Example #1
func TestAsuOpenFile(t *testing.T) {
	usedirectio := true
	asu := NewAsu(usedirectio)
	mockfile := tests.NewMockFile()
	mockerror := errors.New("Test Error")

	directio_set := false

	// Mock openFile
	defer tests.Patch(&openFile,
		func(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (Filer, error) {
			directio_set = false
			if (flag & cache.OSSYNC) == cache.OSSYNC {
				directio_set = true

			return mockfile, mockerror

	// Call
	err := asu.Open("filename")

	// Check results
	tests.Assert(t, directio_set == true)
	tests.Assert(t, err == mockerror)

	// Now try without directio set
	usedirectio = false
	asu = NewAsu(usedirectio)

	// Check results
	err = asu.Open("filename")
	tests.Assert(t, directio_set == false)
	tests.Assert(t, err == mockerror)
Example #2
func TestIoMeterDeltas(t *testing.T) {

	prev := &IoMeter{
		Ios:    1000,
		Blocks: 5000,

	meter := &IoMeter{}
	*meter = *prev
	meter.Ios += 500
	meter.Blocks += 500
	meter.Latency.Add(time.Millisecond * 2)
	meter.Latency.Add(time.Millisecond * 2)
	meter.Latency.Add(time.Millisecond * 2)
	meter.Latency.Add(time.Millisecond * 2)

	// Test Accessors
	tests.Assert(t, meter.MeanLatencyDeltaUsecs(prev) == 2000.0)
	tests.Assert(t, meter.IosDelta(prev) == 500)
	tests.Assert(t, meter.MeanLatencyUsecs() == 1500.0)
Example #3
func TestNullPipeline(t *testing.T) {
	destination := make(chan *Message)
	pipe := make(chan *Message)
	np := NewNullPipeline(pipe)
	defer np.Close()

	m := &Message{
		Type:    MsgPut,
		RetChan: destination,

	// Send message
	np.In <- m

	// Pipe should be the first to see it
	returnedmsg := <-pipe
	tests.Assert(t, returnedmsg == m)

	// Now we finish the message

	// It should arrive at destination
	returnedmsg = <-destination
	tests.Assert(t, returnedmsg == m)

Example #4
func TestInvalidateMultipleBlocks(t *testing.T) {
	nc := message.NewNullTerminator()
	defer nc.Close()

	c := NewCacheMap(8, 4096, nc.In)
	tests.Assert(t, c != nil)
	defer c.Close()

	// Insert some values in the addressmap
	for i := uint32(0); i < 4; i++ {

		// The key is block number
		c.addressmap[uint64(i)] = i

	// This value should still be on the addressmap
	c.addressmap[8] = 8

	iopkt := &message.IoPkt{
		Address: 0,
		Blocks:  8,

	tests.Assert(t, c.stats.invalidations == uint64(iopkt.Blocks))
	tests.Assert(t, c.stats.invalidatehits == 4)
	tests.Assert(t, c.addressmap[8] == 8)
Example #5
func TestNewSpcStats(t *testing.T) {
	s := NewSpcStats()
	tests.Assert(t, len(s.Asustats) == 3)
	tests.Assert(t, s.Asustats[ASU1] != nil)
	tests.Assert(t, s.Asustats[ASU2] != nil)
	tests.Assert(t, s.Asustats[ASU3] != nil)
Example #6
func TestNullNewTerminator(t *testing.T) {
	np := NewNullTerminator()
	defer np.Close()

	tests.Assert(t, np.In != nil)
	tests.Assert(t, len(np.In) == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, np.Out == nil)
Example #7
func TestNullNewPipeline(t *testing.T) {
	out := make(chan *Message)
	np := NewNullPipeline(out)
	defer np.Close()

	tests.Assert(t, np.In != nil)
	tests.Assert(t, len(np.In) == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, np.Out == out)
Example #8
func TestRamHitRate(t *testing.T) {
	s := &logstats{}
	ls := s.Stats()
	tests.Assert(t, ls.RamHitRate() == 0.0)

	s.ramhits = 100
	s.totalhits = 200
	ls = s.Stats()
	tests.Assert(t, ls.RamHitRate() == 0.5)
Example #9
func TestCacheStatsRates(t *testing.T) {
	s := &cachestats{}
	stats1 := s.stats()
	stats2 := s.stats()

	tests.Assert(t, stats1.ReadHitRate() == 0.0)
	tests.Assert(t, stats1.InvalidateHitRate() == 0.0)
	tests.Assert(t, stats1.ReadHitRateDelta(stats2) == 0.0)
	tests.Assert(t, stats1.InvalidateHitRateDelta(stats2) == 0.0)
Example #10
func TestIoPktString(t *testing.T) {
	m := NewMsgGet()
	iopkt := m.IoPkt()
	s := iopkt.String()

	tests.Assert(t, strings.Contains(s, "Address"))
	tests.Assert(t, strings.Contains(s, "LogBlock"))
	tests.Assert(t, strings.Contains(s, "Blocks"))

