Example #1
// Ensure that CIDFile gets deleted if it's empty
// Perform this test by making `docker run` fail
func TestRunCidFileCleanupIfEmpty(t *testing.T) {
	tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "TestRunCidFile")
	if err != nil {
	tmpCidFile := path.Join(tmpDir, "cid")

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, ioutil.Discard, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	c := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(c)
		if err := cli.CmdRun("--cidfile", tmpCidFile, unitTestImageID); err == nil {
			t.Fatal("running without a command should haveve failed")
		if _, err := os.Stat(tmpCidFile); err == nil {
			t.Fatalf("empty CIDFile '%s' should've been deleted", tmpCidFile)
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)

	setTimeout(t, "CmdRun timed out", 5*time.Second, func() {
Example #2
//A few of functions stolen from Deis dockercliuitls! Thanks guys
func GetNewClient() (
	cli *client.DockerCli, stdout *io.PipeReader, stdoutPipe *io.PipeWriter) {
	stdout, stdoutPipe = io.Pipe()
	cli = client.NewDockerCli(
		nil, stdoutPipe, nil, "unix", "/var/run/docker.sock", nil)
Example #3
// GetNewClient returns a new docker test client.
func GetNewClient() (
	cli *client.DockerCli, stdout *io.PipeReader, stdoutPipe *io.PipeWriter) {
	testDaemonAddr := DaemonAddr()
	testDaemonProto := DaemonProto()
	stdout, stdoutPipe = io.Pipe()
	cli = client.NewDockerCli(
		nil, stdoutPipe, nil, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
Example #4
// TestHttpsInfo connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint
func TestHttpsInfo(t *testing.T) {
	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, ioutil.Discard, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto,
		testDaemonHttpsAddr, getTlsConfig("client-cert.pem", "client-key.pem", t))

	setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 10*time.Second, func() {
		if err := cli.CmdInfo(); err != nil {
Example #5
// TestHttpsInfoRogueCert connects via two-way authenticated HTTPS to the info endpoint
// by using a rogue client certificate and checks that it fails with the expected error.
func TestHttpsInfoRogueCert(t *testing.T) {
	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, ioutil.Discard, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto,
		testDaemonHttpsAddr, getTlsConfig("client-rogue-cert.pem", "client-rogue-key.pem", t))

	setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 10*time.Second, func() {
		err := cli.CmdInfo()
		if err == nil {
			t.Fatal("Expected error but got nil")
		if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), errBadCertificate) {
			t.Fatalf("Expected error: %s, got instead: %s", errBadCertificate, err)
Example #6
func TestRunExit(t *testing.T) {
	stdin, stdinPipe := io.Pipe()
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(stdin, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	c1 := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		cli.CmdRun("-i", unitTestImageID, "/bin/cat")

	setTimeout(t, "Read/Write assertion timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		if err := assertPipe("hello\n", "hello", stdout, stdinPipe, 150); err != nil {

	container := globalRuntime.List()[0]

	// Closing /bin/cat stdin, expect it to exit
	if err := stdin.Close(); err != nil {

	// as the process exited, CmdRun must finish and unblock. Wait for it
	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for CmdRun timed out", 10*time.Second, func() {

		go func() {

		if _, err := bufio.NewReader(stdout).ReadString('\n'); err != nil {

	// Make sure that the client has been disconnected
	setTimeout(t, "The client should have been disconnected once the remote process exited.", 2*time.Second, func() {
		// Expecting pipe i/o error, just check that read does not block

	// Cleanup pipes
	if err := closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe); err != nil {
Example #7
func TestImagesViz(t *testing.T) {
	t.Skip("Image viz is deprecated")
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	image := buildTestImages(t, globalEngine)

	c := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(c)
		if err := cli.CmdImages("--viz"); err != nil {

	setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		cmdOutputBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(bufio.NewReader(stdout))
		if err != nil {
		cmdOutput := string(cmdOutputBytes)

		regexpStrings := []string{
			"digraph docker {",
			fmt.Sprintf("base -> \"%s\" \\[style=invis]", unitTestImageIDShort),
			fmt.Sprintf("label=\"%s\\\\n%s:latest\"", unitTestImageIDShort, unitTestImageName),
			fmt.Sprintf("label=\"%s\\\\n%s:%s\"", utils.TruncateID(image.ID), "test", "latest"),
			"base \\[style=invisible]",

		compiledRegexps := []*regexp.Regexp{}
		for _, regexpString := range regexpStrings {
			regexp, err := regexp.Compile(regexpString)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println("Error in regex string: ", err)
			compiledRegexps = append(compiledRegexps, regexp)

