Ejemplo n.º 1
func (s *networkServerRPC) ValidateContext(ctx context.Context) error {
	md, ok := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return errors.NewErrInternal("Could not get metadata from context")
	var id, token string
	if ids, ok := md["id"]; ok && len(ids) == 1 {
		id = ids[0]
	if id == "" {
		return errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Metadata", "id missing")
	if tokens, ok := md["token"]; ok && len(tokens) == 1 {
		token = tokens[0]
	if token == "" {
		return errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Metadata", "token missing")
	var claims *jwt.StandardClaims
	claims, err := security.ValidateJWT(token, []byte(s.networkServer.(*networkServer).Identity.PublicKey))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if claims.Subject != id {
		return errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Metadata", "token was issued for a different component id")
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Decode decodes the payload using the Decoder function into a map
func (f *UplinkFunctions) Decode(payload []byte, port uint8) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	if f.Decoder == "" {
		return nil, errors.NewErrInternal("Decoder function not set")

	env := map[string]interface{}{
		"payload": payload,
		"port":    port,
	code := fmt.Sprintf(`
		Decoder(payload.slice(0), port);
	`, f.Decoder)

	value, err := functions.RunCode("decoder", code, env, timeOut, f.Logger)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if !value.IsObject() {
		return nil, errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Decoder", "does not return an object")

	v, _ := value.Export()
	m, ok := v.(map[string]interface{})
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Decoder", "does not return an object")
	return m, nil
Ejemplo n.º 3
func (r *routerRPC) gatewayFromMetadata(md metadata.MD) (gtw *gateway.Gateway, err error) {
	gatewayID, err := api.IDFromMetadata(md)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	token, _ := api.TokenFromMetadata(md)

	if !viper.GetBool("router.skip-verify-gateway-token") {
		if token == "" {
			return nil, errors.NewErrPermissionDenied("No gateway token supplied")
		if r.router.TokenKeyProvider == nil {
			return nil, errors.NewErrInternal("No token provider configured")
		claims, err := claims.FromToken(r.router.TokenKeyProvider, token)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.NewErrPermissionDenied(fmt.Sprintf("Gateway token invalid: %s", err.Error()))
		if claims.Type != "gateway" || claims.Subject != gatewayID {
			return nil, errors.NewErrPermissionDenied("Gateway token not consistent")

	gtw = r.router.getGateway(gatewayID)

	return gtw, nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
func (b *broker) getRouter(id string) (chan<- *pb.DownlinkMessage, error) {
	defer b.routersLock.RUnlock()
	if router, ok := b.routers[id]; ok {
		return router, nil
	return nil, errors.NewErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Router %s not active", id))
Ejemplo n.º 5
// ValidateNetworkContext validates the context of a network request (router-broker, broker-handler, etc)
func (c *Component) ValidateNetworkContext(ctx context.Context) (component *pb_discovery.Announcement, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {

	md, ok := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	if !ok {
		err = errors.NewErrInternal("Could not get metadata from context")
	var id, serviceName, token string
	if ids, ok := md["id"]; ok && len(ids) == 1 {
		id = ids[0]
	if id == "" {
		err = errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Metadata", "id missing")
	if serviceNames, ok := md["service-name"]; ok && len(serviceNames) == 1 {
		serviceName = serviceNames[0]
	if serviceName == "" {
		err = errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Metadata", "service-name missing")
	if tokens, ok := md["token"]; ok && len(tokens) == 1 {
		token = tokens[0]

	var announcement *pb_discovery.Announcement
	announcement, err = c.Discover(serviceName, id)
	if err != nil {

	if announcement.PublicKey == "" {
		return announcement, nil

	if token == "" {
		err = errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Metadata", "token missing")

	var claims *jwt.StandardClaims
	claims, err = security.ValidateJWT(token, []byte(announcement.PublicKey))
	if err != nil {
	if claims.Issuer != id {
		err = errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Metadata", "token was issued by different component id")

