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The ARGO Web API provides the Serving Layer of ARGO. It is comprised of a high performance and scalable datastore and a multi-tenant REST HTTP API, which is used for retrieving the Status, Availability and Reliability reports and the actual raw metric results.



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EGI Availability & Reliability API


  1. Install Golang and bzr library

  2. Install godep tool

     go get
  3. Create a new work space:

     mkdir ~/go-workspace
     export GOPATH=~/go-workspace

You may add the last export line into the ~/.bashrc or the ~/.bash_profile file to have GOPATH environment variable properly setup upon every login.

  1. Get the latest version and all dependencies (Using Godep):

     godep update ...
  2. To build the service use the following command:

     go build
  3. To run the service use the following command:


For a list of options use the following command:

    ./argo-web-api -h
  1. To run the unit-tests with coverage results:

     gocov test ./... | gocov-xml > coverage.xml
  2. To generate and serve godoc (@port 6060)

     godoc -http=:6060


The ARGO Web API provides the Serving Layer of ARGO. It is comprised of a high performance and scalable datastore and a multi-tenant REST HTTP API, which is used for retrieving the Status, Availability and Reliability reports and the actual raw metric results.






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  • Go 99.9%
  • Makefile 0.1%