		for _, regexp := range compiledRegexps {
			if !regexp.MatchString(cmdOutput) {
				t.Fatalf("images --viz content '%s' did not match regexp '%s'", cmdOutput, regexp)
Example #8
func TestImagesTree(t *testing.T) {
	t.Skip("Image tree is deprecated")
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	image := buildTestImages(t, globalEngine)

	c := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(c)
		if err := cli.CmdImages("--tree"); err != nil {

	setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		cmdOutputBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(bufio.NewReader(stdout))
		if err != nil {
		cmdOutput := string(cmdOutputBytes)
		regexpStrings := []string{
			fmt.Sprintf("└─%s Virtual Size: \\d+.\\d+ MB Tags: %s:latest", unitTestImageIDShort, unitTestImageName),
			"(?m)   └─[0-9a-f]+.*",
			"(?m)    └─[0-9a-f]+.*",
			"(?m)      └─[0-9a-f]+.*",
			fmt.Sprintf("(?m)^        └─%s Virtual Size: \\d+.\\d+ MB Tags: test:latest", utils.TruncateID(image.ID)),

		compiledRegexps := []*regexp.Regexp{}
		for _, regexpString := range regexpStrings {
			regexp, err := regexp.Compile(regexpString)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println("Error in regex string: ", err)
			compiledRegexps = append(compiledRegexps, regexp)

		for _, regexp := range compiledRegexps {
			if !regexp.MatchString(cmdOutput) {
				t.Fatalf("images --tree content '%s' did not match regexp '%s'", cmdOutput, regexp)
Example #9
// #2098 - Docker cidFiles only contain short version of the containerId
//sudo docker run --cidfile /tmp/docker_test.cid ubuntu echo "test"
// TestRunCidFile tests that run --cidfile returns the longid
func TestRunCidFileCheckIDLength(t *testing.T) {
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "TestRunCidFile")
	if err != nil {
	tmpCidFile := path.Join(tmpDir, "cid")

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	c := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(c)
		if err := cli.CmdRun("--cidfile", tmpCidFile, unitTestImageID, "ls"); err != nil {

	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
	setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		cmdOutput, err := bufio.NewReader(stdout).ReadString('\n')
		if err != nil {
		if len(cmdOutput) < 1 {
			t.Fatalf("'ls' should return something , not '%s'", cmdOutput)
		//read the tmpCidFile
		buffer, err := ioutil.ReadFile(tmpCidFile)
		if err != nil {
		id := string(buffer)

		if len(id) != len("2bf44ea18873287bd9ace8a4cb536a7cbe134bed67e805fdf2f58a57f69b320c") {
			t.Fatalf("--cidfile should be a long id, not '%s'", id)
		//test that its a valid cid? (though the container is gone..)
		//remove the file and dir.

	setTimeout(t, "CmdRun timed out", 5*time.Second, func() {

Example #10
// Expected behaviour: the process stay alive when the client disconnects
// but the client detaches.
func TestRunDisconnectTty(t *testing.T) {

	stdin, stdinPipe := io.Pipe()
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(stdin, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	c1 := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(c1)
		// We're simulating a disconnect so the return value doesn't matter. What matters is the
		// fact that CmdRun returns.
		if err := cli.CmdRun("-i", "-t", unitTestImageID, "/bin/cat"); err != nil {
			utils.Debugf("Error CmdRun: %s", err)

	container := waitContainerStart(t, 10*time.Second)

	state := setRaw(t, container)
	defer unsetRaw(t, container, state)

	// Client disconnect after run -i should keep stdin out in TTY mode
	setTimeout(t, "Read/Write assertion timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		if err := assertPipe("hello\n", "hello", stdout, stdinPipe, 150); err != nil {

	// Close pipes (simulate disconnect)
	if err := closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe); err != nil {

	// wait for CmdRun to return
	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for CmdRun timed out", 5*time.Second, func() {

	// In tty mode, we expect the process to stay alive even after client's stdin closes.

