Example #1
func (tc *tcpChannel) Open() error {
	dailTimeout := tc.conf.DialTimeout
	if 0 == dailTimeout {
		dailTimeout = 5
	var tlscfg *tls.Config
	hostport := tc.rurl.Host
	vpsHost, vpsPort, _ := net.SplitHostPort(hostport)
	if strings.EqualFold(tc.rurl.Scheme, "tls") {
		tlscfg = &tls.Config{}
		tlscfg.ServerName = vpsHost
		if len(tc.conf.SNIProxy) > 0 && vpsPort == "443" && hosts.InHosts(tc.conf.SNIProxy) {
			hostport = hosts.GetAddr(tc.conf.SNIProxy, "443")
			vpsHost, _, _ = net.SplitHostPort(hostport)
			tc.useSNIProxy = true
			log.Printf("VPS channel select SNIProxy %s to connect", hostport)

	if net.ParseIP(vpsHost) == nil {
		iphost, err := proxy.DnsGetDoaminIP(vpsHost)
		if nil != err {
			return err
		hostport = net.JoinHostPort(iphost, vpsPort)
	//log.Printf("######%s %s", vpsHost, tc.hostport)
	timeout := time.Duration(dailTimeout) * time.Second
	var c net.Conn
	var err error
	if len(tc.conf.Proxy) > 0 {
		c, err = helper.HTTPProxyDial(tc.conf.Proxy, hostport, timeout)
	} else {
		c, err = netx.DialTimeout("tcp", hostport, timeout)
	if nil != tlscfg && nil == err {
		c = tls.Client(c, tlscfg)
	if err != nil {
		if tc.rurl.String() != tc.originAddr {
			tc.rurl, _ = url.Parse(tc.originAddr)
			tc.proxyChannel.Addr = tc.rurl.String()
		log.Printf("###Failed to connect %s with err:%v", hostport, err)
		return err
	tc.conn = c
	return nil
Example #2
func newDirectChannel(ev event.Event, conf *proxy.ProxyChannelConfig) (*directChannel, error) {
	host := ""
	port := ""
	network := "tcp"
	needHttpsConnect := false
	switch ev.(type) {
	case *event.UDPEvent:
		network = "udp"
		host = ev.(*event.UDPEvent).Addr
	case *event.TCPOpenEvent:
		host = ev.(*event.TCPOpenEvent).Addr
		needHttpsConnect = true
	case *event.HTTPRequestEvent:
		req := ev.(*event.HTTPRequestEvent)
		host = req.Headers.Get("Host")
		needHttpsConnect = strings.EqualFold(req.Method, "Connect")
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Can NOT create direct channel by event:%T", ev)
	//log.Printf("Session:%d enter direct with host %s & event:%T", ev.GetId(), host, ev)
	if len(host) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Empty remote addr in event")
	if strings.Contains(host, ":") {
		host, port, _ = net.SplitHostPort(host)
	} else {
		if needHttpsConnect {
			port = "443"
		} else {
			port = "80"

	if len(conf.SNIProxy) > 0 && port == "443" && network == "tcp" && hosts.InHosts(conf.SNIProxy) {
		host = conf.SNIProxy
	isIP := net.ParseIP(host) != nil
	useTLS := false
	if conf.ForceTLS && port == "80" && hosts.InHosts(host) {
		useTLS = true
	} else {
		useTLS = false
	if !isIP {
		host = hosts.GetHost(host)

	//log.Printf("Session:%d get host:%s", ev.GetId(), host)
	addr := ""
	if nil == conf.ProxyURL() {
		if useTLS {
			addr = host + ":443"
		} else {
			if len(port) > 0 {
				addr = host + ":" + port
			} else {
				if needHttpsConnect {
					addr = host + ":443"
				} else {
					addr = host + ":80"
	} else {
		addr = conf.ProxyURL().Host
	connectHost, connectPort, _ := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
	if net.ParseIP(connectHost) == nil {
		iphost, err := proxy.DnsGetDoaminIP(connectHost)
		if nil != err {
			return nil, err
		addr = net.JoinHostPort(iphost, connectPort)
	dailTimeout := conf.DialTimeout
	if 0 == dailTimeout {
		dailTimeout = 5
	//log.Printf("Session:%d connect %s:%s for %s %T %v %v %s", ev.GetId(), network, addr, host, ev, needHttpsConnect, conf.ProxyURL(), net.JoinHostPort(host, port))
	c, err := netx.DialTimeout(network, addr, time.Duration(dailTimeout)*time.Second)
	if nil != conf.ProxyURL() && nil == err {
		if strings.HasPrefix(conf.ProxyURL().Scheme, "socks") {
			err = helper.Socks5ProxyConnect(conf.ProxyURL(), c, net.JoinHostPort(host, port))
		} else {
			if needHttpsConnect {
				err = helper.HTTPProxyConnect(conf.ProxyURL(), c, "https://"+net.JoinHostPort(host, port))
	if nil != err {
		log.Printf("Failed to connect %s for %s with error:%v", addr, host, err)
		return nil, err
	d := &directChannel{ev.GetId(), c, needHttpsConnect, network == "udp", conf, addr}
	//d := &directChannel{ev.GetId(), c, fromHttpsConnect, network == "udp", toReplaceSNI, false, nil}
	if useTLS {
		tlcfg := &tls.Config{}
		tlcfg.InsecureSkipVerify = true
		sniLen := len(conf.SNI)
		if sniLen > 0 {
			tlcfg.ServerName = conf.SNI[rand.Intn(sniLen)]
		tlsconn := tls.Client(c, tlcfg)
		err = tlsconn.Handshake()
		if nil != err {
			log.Printf("Failed to handshake with %s", addr)
		d.conn = tlsconn
	go d.read()
	return d, nil