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StatsRelay is a Golang implementation of a proxy or load balancer for Etsy's excellent nodejs statsd utility. This utility will listen for UDP metrics in the same format as Etsy's statsd and forward them to one statsd service from a pool of available host:port combinations. Each metric is hashed with a consistent hashing algorithm so that the same metric is always sent to the same statsd server.

This is written in Go with a simple goal: Be fast. Current statsd distributions come with a nodejs proxy tool that does much the same thing. However, that proxy daemon is unable to keep up in high-traffic situations.

You can layer statsrelay as needed to build a tree, or run multiple versions behind a generic UDP load balancer, like IPVS. Provided the configuration is the same all statsrelay daemons will route metrics to the same statsd server.


Command synopsis:

statsrelay [options] HOST:PORT:INSTANCE [HOST:PORT:INSTANCE ...]

-b="": IP Address to listen on
-bind="": IP Address to listen on
-p=9125: Port to listen on
-port=9125: Port to listen on
-prefix="statsrelay": The prefix to use with self generated stats

You must specify at least one HOST:PORT combination. The INSTANCE can be used to further populate or weight the consistent hashing ring as you see fit. The instance is stripped before using the HOST and PORT to create a UDP socket.


This package depends on the consistent Go package written by StatHat.

Memory management in Go 1.3 is far superior to 1.2 for this program. Building under 1.3 is highly recommended.

My Use Case

I run a Statsd service for a large collection of in-house web apps. There are metrics generated per host -- where you would usually run a local statsd daemon to deal with high load. But most of my metrics are application specific and not host specific. So running local statsd daemons means they would each submit the same metrics to Graphite resulting in corrupt data in Graphite. Instead, I run a single Statsd service scaled to handle more than 800,000 incoming statsd metrics per second.

I do this using LVS/IPVS to create a UDP load balancer. You'll want to use a new enough kernel and ipvsadm tool to have the --ops command which treats each incoming UDP packet as its own "connection" and routes each independently.

ipvsadm -A -u -s wlc -o

Then add your real servers that run identically configured StatsRelay daemons to the LVS service:

ipvsadm -a -u -r -g -w 100

I run Etsy's statsd daemon on the same machines as I run StatsRelay. I can simply add more machines to the LVS pool for more throughput. My incantation for StatsRelay looks something like this upstart job. (A Puppet ERB template.)

description "StatsRelay statsd proxy on port 9125"
author      "Jack Neely <>"

start on startup
stop on shutdown

setuid nobody

exec /usr/bin/statsrelay --port 9125 --bind \
    --prefix statsrelay.<%= @hostname %> \
<%= @dest.join(" \\\n    ") %>


A Golang consistent hashing proxy for statsd







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  • Go 92.9%
  • Makefile 7.1%