	// Give some time to monitor to do his thing
	container.WaitTimeout(500 * time.Millisecond)
	if !container.State.IsRunning() {
		t.Fatalf("/bin/cat should  still be running after closing stdin (tty mode)")
Example #11
func TestCmdLogs(t *testing.T) {
	t.Skip("Test not impemented")
	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, ioutil.Discard, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	if err := cli.CmdRun(unitTestImageID, "sh", "-c", "ls -l"); err != nil {
	if err := cli.CmdRun("-t", unitTestImageID, "sh", "-c", "ls -l"); err != nil {

	if err := cli.CmdLogs(globalRuntime.List()[0].ID); err != nil {
Example #12
// TestRunWorkdirExistsAndIsFile checks that if 'docker run -w' with existing file can be detected
func TestRunWorkdirExistsAndIsFile(t *testing.T) {

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, nil, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	c := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(c)
		if err := cli.CmdRun("-w", "/bin/cat", unitTestImageID, "pwd"); err == nil {
			t.Fatal("should have failed to run when using /bin/cat as working dir.")

	setTimeout(t, "CmdRun timed out", 5*time.Second, func() {
Example #13
// TestRunDetach checks attaching and detaching with the escape sequence.
func TestRunDetach(t *testing.T) {

	stdin, stdinPipe := io.Pipe()
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(stdin, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	ch := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(ch)
		cli.CmdRun("-i", "-t", unitTestImageID, "cat")

	container := waitContainerStart(t, 10*time.Second)

	state := setRaw(t, container)
	defer unsetRaw(t, container, state)

	setTimeout(t, "First read/write assertion timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		if err := assertPipe("hello\n", "hello", stdout, stdinPipe, 150); err != nil {

	setTimeout(t, "Escape sequence timeout", 5*time.Second, func() {
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	// wait for CmdRun to return
	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for CmdRun timed out", 15*time.Second, func() {
	closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe)

	time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
	if !container.State.IsRunning() {
		t.Fatal("The detached container should be still running")

	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for container to die timed out", 20*time.Second, func() {
Example #14
// Expected behaviour: error out when attempting to bind mount non-existing source paths
func TestRunErrorBindNonExistingSource(t *testing.T) {

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, nil, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	c := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(c)
		// This check is made at runtime, can't be "unit tested"
		if err := cli.CmdRun("-v", "/i/dont/exist:/tmp", unitTestImageID, "echo 'should fail'"); err == nil {
			t.Fatal("should have failed to run when using /i/dont/exist as a source for the bind mount")

	setTimeout(t, "CmdRun timed out", 5*time.Second, func() {
Example #15
// TestRunWorkdirExists checks that 'docker run -w' correctly sets a custom working directory, even if it exists
func TestRunWorkdirExists(t *testing.T) {
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	c := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(c)
		if err := cli.CmdRun("-w", "/proc", unitTestImageID, "pwd"); err != nil {

	setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		cmdOutput, err := bufio.NewReader(stdout).ReadString('\n')
		if err != nil {
		if cmdOutput != "/proc\n" {
			t.Fatalf("'pwd' should display '%s', not '%s'", "/proc\n", cmdOutput)

	container := globalRuntime.List()[0]

	setTimeout(t, "CmdRun timed out", 5*time.Second, func() {

		go func() {

		if _, err := bufio.NewReader(stdout).ReadString('\n'); err != nil {

	// Cleanup pipes
	if err := closeWrap(stdout, stdoutPipe); err != nil {
Example #16
// Expected behaviour: the process dies when the client disconnects
func TestRunDisconnect(t *testing.T) {

	stdin, stdinPipe := io.Pipe()
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(stdin, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	c1 := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		// We're simulating a disconnect so the return value doesn't matter. What matters is the
		// fact that CmdRun returns.
		cli.CmdRun("-i", unitTestImageID, "/bin/cat")

	setTimeout(t, "Read/Write assertion timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		if err := assertPipe("hello\n", "hello", stdout, stdinPipe, 150); err != nil {

	// Close pipes (simulate disconnect)
	if err := closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe); err != nil {

	// as the pipes are close, we expect the process to die,
	// therefore CmdRun to unblock. Wait for CmdRun
	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for CmdRun timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {

	// Client disconnect after run -i should cause stdin to be closed, which should
	// cause /bin/cat to exit.
	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for /bin/cat to exit timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		container := globalRuntime.List()[0]
		if container.State.IsRunning() {
			t.Fatalf("/bin/cat is still running after closing stdin")
Example #17
// Expected behaviour: container gets deleted automatically after exit
func TestRunAutoRemove(t *testing.T) {
	t.Skip("Fixme. Skipping test for now, race condition")
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()
	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	c := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(c)
		if err := cli.CmdRun("--rm", unitTestImageID, "hostname"); err != nil {

	var temporaryContainerID string
	setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		cmdOutput, err := bufio.NewReader(stdout).ReadString('\n')
		if err != nil {
		temporaryContainerID = cmdOutput
		if err := closeWrap(stdout, stdoutPipe); err != nil {

