Example #1
func (cbf *circuitBreakerFactory) getOrCreateCircuitBreakerWithKey(key string, closeAfter int, halfOpenAfter time.Duration) ICircuitBreaker {
	//	if cbf.cbs == nil {
	//		cbf.cbs = make(map[string] *CircuitBreaker)
	//	}
	i, ok := cbf.cbs[key]
	if ok {
		return i
	} else {
		newCircuitBreaker := &CircuitBreaker{
			name:                key,
			CircuitBreakerState: CLOSED,
			closeAfter:          closeAfter,
			halfOpenAfter:       halfOpenAfter,
			logger:              stdlog.GetFromFlags(),
			failureCount:        closeAfter}

		cbf.cbs[key] = newCircuitBreaker
		return newCircuitBreaker
Example #2
const legacyPatchDir = "/mnt/massive04/a/sakai/resources/patches/"
const (
	patchSuccess     = "1"  // patchSuccess only when everything goes perfectly right
	tomcatDown       = "2"  // tomcatDown when tomcat never comes cleanly back
	tomcatNoShutdown = "4"  // tomcatNoShutdown when we can't kill Tomcat
	inProgress       = "10" // inProgress to block other patchers

var token = flag.String("token", "", "the custom security token")
var patchDir = flag.String("dir", "/tmp", "directory to store downloaded patches")
var patchWeb = flag.String("web", "https://s3.amazonaws.com/longsight-patches/", "website with patch files")
var localIP = flag.String("ip", "", "override automatic ip detection")
var startupWaitSeconds = flag.Int("waitTime", 240, "amount of time to wait for Tomcat to startup")
var propertyFiles = [4]string{"instance.properties", "dev.properties", "local.properties", "sakai.properties"}
var patcherUID = uint32(os.Getuid())
var logger = stdlog.GetFromFlags()
var outputBuffer bytes.Buffer

func init() {
	if len(*token) < 1 {
		fmt.Println("Please provide a valid security token")

func main() {
	ip, _ := externalIP()
	logger.Debug("Auto-detected IPs on this server:" + ip)

	// User is overriding the auto-detected IPs
Example #3
func main() {
	config := new(Config)

	addIdx := false
	initDb := false

	flag.StringVar(&config.Neo4JUrl, "db", "http://*****:*****@localhost:7474/", "Neo4J URL")
	flag.StringVar(&config.WorkDir, "workdir", "", "The work dir for temporary files")
	flag.BoolVar(&addIdx, "add_indexes", false, "Create non-essential indexes")
	flag.BoolVar(&initDb, "init_db", false, "Initialize the DB - create constraints")


	app = App{
		Config: config,
		Logger: stdlog.GetFromFlags(),

	if app.Config.Neo4JUrl == "" {
		log.Fatal("db must be provided")

	if flag.NArg() > 0 {
		if app.Config.WorkDir == "" {
			log.Fatal("Workdir must be provided")
		st, err := os.Stat(app.Config.WorkDir)
		if err != nil {
		if !st.Mode().IsDir() {
			log.Fatal("Workdir is not a directory")
		app.Config.WorkDir, err = filepath.Abs(app.Config.WorkDir)
		if err != nil {

	log.Print("Connecting to Neo4j...")

	if initDb {
		log.Print("Creating constraints")

	if addIdx {
		log.Print("Creating indexes")

	if flag.NArg() == 0 {
		app.Logger.Info("No key file added, quitting")


	filename := flag.Arg(0)
	keych := make(KeyChan)

	log.Print("Launching key reader...")
	go ReadKeys(filename, keych)

	LoadKeysBulk(&app, keych)
	//LoadKeys(app, keych)

func main() {
	var (
		bytes   []byte
		data    map[string]service
		err     error
		graph   *gographviz.Graph
		project string
	logger = stdlog.GetFromFlags()
	project = ""

	// Load docker-compose.yml
	bytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile("docker-compose.yml")
	if err != nil {

	// Parse it as YML
	data = make(map[string]service, 5)
	yaml.Unmarshal(bytes, &data)
	if err != nil {

	// Create directed graph
	graph = gographviz.NewGraph()

	// Add legend
	graph.AddSubGraph(project, "cluster_legend", map[string]string{"label": "Legend"})
	graph.AddNode("cluster_legend", "legend_service", map[string]string{"label": "service"})
	graph.AddNode("cluster_legend", "legend_service_with_ports",
			"label": "\"service with exposed ports\\n80:80 443:443\\n--volume1[:host_dir1]\\n--volume2[:host_dir2]\"",
			"shape": "box"})
	graph.AddEdge("legend_service", "legend_service_with_ports", true, map[string]string{"label": "links"})
	graph.AddEdge("legend_service_with_ports", "legend_service", true, map[string]string{"label": "volumes_from", "style": "dashed"})

	// Round one: populate nodes
	for name, service := range data {
		var attrs = map[string]string{"label": name}
		if service.Ports != nil {
			attrs["label"] += "\\n" + strings.Join(service.Ports, " ")
			attrs["shape"] = "box"
		if service.Volumes != nil {
			attrs["label"] += "\\n--" + strings.Join(service.Volumes, "\\n--")
		attrs["label"] = fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", attrs["label"])
		graph.AddNode(project, name, attrs)

	// Round two: populate connections
	for name, service := range data {
		// links
		if service.Links != nil {
			for _, linkTo := range service.Links {
				if strings.Contains(linkTo, ":") {
					linkTo = strings.Split(linkTo, ":")[0]
				graph.AddEdge(name, linkTo, true, nil)
		// volumes_from
		if service.VolumesFrom != nil {
			for _, linkTo := range service.VolumesFrom {
				graph.AddEdge(name, linkTo, true, map[string]string{"style": "dotted"})