	return announcement, nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
func (b *broker) ActivateRouter(id string) (<-chan *pb.DownlinkMessage, error) {
	defer b.routersLock.Unlock()
	if existing, ok := b.routers[id]; ok {
		return existing, errors.NewErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Router %s already active", id))
	b.routers[id] = make(chan *pb.DownlinkMessage)
	return b.routers[id], nil
Ejemplo n.º 7
func (b *broker) getHandlerUplink(id string) (chan<- *pb.DeduplicatedUplinkMessage, error) {
	hdl := b.getHandler(id)
	defer hdl.Unlock()
	if hdl.uplink == nil {
		return nil, errors.NewErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Handler %s not active", id))
	return hdl.uplink, nil
Ejemplo n.º 8
func (b *broker) ActivateHandlerUplink(id string) (<-chan *pb.DeduplicatedUplinkMessage, error) {
	hdl := b.getHandler(id)
	defer hdl.Unlock()
	if hdl.uplink != nil {
		return hdl.uplink, errors.NewErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Handler %s already active", id))
	hdl.uplink = make(chan *pb.DeduplicatedUplinkMessage)
	return hdl.uplink, nil
Ejemplo n.º 9
func (b *broker) DeactivateRouter(id string) error {
	defer b.routersLock.Unlock()
	if channel, ok := b.routers[id]; ok {
		delete(b.routers, id)
		return nil
	return errors.NewErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Router %s not active", id))
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Get the frequency plan for the given region
func Get(region string) (frequencyPlan FrequencyPlan, err error) {
	switch region {
	case pb_lorawan.Region_EU_863_870.String():
		frequencyPlan.Band, err = lora.GetConfig(lora.EU_863_870, false, lorawan.DwellTimeNoLimit)
		// TTN uses SF9BW125 in RX2
		frequencyPlan.RX2DataRate = 3
		// TTN frequency plan includes extra channels next to the default channels:
		frequencyPlan.UplinkChannels = []lora.Channel{
			lora.Channel{Frequency: 868100000, DataRates: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
			lora.Channel{Frequency: 868300000, DataRates: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}}, // Also SF7BW250
			lora.Channel{Frequency: 868500000, DataRates: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
			lora.Channel{Frequency: 868800000, DataRates: []int{7}}, // FSK 50kbps
			lora.Channel{Frequency: 867100000, DataRates: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
			lora.Channel{Frequency: 867300000, DataRates: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
			lora.Channel{Frequency: 867500000, DataRates: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
			lora.Channel{Frequency: 867700000, DataRates: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
			lora.Channel{Frequency: 867900000, DataRates: []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}},
		frequencyPlan.DownlinkChannels = frequencyPlan.UplinkChannels
		frequencyPlan.CFList = &lorawan.CFList{867100000, 867300000, 867500000, 867700000, 867900000}
	case pb_lorawan.Region_US_902_928.String():
		frequencyPlan.Band, err = lora.GetConfig(lora.US_902_928, false, lorawan.DwellTime400ms)
	case pb_lorawan.Region_CN_779_787.String():
		err = errors.NewErrInternal("China 779-787 MHz band not supported")
	case pb_lorawan.Region_EU_433.String():
		err = errors.NewErrInternal("Europe 433 MHz band not supported")
	case pb_lorawan.Region_AU_915_928.String():
		frequencyPlan.Band, err = lora.GetConfig(lora.AU_915_928, false, lorawan.DwellTime400ms)
	case pb_lorawan.Region_CN_470_510.String():
		frequencyPlan.Band, err = lora.GetConfig(lora.CN_470_510, false, lorawan.DwellTimeNoLimit)
	case pb_lorawan.Region_AS_923.String():
		frequencyPlan.Band, err = lora.GetConfig(lora.AS_923, false, lorawan.DwellTime400ms)
	case pb_lorawan.Region_KR_920_923.String():
		frequencyPlan.Band, err = lora.GetConfig(lora.KR_920_923, false, lorawan.DwellTimeNoLimit)
		err = errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Frequency Band", "unknown")
	if err != nil {
Ejemplo n.º 11
func (b *broker) DeactivateHandlerUplink(id string) error {
	hdl := b.getHandler(id)
	defer hdl.Unlock()
	if hdl.uplink == nil {
		return errors.NewErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Handler %s not active", id))
	hdl.uplink = nil
	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 12
func RunCode(name, code string, env map[string]interface{}, timeout time.Duration, logger Logger) (otto.Value, error) {
	vm := otto.New()