	setTimeout(t, "CmdRun timed out", 10*time.Second, func() {

	time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)

	if len(globalRuntime.List()) > 0 {
		t.Fatalf("failed to remove container automatically: container %s still exists", temporaryContainerID)
Example #18
func main() {

	var (
		pool = redis.NewPool("tcp", *redisAddr)
		m    = martini.Classic()

	m.Use(render.Renderer(render.Options{Layout: "layout"}))
	m.Get("/about", func(r render.Render) {
		r.HTML(200, "about", map[string]interface{}{"about_active": "active"})
	m.Get("/", func(r render.Render) {
		conn := pool.Get()
		defer conn.Close()

		top, err := redis.Top(conn, "top", 4)
		if err != nil {
		last, err := redis.Top(conn, "last", 4)
		if err != nil {
		r.HTML(200, "cover", map[string]interface{}{"top": top, "last": last, "cover_active": "active"})
	m.Get("/_cache/**", func(params martini.Params) (int, string) {
		var (
			repo = params["_1"]
			conn = pool.Get()
		defer conn.Close()

		if cached, _, err := redis.GetRepo(conn, repo); err != nil {
			return 500, err.Error()
		} else if cached != "" {
			redis.SetStats(conn, repo)
			return 200, string(cached)
		return 404, "No cached version of " + repo
	m.Get("/_/**", func(params martini.Params) (int, string) {
		var (
			repo = params["_1"]
			conn = pool.Get()
		defer conn.Close()

		if cached, fresh, err := redis.GetRepo(conn, repo); err != nil {
			return 500, err.Error()
		} else if fresh {
			return 200, string(cached)

		var (
			result = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
			error  = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
			cli    = client.NewDockerCli(nil, result, error, "unix", *socket, nil)

		if err := cli.CmdRun("--rm", "-a", "stdout", "-a", "stderr", "worker", repo); err != nil {
			return 500, error.String()
		re, err := regexp.Compile("\\<script[\\S\\s]+?\\</script\\>")
		if err != nil {
			return 500, err.Error()
		content := re.ReplaceAllString(result.String(), "")
		content = strings.Replace(content, "background: black;", "background: #222222;", 2)

		content = strings.Replace(content, ".cov1 { color: rgb(128, 128, 128) }", ".cov1 { color: #52987D }", 2)
		content = strings.Replace(content, ".cov2 { color: rgb(128, 128, 128) }", ".cov2 { color: #4BA180 }", 2)
		content = strings.Replace(content, ".cov3 { color: rgb(128, 128, 128) }", ".cov3 { color: #44AA83 }", 2)
		content = strings.Replace(content, ".cov4 { color: rgb(128, 128, 128) }", ".cov4 { color: #3DB487 }", 2)
		content = strings.Replace(content, ".cov5 { color: rgb(128, 128, 128) }", ".cov5 { color: #36BD8A }", 2)
		content = strings.Replace(content, ".cov6 { color: rgb(128, 128, 128) }", ".cov6 { color: #2FC68D }", 2)
		content = strings.Replace(content, ".cov7 { color: rgb(128, 128, 128) }", ".cov7 { color: #28D091 }", 2)
		content = strings.Replace(content, ".cov8 { color: rgb(128, 128, 128) }", ".cov8 { color: #21D994 }", 2)
		content = strings.Replace(content, ".cov9 { color: rgb(128, 128, 128) }", ".cov9 { color: #1AE297 }", 2)

			re, err = regexp.Compile("\\>" + repo + "([\\S\\s]?)\\</option\\>")
			if err != nil {
				return 500, err.Error()
			content = re.ReplaceAllString(result.String(), "\\>...$1\\</option\\>")
		redis.SetCache(conn, repo, content)
		redis.SetStats(conn, repo)
		return 200, content
	m.Get("/**", func(params martini.Params, r render.Render) {
		var (
			repo = params["_1"]
			conn = pool.Get()
		defer conn.Close()

		if cached, fresh, err := redis.GetRepo(conn, repo); err != nil {
			r.HTML(500, "", map[string]interface{}{"cover_active": "active", "error": err})
		} else if fresh {
			redis.SetStats(conn, repo)
			r.HTML(200, "cached", map[string]interface{}{"repo": repo, "cover_active": "active", "cache": template.HTML(cached)})
		} else {
			contexts := map[string]interface{}{"repo": repo, "cover_active": "active"}
			if cached != "" {
				contexts["cache"] = "ok"
			r.HTML(200, "loading", contexts)
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*serveAddr, m))
Example #19
func TestCmdKill(t *testing.T) {
	var (
		stdin, stdinPipe   = io.Pipe()
		stdout, stdoutPipe = io.Pipe()
		cli                = client.NewDockerCli(stdin, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
		cli2               = client.NewDockerCli(nil, ioutil.Discard, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	ch := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(ch)
		cli.CmdRun("-i", "-t", unitTestImageID, "sh", "-c", "trap 'echo SIGUSR1' USR1; trap 'echo SIGUSR2' USR2; echo Ready; while true; do read; done")

