Exemple #1
func newGeohash(geohash string) *C.CCGeohashStruct {
	cgeohash := C.CString(geohash)
	cg := &C.CCGeohashStruct{}
	C.memset(unsafe.Pointer(&(cg.hash[0])), '0', MaxGeohashLength) // move this on C side
	C.strncpy(&(cg.hash[0]), cgeohash, C.size_t(len(geohash)))
	return cg
Exemple #2
// SetFormat sets the image format for encoding this image.
// See http://www.graphicsmagick.org for a list of supported
// formats.
func (in *Info) SetFormat(format string) {
	if format == "" {
		in.info.magick[0] = 0
	} else {
		s := C.CString(format)
		defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s))
		C.strncpy(&in.info.magick[0], s, C.MaxTextExtent)
Exemple #3
func (p *PropertyStore) SetPropertyString(name string, value string) {
	szName := C.CString(name)
	cValue := C.CString(value)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(szName))
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cValue))

	var st C.struct_aiString
	C.strncpy(&st.data[0], cValue, C.MAXLEN)
	C.aiSetImportPropertyString((*C.struct_aiPropertyStore)(p), szName, &st)
Exemple #4
// Encode writes the image to the given io.Writer, encoding
// it according to the info parameter. Please, see the
// Info type for the available encoding options.
func (im *Image) Encode(w io.Writer, info *Info) error {
	var ex C.ExceptionInfo
	defer C.DestroyExceptionInfo(&ex)
	if info == nil {
		info = NewInfo()
	/* ImageToBlob copies the format from the image into
	the image info. Overwrite if required and then restore
	var format *C.char
	copied := false
	if info.info.magick[0] != 0 {
		copied = true
		if im.image.magick[0] != 0 {
			format = C.strdup(&im.image.magick[0])
		C.strncpy(&im.image.magick[0], &info.info.magick[0], C.MaxTextExtent)
	var s C.size_t
	mem := imageToBlob(info, im, &s, &ex)
	if copied {
		/* Restore image format */
		if format != nil {
			C.strncpy(&im.image.magick[0], format, C.MaxTextExtent)
		} else {
			C.memset(unsafe.Pointer(&im.image.magick[0]), 0, C.MaxTextExtent)
	if mem == nil {
		return exError(&ex, "encoding")
	b := goBytes(mem, int(s))
	return nil
Exemple #5
func main() {
	// To get the string into GoString, we need a *char
	// but charArray isn't null terminated, so don't do this!
	myString := C.GoString((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&C.charArray)))

	// Assigning to a char array requires constant sized arrays
	C.charArray = *(*[16]C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&[16]byte{'f', 'r', 'o', 'm', ' ', 'g', 'o'}))

	// Using strncpy still needs more unsafe pointers type assertions
	C.strncpy((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&C.charArray)), C.CString("my string"), 9)
Exemple #6
// OpenSerial connects to the transceiver and returns a ready to use Rig.
// Caller must remember to Close the Rig after use.
func OpenSerial(model RigModel, path string, baudrate int) (*SerialRig, error) {
	rig := C.rig_init(C.rig_model_t(model))
	if rig == nil {
		return nil, ErrUnknownModel

	// Set baudrate
	C.setBaudRate(rig, C.int(baudrate))

	// Set path to tty
	C.strncpy(&rig.state.rigport.pathname[0], C.CString(path), C.FILPATHLEN-1)

	err := codeToError(C.rig_open(rig))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to open rig: %s", err)

	return &SerialRig{*rig}, nil
Exemple #7
func CreateTun(name string) (*Tun, error) {
	f, err := os.OpenFile(TUN_DEV, os.O_RDWR, 0)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cbuf := (*C.char)(C.malloc(C.IFNAMSIZ))
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cbuf))
	C.memset(unsafe.Pointer(cbuf), 0, C.IFNAMSIZ)
	c_name := C.CString(name)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(c_name))

	C.strncpy(cbuf, c_name, C.IFNAMSIZ-1)

	if C.create_tun(C.int(f.Fd()), cbuf) < 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("create tun fail")

	return &Tun{C.GoString(cbuf), f}, nil
Exemple #8
func test6506() {
	// nothing to run, just make sure this compiles
	var x C.size_t

	C.calloc(x, x)
	C.realloc(nil, x)
	C.memcpy(nil, nil, x)
	C.memcmp(nil, nil, x)
	C.memmove(nil, nil, x)
	C.strncpy(nil, nil, x)
	C.strncmp(nil, nil, x)
	C.strncat(nil, nil, x)
	x = C.strxfrm(nil, nil, x)
	C.memchr(nil, 0, x)
	x = C.strcspn(nil, nil)
	x = C.strspn(nil, nil)
	C.memset(nil, 0, x)
	x = C.strlen(nil)
	_ = x
Exemple #9
//export goSummary
func goSummary(summaryString *C.char, summaryMaxLength C.size_t, value unsafe.Pointer) {
	str := summaryCallback0(value)
	C.strncpy(summaryString, C.CString(str), summaryMaxLength)