Example #11
func TestBufferHitRate(t *testing.T) {
	s := &logstats{}
	ls := s.Stats()
	tests.Assert(t, ls.BufferHitRate() == 0.0)

	s.bufferhits = 100
	s.totalhits = 200
	ls = s.Stats()
	tests.Assert(t, ls.BufferHitRate() == 0.5)
Example #12
func TestCacheStatsJson(t *testing.T) {
	s := &cachestats{
		readhits:       1,
		invalidatehits: 12,
		reads:          123,
		evictions:      1234,
		invalidations:  12345,
		insertions:     123456,

	// Encode
	exportedstats := s.stats()
	jsonstats, err := json.Marshal(exportedstats)
	tests.Assert(t, err == nil)

	// Decode and check with original
	decstats := &CacheStats{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(jsonstats, &decstats)
	tests.Assert(t, err == nil)
	tests.Assert(t, reflect.DeepEqual(decstats, exportedstats))
	tests.Assert(t, s.readhits == decstats.Readhits)
	tests.Assert(t, s.invalidatehits == decstats.Invalidatehits)
	tests.Assert(t, s.reads == decstats.Reads)
	tests.Assert(t, s.evictions == decstats.Evictions)
	tests.Assert(t, s.invalidations == decstats.Invalidations)
	tests.Assert(t, s.insertions == decstats.Insertions)

Example #13
func TestCacheStatsCsvDelta(t *testing.T) {
	s1 := &cachestats{
		readhits:       1,
		invalidatehits: 12,
		reads:          123,
		evictions:      1234,
		invalidations:  12345,
		insertions:     123456,
	s2 := &cachestats{
		readhits:       12,
		invalidatehits: 123,
		reads:          1234,
		evictions:      12345,
		invalidations:  123456,
		insertions:     1234567,

	stats1 := s1.stats()
	stats2 := s2.stats()
	slice := strings.Split(stats2.CsvDelta(stats1), ",")

	// 8 elements per csv line + the empty
	tests.Assert(t, len(slice) == 9)
	tests.Assert(t, slice[0] == fmt.Sprintf("%v", stats2.ReadHitRateDelta(stats1)))
	tests.Assert(t, slice[1] == fmt.Sprintf("%v", stats2.InvalidateHitRateDelta(stats1)))
	tests.Assert(t, slice[2] == strconv.FormatUint(s2.readhits-s1.readhits, 10))
	tests.Assert(t, slice[3] == strconv.FormatUint(s2.invalidatehits-s1.invalidatehits, 10))
	tests.Assert(t, slice[4] == strconv.FormatUint(s2.reads-s1.reads, 10))
	tests.Assert(t, slice[5] == strconv.FormatUint(s2.insertions-s1.insertions, 10))
	tests.Assert(t, slice[6] == strconv.FormatUint(s2.evictions-s1.evictions, 10))
	tests.Assert(t, slice[7] == strconv.FormatUint(s2.invalidations-s1.invalidations, 10))
Example #14
func TestInvalidateIoPkt(t *testing.T) {
	c := make(chan *Message)
	m := NewMsgGet()
	m.RetChan = c
	iopkt := m.IoPkt()
	tests.Assert(t, iopkt.LogBlock == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, iopkt.Buffer == nil)
	tests.Assert(t, iopkt.Address == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, m.RetChan == c)
	tests.Assert(t, m.Type == MsgGet)
Example #15
func TestAddressUtils(t *testing.T) {
	a := Address{
		Devid: 9876,
		Block: 123456789,

	merged := Address64(a)
	converted := AddressValue(merged)

	tests.Assert(t, a.Devid == converted.Devid)
	tests.Assert(t, a.Block == converted.Block)
Example #16
func TestMsgIoDone(t *testing.T) {

	// Channel to send
	worker := make(chan *Message)

	// Return channel
	backhere := make(chan *Message)

	// Message
	m := NewMsgPut()
	m.Priv = &Data{i: 1}
	m.RetChan = backhere

	// Start 'work' service
	go func() {

		// Wait for work
		msg := <-worker
		d := msg.Priv.(*Data)
		io := msg.IoPkt()
		io.Buffer = []byte("TESTSTRING")
		tests.Assert(t, msg.Type == MsgPut)
		tests.Assert(t, d.i == 1)

		// Increment the offset here to test
		d.i += 1

		// Return to channel


	// Send to 'work'
	worker <- m

	// Wait until it is done
	rm := <-backhere

	// Get the data
	newD := rm.Priv.(*Data)
	io := rm.IoPkt()