	container := waitContainerStart(t, 10*time.Second)

	setTimeout(t, "Read Ready timed out", 3*time.Second, func() {
		if err := expectPipe("Ready", stdout); err != nil {

	setTimeout(t, "SIGUSR1 timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
			if err := cli2.CmdKill("-s", strconv.Itoa(int(syscall.SIGUSR1)), container.ID); err != nil {
			if err := expectPipe("SIGUSR1", stdout); err != nil {

	setTimeout(t, "SIGUSR2 timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
			if err := cli2.CmdKill("--signal=USR2", container.ID); err != nil {
			if err := expectPipe("SIGUSR2", stdout); err != nil {

	time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
	if !container.State.IsRunning() {
		t.Fatal("The container should be still running")

	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for container timedout", 5*time.Second, func() {
		if err := cli2.CmdKill(container.ID); err != nil {

		if err := cli2.CmdWait(container.ID); err != nil {

	closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe)
Example #20
// Expected behaviour, the process stays alive when the client disconnects
func TestAttachDisconnect(t *testing.T) {
	stdin, stdinPipe := io.Pipe()
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(stdin, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	go func() {
		// Start a process in daemon mode
		if err := cli.CmdRun("-d", "-i", unitTestImageID, "/bin/cat"); err != nil {
			utils.Debugf("Error CmdRun: %s", err)

	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for CmdRun timed out", 10*time.Second, func() {
		if _, err := bufio.NewReader(stdout).ReadString('\n'); err != nil {

	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for the container to be started timed out", 10*time.Second, func() {
		for {
			l := globalRuntime.List()
			if len(l) == 1 && l[0].State.IsRunning() {
			time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)

	container := globalRuntime.List()[0]

	// Attach to it
	c1 := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		// We're simulating a disconnect so the return value doesn't matter. What matters is the
		// fact that CmdAttach returns.

	setTimeout(t, "First read/write assertion timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		if err := assertPipe("hello\n", "hello", stdout, stdinPipe, 150); err != nil {
	// Close pipes (client disconnects)
	if err := closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe); err != nil {

	// Wait for attach to finish, the client disconnected, therefore, Attach finished his job
	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for CmdAttach timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {

	// We closed stdin, expect /bin/cat to still be running
	// Wait a little bit to make sure container.monitor() did his thing
	err := container.WaitTimeout(500 * time.Millisecond)
	if err == nil || !container.State.IsRunning() {
		t.Fatalf("/bin/cat is not running after closing stdin")

	// Try to avoid the timeout in destroy. Best effort, don't check error
	cStdin, _ := container.StdinPipe()
Example #21
// TestAttachDetach checks that attach in tty mode can be detached using the long container ID
func TestAttachDetach(t *testing.T) {
	stdin, stdinPipe := io.Pipe()
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(stdin, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	ch := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(ch)
		if err := cli.CmdRun("-i", "-t", "-d", unitTestImageID, "cat"); err != nil {

	container := waitContainerStart(t, 10*time.Second)

	setTimeout(t, "Reading container's id timed out", 10*time.Second, func() {
		buf := make([]byte, 1024)
		n, err := stdout.Read(buf)
		if err != nil {

		if strings.Trim(string(buf[:n]), " \r\n") != container.ID {
			t.Fatalf("Wrong ID received. Expect %s, received %s", container.ID, buf[:n])
	setTimeout(t, "Starting container timed out", 10*time.Second, func() {

	state := setRaw(t, container)
	defer unsetRaw(t, container, state)

	stdin, stdinPipe = io.Pipe()
	stdout, stdoutPipe = io.Pipe()
	cli = client.NewDockerCli(stdin, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)

	ch = make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(ch)
		if err := cli.CmdAttach(container.ID); err != nil {
			if err != io.ErrClosedPipe {

	setTimeout(t, "First read/write assertion timed out", 2*time.Second, func() {
		if err := assertPipe("hello\n", "hello", stdout, stdinPipe, 150); err != nil {
			if err != io.ErrClosedPipe {

	setTimeout(t, "Escape sequence timeout", 5*time.Second, func() {
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	// wait for CmdRun to return
	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for CmdAttach timed out", 15*time.Second, func() {

	closeWrap(stdin, stdinPipe, stdout, stdoutPipe)

	time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
	if !container.State.IsRunning() {
		t.Fatal("The detached container should be still running")

