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A pluggable bot for your Discord server, written in Golang.


Digo is in very active development. At this point, things shouldn't
drastically change, but they may.


  • (Mostly) stable bot, with automatic rejoin / reconnect!
  • Runs any number of plugins, written in any language
  • Exposes a simple API for long-running services and daemons.
  • Cross platform (Linux, Mac, in theory, Windows?)


Currently, Digo is configured through environment variables. Might support configuration files (TOML?) in the future.
Your server ID (also known as Guild ID) can be found here
Here is an example wrapper script.

export DIGO_DISCORD_PASS=*****
export DIGO_SERVER_ID=123456789
export DIGO_DISABLE_API=false
export DIGO_API_USERNAME=mydigo
export DIGO_API_PASSWORD=secretpass
export DIGO_DISCORD_INVITE_ID=xuja8ije23
export DIGO_TRIGGER=/bot
export DIGO_LOG_LEVEL=info  # set to debug at your own peril
export DIGO_LOG_FILE=/var/log/digo.log
export DIGO_LOG_STREAMS=stdout,file
setting type default description required
DIGO_DISCORD_EMAIL string xxxxxxx Bot's discord login email yes
DIGO_DISCORD_PASS strirg xxxxxxx Bot's discord login pass yes
DIGO_DISCORD_INVITE_ID string xxxxxxx Bot's invite code no
DIGO_SERVER_ID string xxxxxxx Discord server ID (guild) yes
DIGO_DISABLE_API boolean false Disable Digo API (default enabled) No
DIGO_API_INTERFACE string Interface API listens on No
DIGO_API_USERNAME string unset Basic Auth username for the API No
DIGO_API_PASSWORD string unset Basic auth password for the API. If unset, no auth. No
DIGO_TRIGGER string /bot Bot trigger for chat No
DIGO_LEAVE_TRIGGERS boolean false Leave triggers in chat. Otherwise, triggers are deleted No
DIGO_LOG_LEVEL string info Log level to show. (debug, notice, warn, error) No
DIGO_LOG_FILE string /var/log/digo.log Path to the Digo log file. Can be local, EG: "digo.log" No
DIGO_LOG_STREAMS string stdout Bot outputs to "stdout" or "stdout,file" or "file" No

Digo only needs the following permissions from Discord:

  • Read Messages
  • Send Messages
  • Manage Messages (if DIGO_LEAVE_TRIGGERS is false, to delete trigger messages)

Bot built-in commands

This assumes you have not changed your DIGO_TRIGGER from /bot

/bot reload # registers and unregisters plugins added / removed from the plugin directory
/bot plugins # lists all plugins installed and their triggers


Plugins can be written in any language. If the shell can execute the program, Digo will be able to use execute it as well.

Installing Plugins

Digo scans the following paths (in order) to determine the plugin directory. If anyone cares, this could be made configurable.

  • /opt/digo/plugins
  • /usr/local/digo/plugins
  • ./plugins # local to the binary

Simply create one of those directories, place your plugin executables there, and Digo will do the rest!

Developing Plugins

When Digo first starts, it iterates over most files in the plugins directory. If the file begins with "_" or "." it is skipped. These prefixes are useful if your plugin requires an external configuration file.

Once it has the list of plugins, it runs the plugin with the argument "register". It expects the plugin to output JSON to stdout in the following format.

   "triggers" : [
   "description" : "Searches youtube for keywords",
   "type": "simple",
   "name" : "youtuber"
Field type description
triggers array Commands that will trigger the plugin from the chat channels
description string Plugin description shown for Digo's /bot plugins
name string Required plugin name
type string simple (default) or json. See description below for details

Simple type plugin

Once the plugin is registered, Digo will run the plugin whenever a trigger is mentioned in chat. Digo will pass every word after the trigger as an argument to the plugin.

Example, in # general, Billy writes

/yt cool cat videos

The youtuber plugis arguments will be ["plugins/", "cool", "cat", "videos"]

A simple plugins' stdout ends up in chat channel the trigger was called from after it exits.
Simple plugin stderr ends up in Digo's stdout (sorry).

If the trigger is mentioned with no arguments, Digo simply runs the plugin with no arguments Example, in #general, Billy writes


The youtuber plugin could respond with

Usage: /yt search keywords

JSON type plugin

If a plugin registers its type as "json", Digo will treat the plugin differently in some regards. It still expects the plugin to dump its config when passed the argument "register", but this is where the similarity to simple-type plugins ends.

When digo detects a trigger for a JSON plugin, it runs the plugin with the first argument as "json" and the second argument as stringified json.

For instance, Billy writes /roll 6d12 3d6

The diceroller plugin will receive arguments ["./", "json", '{"user": "Billy", "channel": "012938521123", "arguments": ["6d12", "3d6"]}']

Here is a table for the request JSON

Field type description
user string Username of person calling the trigger
channel string Channel the trigger originated from
arguments []string All of the arguments passed to the trigger (/foo bar baz => ["bar", "baz"])

The plugin should respond with a JSON blob to stdout in the same format the API route /v1/message takes

Example Simple plugins included

Example JSON plugins included

Example Services included


The API exposes a few routes. Basic Authentication can be enabled by exporting DIGO_API_USERNAME and DIGO_API_PASSWORD.

route method description
/v1/version GET Returns version information
/v1/channels GET Returns JSON object containing all channels Digo is in
/v1/message POST POSTed JSON to this endpoint will send messages to the channels specified


This route expects JSON in the POST data. Required fields are bold.

field type description
prefix string optional prefix for the message
channels array Channels to broadcast to. If set to ["*"], will broadcast to all channels
payload array The message to send. Each element in the array will be on a new line


  "prefix": "Example",
  "channels": ["123456789", "987654321"],
  "payload": ["This message will go to 2 channels!",
              "SO EZ!"]


$ go get
$ go build


  • Restart / resume disconnected sessions without restarting Digo
  • Hot registering / reloading when new plugins are added (without restart)
  • Logging
  • Godeps
  • Upgrade bwmarrin/discordgo Develop branch
  • Support Windows plugins by invoking interpreter directly (os/exec)
  • Allow triggering plugins from content of messages (regexp, instead of just /commands)
  • Configurable plugin paths
  • Poll "DataReady" and "Ready" structs so we can reconnect on socket close (instead of panic)
  • git submodule examples/


The Discord bot to end all bots.







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