func (pcm *PCM) parse(reader io.Reader) {
	// read the data from stdout
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
	first := true
	for scanner.Scan() {
		if first {
			first = false
		if len(pcm.keys) == 0 {
			keys := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(scanner.Text(), ";"), ";")
			//skip the date and time fields
			pcm.keys = make([]string, len(keys[2:]))
			for i, k := range keys[2:] {
				// removes all spaces from metric key
				metricKey := ns.ReplaceNotAllowedCharsInNamespacePart(k)
				pcm.keys[i] = fmt.Sprintf("/intel/pcm/%s", metricKey)

		datal := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(scanner.Text(), ";"), ";")
		for i, d := range datal[2:] {
			v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimSpace(d), 64)
			if err == nil {[pcm.keys[i]] = v
			} else {
				fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Invalid metric value", err)[pcm.keys[i]] = math.NaN()
		// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "data >>> %+v\n",
		// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "data >>> %+v\n",
// CollectMetrics retrieves values of requested metrics
func (d *docker) CollectMetrics(mts []plugin.MetricType) ([]plugin.MetricType, error) {
	var err error
	metrics := []plugin.MetricType{}
	d.list = map[string]dock.APIContainers{}

	// get list of possible network metrics
	networkMetrics := []string{}
	utils.FromCompositionTags(wrapper.NetworkInterface{}, "", &networkMetrics)

	// get list of all running containers
	d.list, err = d.client.ListContainersAsMap()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "The list of running containers cannot be retrived, err=", err)
		return nil, err

	// retrieve requested docker ids
	rids, err := d.getRequestedIDs(mts...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// for each requested id set adequate item into docker.container struct with stats
	for _, rid := range rids {

		if contSpec, exist := d.list[rid]; !exist {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Docker container does not exist, container_id=%s", rid)
		} else {
			stats, err := d.client.GetStatsFromContainer(contSpec.ID, true)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			// set new item to docker.container structure
			d.containers[rid] = containerData{
				ID: contSpec.ID,
				Info: wrapper.Specification{
					Status:     contSpec.Status,
					Created:    time.Unix(contSpec.Created, 0).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"),
					Image:      contSpec.Image,
					SizeRw:     contSpec.SizeRw,
					SizeRootFs: contSpec.SizeRootFs,
					Labels:     contSpec.Labels,
				Stats: stats,


	for _, mt := range mts {
		ids, err := d.getRequestedIDs(mt)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		for _, id := range ids {
			ns := make([]core.NamespaceElement, len(mt.Namespace()))
			copy(ns, mt.Namespace())
			ns[2].Value = id

			// omit "spec" metrics for root
			if id == "root" && mt.Namespace()[lengthOfNsPrefix].Value == "spec" {
			isDynamic, indexes := mt.Namespace()[lengthOfNsPrefix:].IsDynamic()

			metricName := mt.Namespace().Strings()[lengthOfNsPrefix:]

			// remove added static element (`value`)
			if metricName[len(metricName)-1] == "value" {
				metricName = metricName[:len(metricName)-1]

			if !isDynamic {
				metric := plugin.MetricType{
					Timestamp_: time.Now(),
					Namespace_: ns,
					Data_:      utils.GetValueByNamespace(d.containers[id], metricName),
					Tags_:      mt.Tags(),
					Config_:    mt.Config(),
					Version_:   VERSION,

				metrics = append(metrics, metric)


			// take the element of metricName which precedes the first dynamic element
			// e.g. {"filesystem", "*", "usage"}
			// 	-> statsType will be "filesystem",
			// 	-> scope of metricName will be decreased to {"*", "usage"}

			indexOfDynamicElement := indexes[0]
			statsType := metricName[indexOfDynamicElement-1]
			metricName = metricName[indexOfDynamicElement:]

			switch statsType {
			case "filesystem":
				// get docker filesystem statistics
				devices := []string{}

				if metricName[0] == "*" {
					// when device name is requested as as asterisk - take all available filesystem devices
					for deviceName := range d.containers[id].Stats.Filesystem {
						devices = append(devices, deviceName)
				} else {
					// device name is requested explicitly
					device := metricName[0]
					if _, ok := d.containers[id].Stats.Filesystem[device]; !ok {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("In metric %s the given device name is invalid (no stats for this device)", mt.Namespace().String())

					devices = append(devices, metricName[0])

				for _, device := range devices {
					rns := make([]core.NamespaceElement, len(ns))
					copy(rns, ns)

