Example #1
// (2011-06-21) - The standard go http.Values.Escape
// works properly for SQS  and S3, but it should be
// noted that at least SDB requiers more to be escaped
// than is officially standard.
// Sorted Escape also sorts the keys before joining them (needed
// for canonicalization).
func SortedEscape(v http.Values) (out string) {
	keys := []string{}
	for k, _ := range v {
		keys = append(keys, k)
	for k := range keys {
		if k > 0 {
			out += "&"
		// out += http.URLEscape(keys[k]) + "=" + http.URLEscape(v.Get(keys[k]))
		out += escape(keys[k]) + "=" + escape(v.Get(keys[k]))