	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for container to die timedout", 5*time.Second, func() {
Example #22
func TestContainerOrphaning(t *testing.T) {

	// setup a temporary directory
	tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "project")
	if err != nil {
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)

	// setup a CLI and server
	cli := client.NewDockerCli(nil, ioutil.Discard, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)
	srv := mkServerFromEngine(globalEngine, t)

	// closure to build something
	buildSomething := func(template string, image string) string {
		dockerfile := path.Join(tmpDir, "Dockerfile")
		replacer := strings.NewReplacer("{IMAGE}", unitTestImageID)
		contents := replacer.Replace(template)
		ioutil.WriteFile(dockerfile, []byte(contents), 0x777)
		if err := cli.CmdBuild("-t", image, tmpDir); err != nil {
		img, err := srv.ImageInspect(image)
		if err != nil {
		return img.ID

	// build an image
	imageName := "orphan-test"
	template1 := `
	from {IMAGE}
	cmd ["/bin/echo", "holla"]
	img1 := buildSomething(template1, imageName)

	// create a container using the fist image
	if err := cli.CmdRun(imageName); err != nil {

	// build a new image that splits lineage
	template2 := `
	from {IMAGE}
	cmd ["/bin/echo", "holla"]
	expose 22
	buildSomething(template2, imageName)

	// remove the second image by name
	resp := engine.NewTable("", 0)
	if err := srv.DeleteImage(imageName, resp, true, false, false); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Expected error, got none")

	// see if we deleted the first image (and orphaned the container)
	for _, i := range resp.Data {
		if img1 == i.Get("Deleted") {
			t.Fatal("Orphaned image with container")

Example #23
func main() {
	if selfPath := utils.SelfPath(); strings.Contains(selfPath, ".dockerinit") {
		// Running in init mode

	var (
		flVersion            = flag.Bool([]string{"v", "-version"}, false, "Print version information and quit")
		flDaemon             = flag.Bool([]string{"d", "-daemon"}, false, "Enable daemon mode")
		flGraphOpts          opts.ListOpts
		flDebug              = flag.Bool([]string{"D", "-debug"}, false, "Enable debug mode")
		flAutoRestart        = flag.Bool([]string{"r", "-restart"}, true, "Restart previously running containers")
		bridgeName           = flag.String([]string{"b", "-bridge"}, "", "Attach containers to a pre-existing network bridge\nuse 'none' to disable container networking")
		bridgeIp             = flag.String([]string{"#bip", "-bip"}, "", "Use this CIDR notation address for the network bridge's IP, not compatible with -b")
		pidfile              = flag.String([]string{"p", "-pidfile"}, "/var/run/docker.pid", "Path to use for daemon PID file")
		flRoot               = flag.String([]string{"g", "-graph"}, "/var/lib/docker", "Path to use as the root of the Docker runtime")
		flSocketGroup        = flag.String([]string{"G", "-group"}, "docker", "Group to assign the unix socket specified by -H when running in daemon mode\nuse '' (the empty string) to disable setting of a group")
		flEnableCors         = flag.Bool([]string{"#api-enable-cors", "-api-enable-cors"}, false, "Enable CORS headers in the remote API")
		flDns                = opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateIp4Address)
		flDnsSearch          = opts.NewListOpts(opts.ValidateDomain)
		flEnableIptables     = flag.Bool([]string{"#iptables", "-iptables"}, true, "Enable Docker's addition of iptables rules")
		flEnableIpForward    = flag.Bool([]string{"#ip-forward", "-ip-forward"}, true, "Enable net.ipv4.ip_forward")
		flDefaultIp          = flag.String([]string{"#ip", "-ip"}, "", "Default IP address to use when binding container ports")
		flInterContainerComm = flag.Bool([]string{"#icc", "-icc"}, true, "Enable inter-container communication")
		flGraphDriver        = flag.String([]string{"s", "-storage-driver"}, "", "Force the Docker runtime to use a specific storage driver")
		flExecDriver         = flag.String([]string{"e", "-exec-driver"}, "native", "Force the Docker runtime to use a specific exec driver")
		flHosts              = opts.NewListOpts(api.ValidateHost)
		flMtu                = flag.Int([]string{"#mtu", "-mtu"}, 0, "Set the containers network MTU\nif no value is provided: default to the default route MTU or 1500 if no default route is available")
		flTls                = flag.Bool([]string{"-tls"}, false, "Use TLS; implied by tls-verify flags")
		flTlsVerify          = flag.Bool([]string{"-tlsverify"}, false, "Use TLS and verify the remote (daemon: verify client, client: verify daemon)")
		flCa                 = flag.String([]string{"-tlscacert"}, dockerConfDir+defaultCaFile, "Trust only remotes providing a certificate signed by the CA given here")
		flCert               = flag.String([]string{"-tlscert"}, dockerConfDir+defaultCertFile, "Path to TLS certificate file")
		flKey                = flag.String([]string{"-tlskey"}, dockerConfDir+defaultKeyFile, "Path to TLS key file")
		flSelinuxEnabled     = flag.Bool([]string{"-selinux-enabled"}, false, "Enable selinux support")
	flag.Var(&flDns, []string{"#dns", "-dns"}, "Force Docker to use specific DNS servers")
	flag.Var(&flDnsSearch, []string{"-dns-search"}, "Force Docker to use specific DNS search domains")
	flag.Var(&flHosts, []string{"H", "-host"}, "The socket(s) to bind to in daemon mode\nspecified using one or more tcp://host:port, unix:///path/to/socket, fd://* or fd://socketfd.")
	flag.Var(&flGraphOpts, []string{"-storage-opt"}, "Set storage driver options")


