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a tool for deploying to aws lambda


go get

Getting Started

lambda-phage is a tool that aims to make deploying code to AWS Lambda easier without needing CloudFormation et al. To get started, run init inside the folder that has the code you want to run in Lambda:

$ lambda-phage init

The init command will ask you several questions about your AWS setup and save a configuration file (named l-p.yml by default) to keep the options you define.

Once you've set configuration, all you need to do is run the deploy command to deploy:

$ lambda-phage deploy

This will package all the files in the current directory, recursively, into a ZIP file and upload it to AWS Lambda.

lambda-phage uses Amazon's official Go SDK, so you can set API credentials in any way that the Go SDK supports, including a local credential file and environment variables. If you're getting set up for the first time, please read Amazon's guide to setting up their own AWS CLI tools, which describes how to set up a local credential file.

Project Support

lambda-phage can organize your lambda functions into projects for easier deployment. To create a project, use the project create command:

$ lambda-phage project create my-project-name

You can then add the current working directory to the project:

$ lambda-phage project add my-project-name

Finally, you can deploy all the functions in a project with project deploy:

# deploy all functions in the project
$ lambda-phage project deploy my-project-name

# deploy functions matching a pattern
$ lambda-phage project deploy --filter '.*frontend' my-project-name

# perform a project deploy dry run, only printing what would be deployed
# rather than actually deploying it
$ lambda-phage project deploy --dry-run my-project-name


  • real tests (tdd be damned i guess?)
  • add project import command to interactively load suggested project names based on whatever's in config YAML
  • add support for configuring event sources through init
    • potential blocker is lack of API gateway API client, though we might be able to do it anyway
    • can at least support streams (dynamoDB + kinesis), s3, cloudwatch event sources


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  lambda-phage [command]

Available Commands:
  deploy      deploys your lambda function according to your config file or options provided
  init        initializes a config for your function
  pkg         adds all the current folder to a zip file recursively
  project     does project stuff

  -c, --config="l-p.yml": config file location
  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbosity

Use "lambda-phage [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Configuration Format

This tool stores its config in a YAML file named l-p.yml by default. Here's a quick sample:

name: my-first-lambda-function
description: provides some sample stuff
entryPoint: index.handler
memorySize: 128
runtime: nodejs
timeout: 5
regions: [us-east-1]
  # if present, 
  # ARN takes precedence over name
  arn: aws
  name: lambda_basic_execution
  # omit S3 configuration to upload
  # directly to Lambda
  s3bucket: test-bucket
  s3key: my-first-function/
  s3region: us-east-1
  s3ObjectVersion: myversion


The bacteriophage ASCII art might come from someone with the handle 'itz'! Not sure! I removed their signature from the text and credit them here. If you're itz, please get in touch; you made some cool-looking virus ASCII.


a tool for deploying to aws lambda







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