Example #1
File: init.go Project: shenyp09/mx3
func initMemProf(OD string) {
	if *Flag_memprof {
		log.Println("memory profile enabled")
		AtExit(func() {
			fname := OD + "mem.pprof"
			f, err := os.Create(fname)
			defer f.Close()
			util.LogErr(err, "memory profile") // during cleanup, should not panic/exit
			log.Println("writing memory profile to", fname)
			util.LogErr(pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f), "memory profile")
			me := procSelfExe()
			outfile := fname + ".svg"
			saveCmdOutput(outfile, "go", "tool", "pprof", "-svg", "--inuse_objects", me, fname)
Example #2
File: init.go Project: shenyp09/mx3
// Exec command and write output to outfile.
func saveCmdOutput(outfile string, cmd string, args ...string) {
	log.Println("exec:", cmd, args, ">", outfile)
	out, err := exec.Command(cmd, args...).Output() // TODO: stderr is ignored
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("exec %v %v: %v: %v", cmd, args, err, string(out))
	// on error: write anyway, clobbers output file.
	e := ioutil.WriteFile(outfile, out, 0666)
	util.LogErr(e, "writing", outfile)
Example #3
File: od.go Project: shenyp09/mx3
// SetOD sets the output directory where auto-saved files will be stored.
func SetOD(od string, force bool) {
	if OD != "./" {
		log.Fatal("output directory already set to", OD)
	OD = od
	if !strings.HasSuffix(OD, "/") {
		OD += "/"
	log.Println("output directory:", OD)

	{ // make OD
		wd, err := os.Getwd()
		util.FatalErr(err, "create output directory:")
		stat, err2 := os.Stat(wd)
		util.FatalErr(err2, "create output directory:")
		util.LogErr(os.Mkdir(od, stat.Mode())) // already exists is OK

	// fail on non-empty OD
	f, err3 := os.Open(od)
	util.FatalErr(err3, "open output directory:")
	files, _ := f.Readdir(1)
	if !force && len(files) != 0 {
		log.Fatal(od, " not empty, clean it or force with -f")

	// clean output dir
	if len(files) != 0 && OD != "." {
		log.Println("cleaning files in", OD)
		filepath.Walk(OD, func(path string, i os.FileInfo, err error) error {
			if path != OD {
				util.FatalErr(os.RemoveAll(path), "clean output directory:")
			return nil