Exemple #1
 * \brief Retrieve a cursor for one of the overloaded declarations referenced
 * by a \c CXCursor_OverloadedDeclRef cursor.
 * \param cursor The cursor whose overloaded declarations are being queried.
 * \param index The zero-based index into the set of overloaded declarations in
 * the cursor.
 * \returns A cursor representing the declaration referenced by the given
 * \c cursor at the specified \c index. If the cursor does not have an
 * associated set of overloaded declarations, or if the index is out of bounds,
 * returns \c clang_getNullCursor();
func (c Cursor) OverloadedDecl(i int) Cursor {
	o := C.clang_getOverloadedDecl(c.c, C.uint(i))
	return Cursor{o}
Exemple #2
	Retrieve a cursor for one of the overloaded declarations referenced
	by a CXCursor_OverloadedDeclRef cursor.

	Parameter cursor The cursor whose overloaded declarations are being queried.

	Parameter index The zero-based index into the set of overloaded declarations in
	the cursor.

	Returns A cursor representing the declaration referenced by the given
	cursor at the specified index. If the cursor does not have an
	associated set of overloaded declarations, or if the index is out of bounds,
	returns clang_getNullCursor();
func (c Cursor) OverloadedDecl(index uint32) Cursor {
	return Cursor{C.clang_getOverloadedDecl(c.c, C.uint(index))}