	if *flVersion {
	if flHosts.Len() == 0 {
		defaultHost := os.Getenv("DOCKER_HOST")

		if defaultHost == "" || *flDaemon {
			// If we do not have a host, default to unix socket
			defaultHost = fmt.Sprintf("unix://%s", api.DEFAULTUNIXSOCKET)
		if _, err := api.ValidateHost(defaultHost); err != nil {

	if *bridgeName != "" && *bridgeIp != "" {
		log.Fatal("You specified -b & --bip, mutually exclusive options. Please specify only one.")

	if !*flEnableIptables && !*flInterContainerComm {
		log.Fatal("You specified --iptables=false with --icc=false. ICC uses iptables to function. Please set --icc or --iptables to true.")

	if net.ParseIP(*flDefaultIp) == nil {
		log.Fatalf("Specified --ip=%s is not in correct format \"\".", *flDefaultIp)

	if *flDebug {
		os.Setenv("DEBUG", "1")

	if *flDaemon {
		if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
			log.Fatalf("The Docker daemon is only supported on linux")
		if os.Geteuid() != 0 {
			log.Fatalf("The Docker daemon needs to be run as root")

		if flag.NArg() != 0 {

		// set up the TempDir to use a canonical path
		tmp := os.TempDir()
		realTmp, err := utils.ReadSymlinkedDirectory(tmp)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Unable to get the full path to the TempDir (%s): %s", tmp, err)
		os.Setenv("TMPDIR", realTmp)

		// get the canonical path to the Docker root directory
		root := *flRoot
		var realRoot string
		if _, err := os.Stat(root); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
			realRoot = root
		} else {
			realRoot, err = utils.ReadSymlinkedDirectory(root)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatalf("Unable to get the full path to root (%s): %s", root, err)
		if err := checkKernelAndArch(); err != nil {

		eng := engine.New()
		// Load builtins
		if err := builtins.Register(eng); err != nil {
		// load the daemon in the background so we can immediately start
		// the http api so that connections don't fail while the daemon
		// is booting
		go func() {
			// Load plugin: httpapi
			job := eng.Job("initserver")
			job.Setenv("Pidfile", *pidfile)
			job.Setenv("Root", realRoot)
			job.SetenvBool("AutoRestart", *flAutoRestart)
			job.SetenvList("Dns", flDns.GetAll())
			job.SetenvList("DnsSearch", flDnsSearch.GetAll())
			job.SetenvBool("EnableIptables", *flEnableIptables)
			job.SetenvBool("EnableIpForward", *flEnableIpForward)
			job.Setenv("BridgeIface", *bridgeName)
			job.Setenv("BridgeIP", *bridgeIp)
			job.Setenv("DefaultIp", *flDefaultIp)
			job.SetenvBool("InterContainerCommunication", *flInterContainerComm)
			job.Setenv("GraphDriver", *flGraphDriver)
			job.SetenvList("GraphOptions", flGraphOpts.GetAll())
			job.Setenv("ExecDriver", *flExecDriver)
			job.SetenvInt("Mtu", *flMtu)
			job.SetenvBool("EnableSelinuxSupport", *flSelinuxEnabled)
			job.SetenvList("Sockets", flHosts.GetAll())
			if err := job.Run(); err != nil {
			// after the daemon is done setting up we can tell the api to start
			// accepting connections
			if err := eng.Job("acceptconnections").Run(); err != nil {

