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This repo contains code and slides for talks I have given. These talks have mostly been been delivered at my local Go meetup, Golang Northeast. The occasional talk has been given at a Go conference, those talks generally have the slides in Google Slides and they are linked from here.

The Talks


Code tips is a short talk covering some basic practices I've found useful when working in Go.

Concurrency is a talk first given back in 2016 outlining some of the ways I've used Go concurrency primitives in my place of work. Giving this talk helped me to further grasp some of these concepts.

Doyenne collab is not really a talk but a basic code starting point for a collaborative meetup between Golang Northeast Doyenne Coders.

Golang is ten is a very short talk simply outlining some of the features of Go I have really enjoyed using during the first 10 years of the language

Middleware is a really powerful concept and this talk was run as a code dojo, helping people to get hands on with writing middleware and seeing teh benefits of it. This is the first interactive talk I have done.

Not just the standard lib is not the talk itself, rather this is code that was produced in support of a talk given at GowayFest 3.0 (link below)

Unit testing provides an introduction to unit testing in Go. I use a very simple application to highlight the benefits of TDD and table based testing.

Useful libs was a lightening talk on libraries I've found useful, that I thought others might find helpful.


This includes links to talks given at conference, I only add the content links here once the talk has been delivered.

Gophercon UK 2018

When to choose a monolith Outlining when the monolithic architecture is useful and what features of Go make it a powerful choice.

This talk is available to view

GowayFest 3.0 Minsk 2019

Stop saying just use the standard library aims to encourage all of us to consider what libraries we actually use and then recommend them to newcomers. The aim of this is to ensure the Go community continues to be welcoming to all.

This talk is available to view


Code and slides for some talks I have given







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