Exemple #1
// jsonRPCRead is the RPC wrapper around the jsonRead function to handle reading
// and responding to RPC messages.
func jsonRPCRead(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, s *rpcServer) {
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.shutdown) != 0 {
	body, err := btcjson.GetRaw(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		rpcsLog.Errorf("Error getting json message: %v", err)

	var reply btcjson.Reply
	cmd, jsonErr := parseCmd(body)
	if cmd != nil {
		// Unmarshaling at least a valid JSON-RPC message succeeded.
		// Use the provided id for errors.
		id := cmd.Id()
		reply.Id = &id
	if jsonErr != nil {
		reply.Error = jsonErr
	} else {
		reply = standardCmdReply(cmd, s)

	rpcsLog.Tracef("reply: %v", reply)

	msg, err := btcjson.MarshallAndSend(reply, w)
	if err != nil {
Exemple #2
// jsonRPCRead is the RPC wrapper around the jsonRead function to handles
// reading and responding to RPC messages.
func jsonRPCRead(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, s *rpcServer) {
	r.Close = true
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.shutdown) != 0 {
	body, err := btcjson.GetRaw(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("RPCS: Error getting json message: %v", err)

	// Error is intentionally ignored here.  It's used in in the
	// websocket handler to tell when a method is not supported by
	// the standard RPC API, and is not needed here.  Error logging
	// is done inside jsonRead, so no need to log the error here.
	reply, _ := jsonRead(body, s, nil)
	log.Tracef("[RPCS] reply: %v", reply)

	msg, err := btcjson.MarshallAndSend(reply, w)
	if err != nil {
Exemple #3
// TestMarshallAndSend tests the MarshallAndSend function to make sure it can
// create a json message to write to the io.Writerr and to make sure
// it fails properly in cases where it cannot generate json.
func TestMarshallAndSend(t *testing.T) {
	jsonError := btcjson.Error{
		Code:    -32700,
		Message: "Parse error",
	// json.Marshal cannot handle channels so this is a good way to get a
	// marshal failure.
	badRes := make(chan interface{})
	rawReply := btcjson.Reply{
		Result: badRes,
		Error:  &jsonError,
		Id:     nil,
	var w bytes.Buffer

	msg, err := btcjson.MarshallAndSend(rawReply, &w)
	if fmt.Sprintf("%s", err) != "json: unsupported type: chan interface {}" {
		t.Error("Should not be able to unmarshall channel")

	// Use something simple so we can compare the reply.
	rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
		Result: nil,
		Error:  nil,
		Id:     nil,

	msg, err = btcjson.MarshallAndSend(rawReply, &w)
	if msg != "[RPCS] reply: {<nil> <nil> <nil>}" {
		t.Error("Incorrect reply:", msg)

	expBuf := "{\"result\":null,\"error\":null,\"id\":null}\n"

	if w.String() != expBuf {
		t.Error("Incorrect data in buffer:", w.String())
Exemple #4
// jsonRPCRead is the main function that handles reading messages, getting
// the data the message requests, and writing the reply.
func jsonRPCRead(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, s *rpcServer) {
	_ = spew.Dump
	r.Close = true
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.shutdown) != 0 {
	var rawReply btcjson.Reply
	body, err := btcjson.GetRaw(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("[RPCS] Error getting json message: %v", err)
	var message btcjson.Message
	err = json.Unmarshal(body, &message)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("[RPCS] Error unmarshalling json message: %v", err)
		jsonError := btcjson.Error{
			Code:    -32700,
			Message: "Parse error",

		rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
			Result: nil,
			Error:  &jsonError,
			Id:     nil,
		log.Tracef("[RPCS] reply: %v", rawReply)
		msg, err := btcjson.MarshallAndSend(rawReply, w)
		if err != nil {

	log.Tracef("[RPCS] received: %v", message)

