Example #1
func (win *Window) UpdateSurfaceRects(rects []Rect) error {
	if C.SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(win.c, (*C.SDL_Rect)(unsafe.Pointer(&rects[0])), C.int(len(rects))) != 0 {
		return getError()

	return nil
Example #2
File: video.go Project: salihdb/sdl
// UpdateRects copies a number of rectangles on the window surface to the
// screen.
// Note: A Surface must be associated with the window before calling this
// function.
func (win *Window) UpdateRects(rects []image.Rectangle) (err error) {
	cRects := C.makeRectArray(C.int(len(rects)))
	defer C.SDL_free(unsafe.Pointer(cRects))
	for index, rect := range rects {
		cRect := cRect(rect)
		C.setArrayRect(cRects, cRect, C.int(index))
	if C.SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(win.cWin, cRects, C.int(len(rects))) != 0 {
		return getError()
	return nil
Example #3
func (window *Window) UpdateSurfaceRects(rects []Rect) int {
	_window := (*C.SDL_Window)(unsafe.Pointer(window))
	_rects := (*C.SDL_Rect)(unsafe.Pointer(&rects[0]))
	_numrects := (C.int)(len(rects))
	return (int)(C.SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(_window, _rects, _numrects))
Example #4
// Window (https://wiki.libsdl.org/SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects)
func (window *Window) UpdateSurfaceRects(rects []Rect) error {
	if C.SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(window.cptr(), rects[0].cptr(), C.int(len(rects))) != 0 {
		return GetError()
	return nil
Example #5
func (window *Window) UpdateSurfaceRects(rects []Rect) int {
	return int(C.SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(window.cptr(), rects[0].cptr(), C.int(len(rects))))