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Build process and deployment


  1. Create a free Heroku account
  2. Install Go Programming Language
  3. Add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH
  4. Install Heroku Toolbelt
  5. Now you can use the heroku command on your command shell.
  6. Open your command shell and type heroku login, use the credentials you used in creating your Heroku account.
  7. Next type git clone to clone the repo and cd piletimyyk to go to that directory.
  8. Next step is to prepare Heroku. Type heroku create this creates a random app on Heroku, ready to receive your source code.
  9. git push heroku master to deploy your source code.
  10. heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev to create a database.
  11. To visit the URL the app was created on, simply type heroku open.