					rns[indexOfDynamicElement+lengthOfNsPrefix].Value = device

					metric := plugin.MetricType{
						Timestamp_: time.Now(),
						Namespace_: rns,
						Data_:      utils.GetValueByNamespace(d.containers[id].Stats.Filesystem[device], metricName[1:]),
						Tags_:      mt.Tags(),
						Config_:    mt.Config(),
						Version_:   VERSION,
					metrics = append(metrics, metric)

			case "labels":
				// get docker labels
				labelKeys := []string{}
				if metricName[0] == "*" {
					// when label key is requested as an asterisk - take all available labels
					for labelKey := range d.containers[id].Info.Labels {
						labelKeys = append(labelKeys, labelKey)
				} else {
					labelKey := metricName[0]
					if _, ok := d.containers[id].Info.Labels[labelKey]; !ok {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("In metric %s the given label is invalid (no value for this label key)", mt.Namespace().String())

					labelKeys = append(labelKeys, metricName[0])

				for _, labelKey := range labelKeys {
					rns := make([]core.NamespaceElement, len(ns))
					copy(rns, ns)
					rns[indexOfDynamicElement+lengthOfNsPrefix].Value = utils.ReplaceNotAllowedCharsInNamespacePart(labelKey)
					metric := plugin.MetricType{
						Timestamp_: time.Now(),
						Namespace_: rns,
						Data_:      d.containers[id].Info.Labels[labelKey],
						Tags_:      mt.Tags(),
						Config_:    mt.Config(),
						Version_:   VERSION,

					metrics = append(metrics, metric)

			case "network":
				//get docker network tx/rx statistics
				netInterfaces := []string{}
				ifaceMap := map[string]wrapper.NetworkInterface{}
				for _, iface := range d.containers[id].Stats.Network {
					ifaceMap[iface.Name] = iface

				// support wildcard on interface name
				if metricName[0] == "*" {
					for _, netInterface := range d.containers[id].Stats.Network {
						netInterfaces = append(netInterfaces, netInterface.Name)
				} else {
					netInterface := metricName[0]
					if _, ok := ifaceMap[netInterface]; !ok {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("In metric %s the given network interface is invalid (no stats for this net interface)", mt.Namespace().String())
					netInterfaces = append(netInterfaces, metricName[0])

				for _, ifaceName := range netInterfaces {
					rns := make([]core.NamespaceElement, len(ns))
					copy(rns, ns)
					rns[indexOfDynamicElement+lengthOfNsPrefix].Value = ifaceName
					metric := plugin.MetricType{
						Timestamp_: time.Now(),
						Namespace_: rns,
						Data_:      utils.GetValueByNamespace(ifaceMap[ifaceName], metricName[1:]),
						Tags_:      mt.Tags(),
						Config_:    mt.Config(),
						Version_:   VERSION,
					metrics = append(metrics, metric)

			case "percpu_usage":
				numOfCPUs := len(d.containers[id].Stats.CgroupStats.CpuStats.CpuUsage.PercpuUsage) - 1
				if metricName[0] == "*" {
					// when cpu ID is requested as an asterisk - take all available
					for cpuID, val := range d.containers[id].Stats.CgroupStats.CpuStats.CpuUsage.PercpuUsage {
						rns := make([]core.NamespaceElement, len(ns))
						copy(rns, ns)

						rns[indexOfDynamicElement+lengthOfNsPrefix].Value = strconv.Itoa(cpuID)

						metric := plugin.MetricType{
							Timestamp_: time.Now(),
							Namespace_: rns,
							Data_:      val,
							Tags_:      mt.Tags(),
							Config_:    mt.Config(),
							Version_:   VERSION,
						metrics = append(metrics, metric)
				} else {
					cpuID, err := strconv.Atoi(metricName[0])
					if err != nil {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("In metric %s the given cpu id is invalid, err=%v", mt.Namespace().String(), err)
					if cpuID > numOfCPUs || cpuID < 0 {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("In metric %s the given cpu id is invalid, expected value in range 0-%d", mt.Namespace().String(), numOfCPUs)

					metric := plugin.MetricType{
						Timestamp_: time.Now(),
						Namespace_: ns,
						Data_:      d.containers[id].Stats.CgroupStats.CpuStats.CpuUsage.PercpuUsage[cpuID],
						Tags_:      mt.Tags(),
						Config_:    mt.Config(),
						Version_:   VERSION,
					metrics = append(metrics, metric)

			} // the end of switch statsType
		} // the end of range over ids

	if len(metrics) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("No metric found")

	return metrics, nil