Example #1
	This grabs the complex metrics of the L7 traffic from ExtraHop. It is a complex type because the data is not just a simple time series,
	the data needs to be tagged with vlan, protocol, etc. We can do the network and vlan tagging ourselves, but the protocol tagging comes
	from ExtraHop itself.
func extraHopNetworks(c *gohop.Client, md *opentsdb.MultiDataPoint) error {
	nl, err := c.GetNetworkList(true) //Fetch the network list from ExtraHop, and include VLAN information
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for _, net := range nl { //All found networks
		for _, vlan := range net.Vlans { //All vlans inside this network
			for l7type := range l7types { //All the types of data we want to retrieve for the vlan
				xhMetricName := fmt.Sprintf("extrahop.l7.%s", l7type)
				metricsDropped, metricsKept := 0, 0  //Counters for debugging purposes
				otherValues := make(map[int64]int64) //Container to put any extra time series data that we need to add, for consolidating unnamed or dropped protocols, etc.
				ms := []gohop.MetricSpec{            //Build a metric spec to tell ExtraHop what we want to grab from ExtraHop
					{Name: l7type, KeyPair: gohop.KeyPair{Key1Regex: "", Key2Regex: "", OpenTSDBKey1: "proto", Key2OpenTSDBKey2: ""}, OpenTSDBMetric: xhMetricName}, //ExtraHop breaks this by L7 protocol on its own, but we need to tell TSDB what tag to add, which is in this case "proto"
				mrk, err := c.KeyedMetricQuery(gohop.Cycle30Sec, "app", "vlan", int64(extraHopIntervalSeconds)*-1000, 0, ms, []int64{vlan.VlanId}) //Get the data from ExtraHop
				if err != nil {
					return err
				md2, err := mrk.OpenTSDBDataPoints(ms, "vlan", map[int64]string{vlan.VlanId: fmt.Sprintf("%d", vlan.VlanId)}) //Get the OpenTSDBDataPoints from the ExtraHop data
				if err != nil {
					return err
				valueCutoff := calculateDataCutoff(mrk) //Calculate what the cutoff value will be (used later on when we decide whether or not to consolidate the data)
				for _, dp := range md2 {                //We need to manually process the TSDB datapoints that we've got
					dp.Tags["host"] = c.APIHost
					dp.Tags["network"] = net.Name
					switch extraHopFilterProtoBy { //These are our filter options from the the configuration file. Filter by %, named, or none
					case "toppercent": //Only include protocols that make up a certain % of the traffic
						if dp.Value.(int64) >= valueCutoff[dp.Timestamp] { //It's in the top percent so log it as-is
							*md = append(*md, dp)
						} else {
							otherValues[dp.Timestamp] += dp.Value.(int64)
					case "namedprotocols": //Only include protocols that have an actual name (SSL443 excepted)
						if strings.Index(dp.Tags["proto"], "tcp") != 0 && strings.Index(dp.Tags["proto"], "udp") != 0 && (strings.Index(dp.Tags["proto"], "SSL") != 0 || dp.Tags["proto"] == "SSL443") { //The first characters are not tcp or udp.
							*md = append(*md, dp)
						} else {
							otherValues[dp.Timestamp] += dp.Value.(int64)
					case "none": //Log everything. Is OK for viewing short timespans, but calculating, 2,000+ protocols over a multi-day window is bad for Bosun's performance
						*md = append(*md, dp)

				//Take the consolidated values and add them now too
				for k, v := range otherValues {
					*md = append(*md, &opentsdb.DataPoint{
						Metric:    xhMetricName,
						Timestamp: k,
						Tags:      opentsdb.TagSet{"vlan": fmt.Sprintf("%d", vlan.VlanId), "proto": extraHopOtherProtoName, "host": c.APIHost, "network": net.Name},
						Value:     v,
	return nil