Example #1
func (s *suite) TestUploadArchiveWithNoSeries(c *gc.C) {
	id, err := csclient.UploadArchive(
		fakeReader, fakeHash, fakeSize, -1)
	c.Assert(id, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `no series specified in "cs:wordpress"`)
Example #2
func (s *suite) TestUploadArchiveWithBadResponse(c *gc.C) {
	id := charm.MustParseReference("trusty/wordpress")
	for i, test := range uploadArchiveWithBadResponseTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %s", i, test.about)
		cl := badResponseClient(test.response, test.error)
		id, err := csclient.UploadArchive(cl, id, fakeReader, fakeHash, fakeSize, -1)
		c.Assert(id, gc.IsNil)
		c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, test.expectError)
Example #3
func (s *suite) TestUploadArchiveWithServerError(c *gc.C) {
	path := charmRepo.CharmArchivePath(c.MkDir(), "wordpress")
	body, hash, size := archiveHashAndSize(c, path)
	defer body.Close()

	// Send an invalid hash so that the server returns an error.
	url := charm.MustParseReference("~charmers/trusty/wordpress")
	id, err := csclient.UploadArchive(s.client, url, body, hash+"mismatch", size, -1)
	c.Assert(id, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "cannot post archive: cannot put archive blob: hash mismatch")
Example #4
func (s *suite) checkUploadArchive(c *gc.C, path, url, expectId string) {
	// Open the archive and calculate its hash and size.
	body, hash, size := archiveHashAndSize(c, path)
	defer body.Close()

	// Post the archive.
	id, err := csclient.UploadArchive(s.client, charm.MustParseReference(url), body, hash, size, -1)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(id.String(), gc.Equals, expectId)

	// Ensure the entity has been properly added to the db.
	r, resultingId, resultingHash, resultingSize, err := s.client.GetArchive(id)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	defer r.Close()
	c.Assert(resultingId, gc.DeepEquals, id)
	c.Assert(resultingHash, gc.Equals, hash)
	c.Assert(resultingSize, gc.Equals, size)