	// load the environment
	for key, val := range env {
		vm.Set(key, val)

	if logger == nil {
		logger = Ignore

	vm.Set("__log", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		return otto.UndefinedValue()
	vm.Run("console.log = __log")

	var value otto.Value
	var err error

	start := time.Now()

	defer func() {
		duration := time.Since(start)
		if caught := recover(); caught != nil {
			if caught == errTimeOutExceeded {
				value = otto.Value{}
				err = errors.NewErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Interrupted javascript execution after %v", duration))
			// if this is not the our timeout interrupt, raise the panic again
			// so someone else can handle it

	vm.Interrupt = make(chan func(), 1)

	go func() {
		vm.Interrupt <- func() {
	val, err := vm.Run(code)

	return val, err
Ejemplo n.º 13
// UpdateTokenKey updates the OAuth Bearer token key
func (c *Component) UpdateTokenKey() error {
	if c.TokenKeyProvider == nil {
		return errors.NewErrInternal("No public key provider configured for token validation")

	// Set up Auth Server Token Validation
	err := c.TokenKeyProvider.Update()
	if err != nil {
		c.Ctx.Warnf("ttn: Failed to refresh public keys for token validation: %s", err.Error())
	} else {
		c.Ctx.Info("ttn: Got public keys for token validation")

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 14
// ValidateTTNAuthContext gets a token from the context and validates it
func (c *Component) ValidateTTNAuthContext(ctx context.Context) (*claims.Claims, error) {
	token, err := api.TokenFromContext(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if c.TokenKeyProvider == nil {
		return nil, errors.NewErrInternal("No token provider configured")

	claims, err := claims.FromToken(c.TokenKeyProvider, token)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewErrPermissionDenied(err.Error())

	return claims, nil
Ejemplo n.º 15
func (b *brokerManager) RegisterApplicationHandler(ctx context.Context, in *pb.ApplicationHandlerRegistration) (*empty.Empty, error) {
	claims, err := b.broker.Component.ValidateTTNAuthContext(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if err := in.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Invalid Application Handler Registration")
	if !claims.AppRight(in.AppId, rights.AppSettings) {
		return nil, errors.NewErrPermissionDenied("No access to this application")
	// Add Handler in local cache
	handler, err := b.broker.Discovery.Get("handler", in.HandlerId)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.NewErrInternal("Could not get Handler Announcement")
	handler.Metadata = append(handler.Metadata, &discovery.Metadata{Metadata: &discovery.Metadata_AppId{
		AppId: in.AppId,
	return &empty.Empty{}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 16
func (r *router) SubscribeDownlink(gatewayID string, subscriptionID string) (<-chan *pb.DownlinkMessage, error) {
	ctx := r.Ctx.WithFields(log.Fields{
		"GatewayID": gatewayID,

	gateway := r.getGateway(gatewayID)
	if fromSchedule := gateway.Schedule.Subscribe(subscriptionID); fromSchedule != nil {
		toGateway := make(chan *pb.DownlinkMessage)
		go func() {
			ctx.Debug("Activate downlink")
			for message := range fromSchedule {
				ctx.Debug("Send downlink")
				toGateway <- message
			ctx.Debug("Deactivate downlink")
		return toGateway, nil
	return nil, errors.NewErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Already subscribed to downlink for %s", gatewayID))
Ejemplo n.º 17
func (b *broker) HandleUplink(uplink *pb.UplinkMessage) (err error) {
	ctx := b.Ctx.WithField("GatewayID", uplink.GatewayMetadata.GatewayId)
	start := time.Now()
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			ctx.WithError(err).Warn("Could not handle uplink")
		} else {
			ctx.WithField("Duration", time.Now().Sub(start)).Info("Handled uplink")

	time := time.Now()


	// De-duplicate uplink messages
	duplicates := b.deduplicateUplink(uplink)
	if len(duplicates) == 0 {
		return nil


	ctx = ctx.WithField("Duplicates", len(duplicates))

	base := duplicates[0]

	if base.ProtocolMetadata.GetLorawan() == nil {
		return errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Uplink", "does not contain LoRaWAN metadata")