	// Check results
	tests.Assert(t, newD.i == 2)
	tests.Assert(t, string(io.Buffer) == "TESTSTRING")
Example #17
func TestIoMeterCsvDelta(t *testing.T) {
	spc1info := &spc1.Spc1Io{
		Asu:    1,
		Blocks: 1,
		Stream: 2,
		Offset: 123456,
		When:   time.Second * 2,

	stat := &IoStats{
		Io:      spc1info,
		Start:   time.Now(),
		Latency: time.Millisecond * 3,

	// Inster first data point
	meter := &IoMeter{}

	tests.Assert(t, meter.Blocks == 1)
	tests.Assert(t, meter.Ios == 1)
	tests.Assert(t, meter.Latency.MeanTimeUsecs() == 3000.0)

	prev := &IoMeter{}
	s := meter.CsvDelta(prev, time.Millisecond)
	split := strings.Split(s, ",")
	tests.Assert(t, split[0] == "1")
	tests.Assert(t, split[1] == "4096")
	tests.Assert(t, strings.Contains(split[2], "3.9"))
	tests.Assert(t, strings.Contains(split[3], "3000"))
Example #18
func TestAsuSize(t *testing.T) {

	usedirectio := false
	asu := NewAsu(usedirectio)

	// set fake length
	asu.len = 1234 * GB / (4 * KB)
	tests.Assert(t, float64(1234) == asu.Size())
Example #19
func TestNewCacheMap(t *testing.T) {
	nc := message.NewNullTerminator()
	defer nc.Close()

	c := NewCacheMap(8, 4096, nc.In)
	tests.Assert(t, c != nil)
Example #20
func TestLogStatsSegmentReadTimeRecord(t *testing.T) {
	s := &logstats{}

	s.SegmentReadTimeRecord(50 * 1000)
	s.SegmentReadTimeRecord(50 * 1000)

	tests.Assert(t, s.readtime.MeanTimeUsecs() == 0.0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.segmentreadtime.MeanTimeUsecs() == 50.0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.writetime.MeanTimeUsecs() == 0.0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.ramhits == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.storagehits == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.wraps == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.seg_skipped == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.bufferhits == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.totalhits == 0)
Example #21
func TestUsing(t *testing.T) {
	bda := NewBlockDescriptorArray(2)

	id := uint64(123)
	index, evictkey, evict := bda.Insert(id)
	tests.Assert(t, bda.bds[0].key == id)
	tests.Assert(t, bda.bds[0].clock_set == false)
	tests.Assert(t, bda.bds[0].used == true)
	tests.Assert(t, index == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, evictkey == INVALID_KEY)
	tests.Assert(t, evict == false)

	tests.Assert(t, bda.bds[0].key == id)
	tests.Assert(t, bda.bds[0].clock_set == true)
	tests.Assert(t, bda.bds[0].used == true)
Example #22
// Should wrap four times
func TestWrapPut(t *testing.T) {
	// Simple log
	blocks := uint32(16)

	testcachefile := tests.Tempfile()
	err := tests.CreateFile(testcachefile, 16*4096)
	tests.Assert(t, nil == err)
	defer os.Remove(testcachefile)

	l, logblocks, err := NewLog(testcachefile, 4096, 2, 4096*2, false)
	tests.Assert(t, err == nil)
	tests.Assert(t, l != nil)
	tests.Assert(t, blocks == logblocks)

	here := make(chan *message.Message)
	wraps := uint32(4)

	// Write enough blocks to wrap around the log
	// as many times as determined by the value in 'wraps'
	for io := uint32(0); io < (blocks * wraps); io++ {
		buf := make([]byte, 4096)
		buf[0] = byte(io)

		msg := message.NewMsgPut()
		msg.RetChan = here

		iopkt := msg.IoPkt()
		iopkt.Buffer = buf
		iopkt.LogBlock = io % blocks

		l.Msgchan <- msg

	// Close will also empty all the channels

	// Check that we have wrapped the correct number of times
	tests.Assert(t, l.Stats().Wraps == uint64(wraps))
Example #23
func TestIoMeterCollect(t *testing.T) {

	spc1info := &spc1.Spc1Io{
		Asu:    1,
		Blocks: 1,
		Stream: 2,
		Offset: 123456,
		When:   time.Second * 2,

	stat := &IoStats{
		Io:      spc1info,
		Start:   time.Now(),
		Latency: time.Millisecond * 3,

	// Inster first data point
	meter := &IoMeter{}

	tests.Assert(t, meter.Blocks == 1)
	tests.Assert(t, meter.Ios == 1)
	tests.Assert(t, meter.Latency.MeanTimeUsecs() == 3000.0)