	// Deal with commands
	switch message.Method {
	case "stop":
		rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
			Result: "btcd stopping.",
			Error:  nil,
			Id:     &message.Id,
	case "getblockcount":
		_, maxidx, _ := s.server.db.NewestSha()
		rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
			Result: maxidx,
			Error:  nil,
			Id:     &message.Id,
	// btcd does not do mining so we can hardcode replies here.
	case "getgenerate":
		rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
			Result: false,
			Error:  nil,
			Id:     &message.Id,
	case "setgenerate":
		rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
			Result: nil,
			Error:  nil,
			Id:     &message.Id,
	case "gethashespersec":
		rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
			Result: 0,
			Error:  nil,
			Id:     &message.Id,
	case "getblockhash":
		var f interface{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(body, &f)
		m := f.(map[string]interface{})
		var idx float64
		for _, v := range m {
			switch vv := v.(type) {
			case []interface{}:
				for _, u := range vv {
					idx, _ = u.(float64)
		sha, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockShaByHeight(int64(idx))
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("[RCPS] Error getting block: %v", err)
			jsonError := btcjson.Error{
				Code:    -1,
				Message: "Block number out of range.",

			rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
				Result: nil,
				Error:  &jsonError,
				Id:     &message.Id,
			log.Tracef("[RPCS] reply: %v", rawReply)


		rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
			Result: sha.String(),
			Error:  nil,
			Id:     &message.Id,
	case "getblock":
		var f interface{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(body, &f)
		m := f.(map[string]interface{})
		var hash string
		for _, v := range m {
			switch vv := v.(type) {
			case []interface{}:
				for _, u := range vv {
					hash, _ = u.(string)
		sha, err := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(hash)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("[RPCS] Error generating sha: %v", err)
			jsonError := btcjson.Error{
				Code:    -5,
				Message: "Block not found",

			rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
				Result: nil,
				Error:  &jsonError,
				Id:     &message.Id,
			log.Tracef("[RPCS] reply: %v", rawReply)
		blk, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(sha)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("[RPCS] Error fetching sha: %v", err)
			jsonError := btcjson.Error{
				Code:    -5,
				Message: "Block not found",

			rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
				Result: nil,
				Error:  &jsonError,
				Id:     &message.Id,
			log.Tracef("[RPCS] reply: %v", rawReply)
		idx := blk.Height()
		buf, err := blk.Bytes()
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("[RPCS] Error fetching block: %v", err)
			jsonError := btcjson.Error{
				Code:    -5,
				Message: "Block not found",

			rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
				Result: nil,
				Error:  &jsonError,
				Id:     &message.Id,
			log.Tracef("[RPCS] reply: %v", rawReply)

		txList, _ := blk.TxShas()

		txNames := make([]string, len(txList))
		for i, v := range txList {
			txNames[i] = v.String()

		_, maxidx, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("[RPCS] Cannot get newest sha: %v", err)

		blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
		blockReply := btcjson.BlockResult{
			Hash:          hash,
			Version:       blockHeader.Version,
			MerkleRoot:    blockHeader.MerkleRoot.String(),
			PreviousHash:  blockHeader.PrevBlock.String(),
			Nonce:         blockHeader.Nonce,
			Time:          blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
			Confirmations: uint64(1 + maxidx - idx),
			Height:        idx,
			Tx:            txNames,
			Size:          len(buf),
			Bits:          strconv.FormatInt(int64(blockHeader.Bits), 16),
			Difficulty:    getDifficultyRatio(blockHeader.Bits),