	// LoRaWAN: Unmarshal
	var phyPayload lorawan.PHYPayload
	err = phyPayload.UnmarshalBinary(base.Payload)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	macPayload, ok := phyPayload.MACPayload.(*lorawan.MACPayload)
	if !ok {
		return errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Uplink", "does not contain a MAC payload")

	// Request devices from NS
	devAddr := types.DevAddr(macPayload.FHDR.DevAddr)
	ctx = ctx.WithFields(log.Fields{
		"DevAddr": devAddr,
		"FCnt":    macPayload.FHDR.FCnt,
	var getDevicesResp *networkserver.DevicesResponse
	getDevicesResp, err = b.ns.GetDevices(b.Component.GetContext(b.nsToken), &networkserver.DevicesRequest{
		DevAddr: &devAddr,
		FCnt:    macPayload.FHDR.FCnt,
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(errors.FromGRPCError(err), "NetworkServer did not return devices")
	if len(getDevicesResp.Results) == 0 {
		return errors.NewErrNotFound(fmt.Sprintf("Device with DevAddr %s and FCnt <= %d", devAddr, macPayload.FHDR.FCnt))
	ctx = ctx.WithField("DevAddrResults", len(getDevicesResp.Results))

	// Sort by FCntUp to optimize the number of MIC checks

	// Find AppEUI/DevEUI through MIC check
	var device *pb_lorawan.Device
	var micChecks int
	var originalFCnt uint32
	for _, candidate := range getDevicesResp.Results {
		nwkSKey := lorawan.AES128Key(*candidate.NwkSKey)

		// First check with the 16 bit counter
		ok, err = phyPayload.ValidateMIC(nwkSKey)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if ok {
			device = candidate

		originalFCnt = macPayload.FHDR.FCnt
		if candidate.Uses32BitFCnt {
			macPayload.FHDR.FCnt = fcnt.GetFull(candidate.FCntUp, uint16(originalFCnt))

			// If 32 bit counter has different value, perform another MIC check
			if macPayload.FHDR.FCnt != originalFCnt {
				ok, err = phyPayload.ValidateMIC(nwkSKey)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if ok {
					device = candidate

		return errors.NewErrNotFound("device that validates MIC")
	ctx = ctx.WithFields(log.Fields{
		"MICChecks": micChecks,
		"DevEUI":    device.DevEui,
		"AppEUI":    device.AppEui,
		"AppID":     device.AppId,
		"DevID":     device.DevId,
		"FCnt":      originalFCnt,
	if macPayload.FHDR.FCnt != originalFCnt {
		ctx = ctx.WithField("RealFCnt", macPayload.FHDR.FCnt)

	if device.DisableFCntCheck {
		// TODO: Add warning to message?
	} else if device.FCntUp == 0 {

	} else if macPayload.FHDR.FCnt <= device.FCntUp || macPayload.FHDR.FCnt-device.FCntUp > maxFCntGap {
		// Replay attack or FCnt gap too big
		return errors.NewErrNotFound("device with matching FCnt")

	// Add FCnt to Metadata (because it's not marshaled in lorawan payload)
	base.ProtocolMetadata.GetLorawan().FCnt = macPayload.FHDR.FCnt

	// Collect GatewayMetadata and DownlinkOptions
	var gatewayMetadata []*gateway.RxMetadata
	var downlinkOptions []*pb.DownlinkOption
	var downlinkMessage *pb.DownlinkMessage
	for _, duplicate := range duplicates {
		gatewayMetadata = append(gatewayMetadata, duplicate.GatewayMetadata)
		downlinkOptions = append(downlinkOptions, duplicate.DownlinkOptions...)

	// Select best DownlinkOption
	if len(downlinkOptions) > 0 {
		downlinkMessage = &pb.DownlinkMessage{
			DevEui:         device.DevEui,
			AppEui:         device.AppEui,
			AppId:          device.AppId,
			DevId:          device.DevId,
			DownlinkOption: selectBestDownlink(downlinkOptions),

	// Build Uplink
	deduplicatedUplink := &pb.DeduplicatedUplinkMessage{
		Payload:          base.Payload,
		DevEui:           device.DevEui,
		DevId:            device.DevId,
		AppEui:           device.AppEui,
		AppId:            device.AppId,
		ProtocolMetadata: base.ProtocolMetadata,
		GatewayMetadata:  gatewayMetadata,
		ServerTime:       time.UnixNano(),
		ResponseTemplate: downlinkMessage,

