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Description is a site to research and review online technical learning resources at a high level rather than at the individual course level. Many new and experienced developers at Women Who Code DC (among other groups) are trying to improve their skills, and are looking for a way to sift through possible resources. There aren't many places that cover multiple online resources, let alone allow for reviews. The idea is that users will be able to research, compare(coming soon), and review different online resources. If one is not listed, they have the option to add it as a resource. This will give people the opportunity to select the right online resources for their learning style and goals.

As of right now the home page shows a list of resources to choose from. Ultimately we would like to give people the opportunity to filter through the resources based on their needs.

Add to List allows the user to suggest a resource for learning, giving the URL and languages covered by the resource. There is a login/register page to allow users to review learning resoureces.

In the future a comparison page based on user selection will allow them to quickly see the differences and similarities in their options, leading them to a detail page upon selection for further information.

Technology/libraries used

  • goswagger / swagger / swagger-ui
  • donejs
  • bootstrap
  • postgresql / pgx
  • jmoiron/sqlx
  • neo4j / cq


technical learning resource website






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