUnchanged := w.IgnorePerms || !cf.HasPermissionBits() || PermsEqual(cf.Flags, curMode)
				if ok && permUnchanged && !cf.IsDeleted() && cf.Modified == mtime.Unix() && !cf.IsDirectory() &&
					!cf.IsSymlink() && !cf.IsInvalid() && cf.Size() == info.Size() {
					return nil

				if debug {
					l.Debugln("rescan:", cf, mtime.Unix(), info.Mode()&os.ModePerm)

			var flags = curMode & uint32(maskModePerm)
			if w.IgnorePerms {
				flags = protocol.FlagNoPermBits | 0666

			f := protocol.FileInfo{
				Name:       rn,
				Version:    cf.Version.Update(w.ShortID),
				Flags:      flags,
				Modified:   mtime.Unix(),
				CachedSize: info.Size(),
			if debug {
				l.Debugln("to hash:", p, f)
			fchan <- f

		return nil