	// Pass Uplink through NS
	deduplicatedUplink, err = b.ns.Uplink(b.Component.GetContext(b.nsToken), deduplicatedUplink)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(errors.FromGRPCError(err), "NetworkServer did not handle uplink")

	var announcements []*pb_discovery.Announcement
	announcements, err = b.Discovery.GetAllHandlersForAppID(device.AppId)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(announcements) == 0 {
		return errors.NewErrNotFound(fmt.Sprintf("Handler for AppID %s", device.AppId))
	if len(announcements) > 1 {
		return errors.NewErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Multiple Handlers for AppID %s", device.AppId))

	var handler chan<- *pb.DeduplicatedUplinkMessage
	handler, err = b.getHandlerUplink(announcements[0].Id)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	handler <- deduplicatedUplink

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 18
package api

import (
	"golang.org/x/net/context" // See https://github.com/grpc/grpc-go/issues/711"

// Errors that are returned when an item could not be retrieved
var (
	ErrContext = errors.NewErrInternal("Could not get metadata from context")
	ErrNoToken = errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Metadata", "token missing")
	ErrNoKey   = errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Metadata", "key missing")
	ErrNoID    = errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Metadata", "id missing")

func MetadataFromContext(ctx context.Context) (metadata.MD, error) {
	md, ok := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return md, ErrContext
	return md, nil

func IDFromMetadata(md metadata.MD) (string, error) {
	id, ok := md["id"]
	if !ok || len(id) == 0 {
		return "", ErrNoID
	return id[0], nil
Ejemplo n.º 19
func (h *handler) ConvertFromLoRaWAN(ctx log.Interface, ttnUp *pb_broker.DeduplicatedUplinkMessage, appUp *types.UplinkMessage) error {
	// Find Device
	dev, err := h.devices.Get(ttnUp.AppId, ttnUp.DevId)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Check for LoRaWAN
	if lorawan := ttnUp.ProtocolMetadata.GetLorawan(); lorawan == nil {
		return errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Activation", "does not contain LoRaWAN metadata")

	// LoRaWAN: Unmarshal Uplink
	var phyPayload lorawan.PHYPayload
	err = phyPayload.UnmarshalBinary(ttnUp.Payload)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	macPayload, ok := phyPayload.MACPayload.(*lorawan.MACPayload)
	if !ok {
		return errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Uplink", "does not contain a MAC payload")
	macPayload.FHDR.FCnt = ttnUp.ProtocolMetadata.GetLorawan().FCnt
	appUp.FCnt = macPayload.FHDR.FCnt

	ctx = ctx.WithField("FCnt", appUp.FCnt)

	// LoRaWAN: Validate MIC
	ok, err = phyPayload.ValidateMIC(lorawan.AES128Key(dev.NwkSKey))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if !ok {
		return errors.NewErrNotFound("device that validates MIC")

	// LoRaWAN: Decrypt
	if macPayload.FPort != nil && *macPayload.FPort != 0 && len(macPayload.FRMPayload) == 1 {
		appUp.FPort = *macPayload.FPort
		ctx = ctx.WithField("FCnt", appUp.FPort)
		if err := phyPayload.DecryptFRMPayload(lorawan.AES128Key(dev.AppSKey)); err != nil {
			return errors.NewErrInternal("Could not decrypt payload")
		if len(macPayload.FRMPayload) == 1 {
			payload, ok := macPayload.FRMPayload[0].(*lorawan.DataPayload)
			if !ok {
				return errors.NewErrInvalidArgument("Uplink FRMPayload", "must be of type *lorawan.DataPayload")
			appUp.PayloadRaw = payload.Bytes

