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Mirror Github Pull Requests into the git-appraise formats

This repo contains a tool to mirror pull requests metadata into the corresponding git repository using a feature of git called git-notes.

The format written is the one defined by the git-appraise code review system, so pull requests that are mirrored using this tool can be reviewed using git-appraise.


This is not an officially supported Google product.


There are 3 packages in this repo:

  • mirror is a go library for mirroring the pull request metadata into git-notes.
  • batch is a batch processor to mirror Github data into a local repository.
  • app is a webapp/bot that sets up Github webhooks and mirrors data incrementally whenever an interesting event happens on the Github repo.

The Batch Tool

The batch tool performs a single pass of reading all of the pull request metadata for a repo, and mirroring it into your local clone of that repo.

The tool can support running unauthenticated, but will be extremely rate-limited, so it is better if you create a personal access token, with the repo scope, for it to use.


go get
go build -o ~/bin/pr-mirror "${GOPATH}/src/"

Example Usage (after you've cloned the repo to mirror):

git fetch origin '+refs/pull/*:refs/pull/*'
git appraise pull
~/bin/pr-mirror --target ${GITHUB_USER}/${GITHUB_REPO} --local ./ -auth-token ${YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}
git appraise pull
git appraise push

The Github Mirror App

This app allows users to continually update their git repositories with github metadata (pull requests and build statuses). It runs in an AppEngine app, and should expose a web interface at

It uses the app engine datastore to store its configuration.

To deploy:

gcloud app deploy ./app/admin/*.yaml
gcloud app deploy ./app/hooks/*.yaml
gcloud app deploy ./app/*.yaml