	// Inster second data point
	spc1info.Blocks = 4
	stat.Latency = time.Millisecond
	tests.Assert(t, meter.Blocks == 5)
	tests.Assert(t, meter.Ios == 2)
	tests.Assert(t, meter.Latency.MeanTimeUsecs() == 2000.0)

Example #24
func TestAsuStatCollect(t *testing.T) {

	spc1info := &spc1.Spc1Io{
		Asu:    1,
		Blocks: 1,
		Isread: true,
		Stream: 2,
		Offset: 123456,
		When:   time.Second * 2,

	stat := &IoStats{
		Io:      spc1info,
		Start:   time.Now(),
		Latency: time.Millisecond * 3,

	asumeter := &AsuStats{}
	tests.Assert(t, asumeter.Read.Blocks == 1)
	tests.Assert(t, asumeter.Write.Blocks == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, asumeter.Total.Blocks == 1)

	// Inster second data point
	spc1info.Blocks = 4
	spc1info.Isread = false
	stat.Latency = time.Millisecond
	tests.Assert(t, asumeter.Read.Blocks == 1)
	tests.Assert(t, asumeter.Write.Blocks == 4)
	tests.Assert(t, asumeter.Total.Blocks == 5)

Example #25
func TestNewLog(t *testing.T) {

	mockfile := tests.NewMockFile()
	seeklen := int64(16 * 4096)
	mockfile.MockSeek = func(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
		return seeklen, nil

	// Mock openFile
	defer tests.Patch(&openFile,
		func(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (Filer, error) {
			return mockfile, nil

	// Simple log
	l, blocks, err := NewLog("file", 4096, 4, 4096*2, false)
	tests.Assert(t, err == nil)
	tests.Assert(t, l != nil)
	tests.Assert(t, blocks == 16)

	// Check the log correctly return maximum number of
	// blocks that are aligned to the segments.
	// 17 blocks are not aligned to a segment with 4 blocks
	// per segment
	seeklen = 17 * 4096
	l, blocks, err = NewLog("file", 4096, 4, 4096*2, false)
	tests.Assert(t, err == nil)
	tests.Assert(t, l != nil)
	tests.Assert(t, blocks == 16)
Example #26
func TestNewSpcInfo(t *testing.T) {

	var cache *cache.CacheMap

	usedirectio := false
	blocksize := 4 * KB

	s := NewSpcInfo(cache, usedirectio, blocksize)
	tests.Assert(t, s.pblcache == cache)
	tests.Assert(t, s.blocksize == blocksize)
	tests.Assert(t, len(s.asus) == 3)
	tests.Assert(t, nil != s.asus[ASU1])
	tests.Assert(t, nil != s.asus[ASU2])
	tests.Assert(t, nil != s.asus[ASU3])
	tests.Assert(t, usedirectio == s.asus[ASU1].usedirectio)
	tests.Assert(t, usedirectio == s.asus[ASU2].usedirectio)
	tests.Assert(t, usedirectio == s.asus[ASU3].usedirectio)
Example #27
func TestSpcStatsCopy(t *testing.T) {
	s := NewSpcStats()
	c := s.Copy()

	tests.Assert(t, len(c.Asustats) == 3)
	tests.Assert(t, c.Asustats[ASU1] != nil)
	tests.Assert(t, c.Asustats[ASU2] != nil)
	tests.Assert(t, c.Asustats[ASU3] != nil)

	tests.Assert(t, c.Asustats[ASU1] != s.Asustats[ASU1])
	tests.Assert(t, c.Asustats[ASU2] != s.Asustats[ASU2])
	tests.Assert(t, c.Asustats[ASU3] != s.Asustats[ASU3])
Example #28
func TestSpcOpen(t *testing.T) {

	// initialize
	var cache *cache.CacheMap
	usedirectio := false
	blocksize := 4 * KB
	s := NewSpcInfo(cache, usedirectio, blocksize)

	// Get a test file
	tmpfile := tests.Tempfile()

	// No file exists
	err := s.Open(1, tmpfile)
	tests.Assert(t, err != nil)

	// Create the file and open it
	err = tests.CreateFile(tmpfile, 16*4*KB)
	tests.Assert(t, err == nil)
	defer os.Remove(tmpfile)

	// Now open, and it should work
	err = s.Open(1, tmpfile)
	tests.Assert(t, err == nil)
Example #29
func TestCacheStatsInsertions(t *testing.T) {
	s := cachestats{}
	tests.Assert(t, s.readhits == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.invalidatehits == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.reads == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.evictions == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.invalidations == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.insertions == 1)
Example #30
func TestLogStatsWrapped(t *testing.T) {
	s := &logstats{}
	tests.Assert(t, s.ramhits == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.storagehits == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.wraps == 1)
	tests.Assert(t, s.seg_skipped == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.bufferhits == 0)
	tests.Assert(t, s.totalhits == 0)