	// LoRaWAN: Publish ACKs as events
	if macPayload.FHDR.FCtrl.ACK {
		h.mqttEvent <- &types.DeviceEvent{
			AppID: appUp.AppID,
			DevID: appUp.DevID,
			Event: types.DownlinkAckEvent,

	return nil
Ejemplo n.º 20
func (r *router) HandleActivation(gatewayID string, activation *pb.DeviceActivationRequest) (res *pb.DeviceActivationResponse, err error) {
	ctx := r.Ctx.WithFields(log.Fields{
		"GatewayID": gatewayID,
		"AppEUI":    *activation.AppEui,
		"DevEUI":    *activation.DevEui,
	start := time.Now()
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			ctx.WithError(err).Warn("Could not handle activation")
		} else {
			ctx.WithField("Duration", time.Now().Sub(start)).Info("Handled activation")

	gateway := r.getGateway(gatewayID)
	gateway.LastSeen = time.Now()

	uplink := &pb.UplinkMessage{
		Payload:          activation.Payload,
		ProtocolMetadata: activation.ProtocolMetadata,
		GatewayMetadata:  activation.GatewayMetadata,

	if err = gateway.HandleUplink(uplink); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if !gateway.Schedule.IsActive() {
		return nil, errors.NewErrInternal(fmt.Sprintf("Gateway %s not available for downlink", gatewayID))

	downlinkOptions := r.buildDownlinkOptions(uplink, true, gateway)

	// Find Broker
	brokers, err := r.Discovery.GetAll("broker")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Prepare request
	request := &pb_broker.DeviceActivationRequest{
		Payload:          activation.Payload,
		DevEui:           activation.DevEui,
		AppEui:           activation.AppEui,
		ProtocolMetadata: activation.ProtocolMetadata,
		GatewayMetadata:  activation.GatewayMetadata,
		ActivationMetadata: &pb_protocol.ActivationMetadata{
			Protocol: &pb_protocol.ActivationMetadata_Lorawan{
				Lorawan: &pb_lorawan.ActivationMetadata{
					AppEui: activation.AppEui,
					DevEui: activation.DevEui,
		DownlinkOptions: downlinkOptions,

	// Prepare LoRaWAN activation
	status, err := gateway.Status.Get()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	region := status.Region
	if region == "" {
		region = band.Guess(uplink.GatewayMetadata.Frequency)
	band, err := band.Get(region)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	lorawan := request.ActivationMetadata.GetLorawan()
	lorawan.Rx1DrOffset = 0
	lorawan.Rx2Dr = uint32(band.RX2DataRate)
	lorawan.RxDelay = uint32(band.ReceiveDelay1.Seconds())
	if band.CFList != nil {
		lorawan.CfList = new(pb_lorawan.CFList)
		for _, freq := range band.CFList {
			lorawan.CfList.Freq = append(lorawan.CfList.Freq, freq)

	ctx = ctx.WithField("NumBrokers", len(brokers))

	// Forward to all brokers and collect responses
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	responses := make(chan *pb_broker.DeviceActivationResponse, len(brokers))
	for _, broker := range brokers {
		broker, err := r.getBroker(broker)
		if err != nil {

		// Do async request
		go func() {
			res, err := broker.client.Activate(r.Component.GetContext(""), request)
			if err == nil && res != nil {
				responses <- res

	// Make sure to close channel when all requests are done
	go func() {

	var gotFirst bool
	for res := range responses {
		if gotFirst {
			ctx.Warn("Duplicate Activation Response")
		} else {
			gotFirst = true
			downlink := &pb_broker.DownlinkMessage{
				Payload:        res.Payload,
				Message:        res.Message,
				DownlinkOption: res.DownlinkOption,
			err := r.HandleDownlink(downlink)
			if err != nil {
				ctx.Warn("Could not send downlink for Activation")
				gotFirst = false // try again

	// Activation not accepted by any broker
	if !gotFirst {
		ctx.Debug("Activation not accepted at this gateway")
		return nil, errors.New("Activation not accepted at this Gateway")

	// Activation accepted by (at least one) broker
	ctx.Debug("Activation accepted")
	return &pb.DeviceActivationResponse{}, nil
Ejemplo n.º 21
// Copyright © 2016 The Things Network
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package functions

import (


var errTimeOutExceeded = errors.NewErrInternal("Code has been running to long")

func RunCode(name, code string, env map[string]interface{}, timeout time.Duration, logger Logger) (otto.Value, error) {
	vm := otto.New()

	// load the environment
	for key, val := range env {
		vm.Set(key, val)

	if logger == nil {
		logger = Ignore

	vm.Set("__log", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
		return otto.UndefinedValue()