		// Get next block unless we are already at the top.
		if idx < maxidx {
			shaNext, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockShaByHeight(int64(idx + 1))
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("[RPCS] No next block: %v", err)
			} else {
				blockReply.NextHash = shaNext.String()

		rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
			Result: blockReply,
			Error:  nil,
			Id:     &message.Id,
	case "getrawtransaction":
		var f interface{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(body, &f)
		m := f.(map[string]interface{})
		var tx string
		var verbose float64
		for _, v := range m {
			switch vv := v.(type) {
			case []interface{}:
				for _, u := range vv {
					switch uu := u.(type) {
					case string:
						tx = uu
					case float64:
						verbose = uu

		if int(verbose) != 1 {
			// Don't return details
			// not used yet
		} else {
			txSha, _ := btcwire.NewShaHashFromStr(tx)
			var txS *btcwire.MsgTx
			txList, err := s.server.db.FetchTxBySha(txSha)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("[RPCS] Error fetching tx: %v", err)
				jsonError := btcjson.Error{
					Code:    -5,
					Message: "No information available about transaction",

				rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
					Result: nil,
					Error:  &jsonError,
					Id:     &message.Id,
				log.Tracef("[RPCS] reply: %v", rawReply)

			lastTx := len(txList) - 1
			txS = txList[lastTx].Tx
			blksha := txList[lastTx].BlkSha
			blk, err := s.server.db.FetchBlockBySha(blksha)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("[RPCS] Error fetching sha: %v", err)
				jsonError := btcjson.Error{
					Code:    -5,
					Message: "Block not found",

				rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
					Result: nil,
					Error:  &jsonError,
					Id:     &message.Id,
				log.Tracef("[RPCS] reply: %v", rawReply)
			idx := blk.Height()

			txOutList := txS.TxOut
			voutList := make([]btcjson.Vout, len(txOutList))

			txInList := txS.TxIn
			vinList := make([]btcjson.Vin, len(txInList))

			for i, v := range txInList {
				vinList[i].Sequence = float64(v.Sequence)
				disbuf, _ := btcscript.DisasmString(v.SignatureScript)
				vinList[i].ScriptSig.Asm = strings.Replace(disbuf, " ", "", -1)
				vinList[i].Vout = i + 1

			for i, v := range txOutList {
				voutList[i].N = i
				voutList[i].Value = float64(v.Value) / 100000000
				isbuf, _ := btcscript.DisasmString(v.PkScript)
				voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Asm = isbuf
				voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.ReqSig = strings.Count(isbuf, "OP_CHECKSIG")
				_, addr, err := btcscript.ScriptToAddress(v.PkScript)
				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("[RPCS] Error getting address for %v: %v", txSha, err)
				} else {
					addrList := make([]string, 1)
					addrList[0] = addr
					voutList[i].ScriptPubKey.Addresses = addrList

			_, maxidx, err := s.server.db.NewestSha()
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("[RPCS] Cannot get newest sha: %v", err)
			confirmations := uint64(1 + maxidx - idx)

			blockHeader := &blk.MsgBlock().Header
			txReply := btcjson.TxRawResult{
				Txid:     tx,
				Vout:     voutList,
				Vin:      vinList,
				Version:  txS.Version,
				LockTime: txS.LockTime,
				// This is not a typo, they are identical in
				// bitcoind as well.
				Time:          blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
				Blocktime:     blockHeader.Timestamp.Unix(),
				BlockHash:     blksha.String(),
				Confirmations: confirmations,
			rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
				Result: txReply,
				Error:  nil,
				Id:     &message.Id,
	case "decoderawtransaction":
		var f interface{}
		err = json.Unmarshal(body, &f)
		m := f.(map[string]interface{})
		var hash string
		for _, v := range m {
			switch vv := v.(type) {
			case []interface{}:
				for _, u := range vv {
					hash, _ = u.(string)
		txReply := btcjson.TxRawDecodeResult{}
		rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
			Result: txReply,
			Error:  nil,
			Id:     &message.Id,
		jsonError := btcjson.Error{
			Code:    -32601,
			Message: "Method not found",
		rawReply = btcjson.Reply{
			Result: nil,
			Error:  &jsonError,
			Id:     &message.Id,

	msg, err := btcjson.MarshallAndSend(rawReply, w)
	if err != nil {