		// TODO actually have a resolved graphdriver to show?
		log.Printf("docker daemon: %s %s; execdriver: %s; graphdriver: %s",

		// Serve api
		job := eng.Job("serveapi", flHosts.GetAll()...)
		job.SetenvBool("Logging", true)
		job.SetenvBool("EnableCors", *flEnableCors)
		job.Setenv("Version", dockerversion.VERSION)
		job.Setenv("SocketGroup", *flSocketGroup)

		job.SetenvBool("Tls", *flTls)
		job.SetenvBool("TlsVerify", *flTlsVerify)
		job.Setenv("TlsCa", *flCa)
		job.Setenv("TlsCert", *flCert)
		job.Setenv("TlsKey", *flKey)
		job.SetenvBool("BufferRequests", true)
		if err := job.Run(); err != nil {
	} else {
		if flHosts.Len() > 1 {
			log.Fatal("Please specify only one -H")
		protoAddrParts := strings.SplitN(flHosts.GetAll()[0], "://", 2)

		var (
			cli       *client.DockerCli
			tlsConfig tls.Config
		tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true

		// If we should verify the server, we need to load a trusted ca
		if *flTlsVerify {
			*flTls = true
			certPool := x509.NewCertPool()
			file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*flCa)
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatalf("Couldn't read ca cert %s: %s", *flCa, err)
			tlsConfig.RootCAs = certPool
			tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = false

		// If tls is enabled, try to load and send client certificates
		if *flTls || *flTlsVerify {
			_, errCert := os.Stat(*flCert)
			_, errKey := os.Stat(*flKey)
			if errCert == nil && errKey == nil {
				*flTls = true
				cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(*flCert, *flKey)
				if err != nil {
					log.Fatalf("Couldn't load X509 key pair: %s. Key encrypted?", err)
				tlsConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}

		if *flTls || *flTlsVerify {
			cli = client.NewDockerCli(os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr, protoAddrParts[0], protoAddrParts[1], &tlsConfig)
		} else {
			cli = client.NewDockerCli(os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr, protoAddrParts[0], protoAddrParts[1], nil)

		if err := cli.ParseCommands(flag.Args()...); err != nil {
			if sterr, ok := err.(*utils.StatusError); ok {
				if sterr.Status != "" {
Example #24
// TestAttachStdin checks attaching to stdin without stdout and stderr.
// 'docker run -i -a stdin' should sends the client's stdin to the command,
// then detach from it and print the container id.
func TestRunAttachStdin(t *testing.T) {

	stdin, stdinPipe := io.Pipe()
	stdout, stdoutPipe := io.Pipe()

	cli := client.NewDockerCli(stdin, stdoutPipe, ioutil.Discard, testDaemonProto, testDaemonAddr, nil)
	defer cleanup(globalEngine, t)

	ch := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(ch)
		cli.CmdRun("-i", "-a", "stdin", unitTestImageID, "sh", "-c", "echo hello && cat && sleep 5")

	// Send input to the command, close stdin
	setTimeout(t, "Write timed out", 10*time.Second, func() {
		if _, err := stdinPipe.Write([]byte("hi there\n")); err != nil {
		if err := stdinPipe.Close(); err != nil {

	container := globalRuntime.List()[0]

	// Check output
	setTimeout(t, "Reading command output time out", 10*time.Second, func() {
		cmdOutput, err := bufio.NewReader(stdout).ReadString('\n')
		if err != nil {
		if cmdOutput != container.ID+"\n" {
			t.Fatalf("Wrong output: should be '%s', not '%s'\n", container.ID+"\n", cmdOutput)

	// wait for CmdRun to return
	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for CmdRun timed out", 5*time.Second, func() {

	setTimeout(t, "Waiting for command to exit timed out", 10*time.Second, func() {

	// Check logs
	if cmdLogs, err := container.ReadLog("json"); err != nil {
	} else {
		if output, err := ioutil.ReadAll(cmdLogs); err != nil {
		} else {
			expectedLogs := []string{"{\"log\":\"hello\\n\",\"stream\":\"stdout\"", "{\"log\":\"hi there\\n\",\"stream\":\"stdout\""}
			for _, expectedLog := range expectedLogs {
				if !strings.Contains(string(output), expectedLog) {
					t.Fatalf("Unexpected logs: should contains '%s', it is not '%s'\n", expectedLog, output)