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Neo4j Utils in Go.

Provides a wrapper for neoism.Database to output the database URL in the String() method.

Provides an EnsureIndexes function that will take a map of label/property pairs, and an IndexManager (normally this will be a neoism.Database) and checks whether these indexes exist. If not, they are created.

Batch Cypher Runner

Currently supports batch running of queries.

  1. Import ""

  2. Create a batch cypher runner like this:

    cypherRunner := neocypherrunner.NewBatchCypherRunner(db, maxBatchSize)

  3. Execute a batch of queries like this:



To use neo-utils-go in a service, follow these steps:

  1. Migrate the service to Go modules and then to go-logger v2
  2. Update the neo-utils-go version to v2.
  3. Initialize the logger and add the instance to the function parameters in any of the neo-utils-go functions that requires it. The logger initialization will vary depending on the service logs. // Non-JSON l := logger.NewUnstructuredLogger() // JSON, no "@time" key l := logger.NewUPPLogger(*serviceName, "INFO") // JSON + @time logConf := logger.KeyNamesConfig{KeyTime: "@time"} l := logger.NewUPPLogger(*serviceName, "INFO", logConf) The logger is an optional parameter. If it is not provided by the user, the library will create a logger with an INFO logging level.


There are three metrics that this library will capture, using go-metrics:

  • batchQueueSize: a gauge which keeps track of the number of queued requests, i.e. waiting to be written to Neo4j
  • batchThroughput: a meter keeping track of queries processed, with throughput over several time periods
  • execute-neo4j-batch: a timer measuring how long each batch or queries takes to run against neo4j

To use the metrics, set up metrics in your application, for example to output to

addr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", graphiteTCPAddress)
	go graphite.Graphite(metrics.DefaultRegistry, 1*time.Minute, graphitePrefix, addr)

where, for example:

  • graphiteTCPAddress is for
  • and graphitePrefix is unique for your service, e.g. content.[env][hostname] - you should probably set this from environment-specific configuration, e.g. hiera data