Exemple #1
// Get a role.
func Get(roleName string) (*Role, error) {
	var role *Role
	var found bool
	if config.UsingDB() {
		var err error
		role, err = getSQL(roleName)
		if err != nil {
			if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
				found = false
			} else {
				return nil, err
		} else {
			found = true
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		var r interface{}
		r, found = ds.Get("role", roleName)
		if r != nil {
			role = r.(*Role)
	if !found {
		err := fmt.Errorf("Cannot load role %s", roleName)
		return nil, err
	return role, nil
Exemple #2
func handleSignals() {
	c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	// SIGTERM is not exactly portable, but Go has a fake signal for it
	// with Windows so it being there should theoretically not break it
	// running on windows
	signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP)

	// if we receive a SIGINT or SIGTERM, do cleanup here.
	go func() {
		for sig := range c {
			if sig == os.Interrupt || sig == syscall.SIGTERM {
				logger.Infof("cleaning up...")
				if config.Config.FreezeData {
					if config.Config.DataStoreFile != "" {
						ds := datastore.New()
						if err := ds.Save(config.Config.DataStoreFile); err != nil {
					if err := indexer.SaveIndex(config.Config.IndexFile); err != nil {
				if config.UsingDB() {
			} else if sig == syscall.SIGHUP {
				logger.Infof("Reloading configuration...")
Exemple #3
// New creates a new environment, returning an error if the environment already
// exists or you try to create an environment named "_default".
func New(name string) (*ChefEnvironment, util.Gerror) {
	if !util.ValidateEnvName(name) {
		err := util.Errorf("Field 'name' invalid")
		return nil, err

	var found bool
	if config.UsingDB() {
		var eerr error
		found, eerr = checkForEnvironmentSQL(datastore.Dbh, name)
		if eerr != nil {
			err := util.CastErr(eerr)
			return nil, err
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		_, found = ds.Get("env", name)
	if found || name == "_default" {
		err := util.Errorf("Environment already exists")
		return nil, err

	env := &ChefEnvironment{
		Name:             name,
		ChefType:         "environment",
		JSONClass:        "Chef::Environment",
		Default:          map[string]interface{}{},
		Override:         map[string]interface{}{},
		CookbookVersions: map[string]string{},
	return env, nil
Exemple #4
// New creates a new cookbook.
func New(name string) (*Cookbook, util.Gerror) {
	var found bool
	if !util.ValidateEnvName(name) {
		err := util.Errorf("Invalid cookbook name '%s' using regex: 'Malformed cookbook name. Must only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ or -'.", name)
		return nil, err
	if config.UsingDB() {
		var cerr error
		found, cerr = checkForCookbookSQL(datastore.Dbh, name)
		if cerr != nil {
			err := util.CastErr(cerr)
			return nil, err
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		_, found = ds.Get("cookbook", name)
	if found {
		err := util.Errorf("Cookbook %s already exists", name)
	cookbook := &Cookbook{
		Name:     name,
		Versions: make(map[string]*CookbookVersion),
	return cookbook, nil
Exemple #5
// Get a report.
func Get(runID string) (*Report, util.Gerror) {
	var report *Report
	var found bool
	if config.UsingDB() {
		var err error
		report, err = getReportSQL(runID)
		if err != nil {
			if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
				found = false
			} else {
				gerr := util.CastErr(err)
				return nil, gerr
		} else {
			found = true
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		var r interface{}
		r, found = ds.Get("report", runID)
		if r != nil {
			report = r.(*Report)
	if !found {
		err := util.Errorf("Report %s not found", runID)
		return nil, err
	return report, nil
Exemple #6
// Get a node.
func Get(nodeName string) (*Node, error) {
	var node *Node
	var found bool
	if config.UsingDB() {
		var err error
		node, err = getSQL(nodeName)
		if err != nil {
			if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
				found = false
			} else {
				return nil, err
		} else {
			found = true
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		var n interface{}
		n, found = ds.Get("node", nodeName)
		if n != nil {
			node = n.(*Node)
	if !found {
		err := fmt.Errorf("node '%s' not found", nodeName)
		return nil, err
	return node, nil
Exemple #7
/* Returns a sorted list of all the versions of this cookbook */
func (c *Cookbook) sortedVersions() []*CookbookVersion {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return c.sortedCookbookVersionsSQL()
	sorted := make([]*CookbookVersion, len(c.Versions))
	keys := make(VersionStrings, len(c.Versions))

	u := 0
	for k, cbv := range c.Versions {
		keys[u] = k

	/* populate sorted now */
	for i, s := range keys {
		/* This shouldn't be able to happen, but somehow it... does? */
		if i >= len(sorted) {
		sorted[i] = c.Versions[s]
	return sorted
Exemple #8
// Get a sandbox.
func Get(sandboxID string) (*Sandbox, error) {
	var sandbox *Sandbox
	var found bool

	if config.UsingDB() {
		var err error
		sandbox, err = getSQL(sandboxID)
		if err != nil {
			if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
				found = false
			} else {
				return nil, err
		} else {
			found = true
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		var s interface{}
		s, found = ds.Get("sandbox", sandboxID)
		if s != nil {
			sandbox = s.(*Sandbox)

	if !found {
		err := fmt.Errorf("Sandbox %s not found", sandboxID)
		return nil, err
	return sandbox, nil
Exemple #9
// DeleteVersion deletes a particular version of a cookbook.
func (c *Cookbook) DeleteVersion(cbVersion string) util.Gerror {
	/* Check for existence */
	cbv, _ := c.GetVersion(cbVersion)
	if cbv == nil {
		err := util.Errorf("Version %s of cookbook %s does not exist to be deleted.", cbVersion, c.Name)
		return err

	fhashes := cbv.fileHashes()

	if config.UsingDB() {
		err := cbv.deleteCookbookVersionSQL()
		if err != nil {
			return nil
	c.numVersions = nil

	delete(c.Versions, cbVersion)

	return nil
Exemple #10
// Get a user.
func Get(name string) (*User, util.Gerror) {
	var user *User
	if config.UsingDB() {
		var err error
		user, err = getUserSQL(name)
		if err != nil {
			var gerr util.Gerror
			if err != sql.ErrNoRows {
				gerr = util.Errorf(err.Error())
			} else {
				gerr = util.Errorf("Client %s not found", name)
			return nil, gerr
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		u, found := ds.Get("user", name)
		if !found {
			err := util.Errorf("User %s not found", name)
			return nil, err
		if u != nil {
			user = u.(*User)
	return user, nil
Exemple #11
// Get gets a client from the data store.
func Get(clientname string) (*Client, util.Gerror) {
	var client *Client
	var err error

	if config.UsingDB() {
		client, err = getClientSQL(clientname)
		if err != nil {
			var gerr util.Gerror
			if err != sql.ErrNoRows {
				gerr = util.Errorf(err.Error())
			} else {
				gerr = util.Errorf("Client %s not found", clientname)
			return nil, gerr
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		c, found := ds.Get("client", clientname)
		if !found {
			gerr := util.Errorf("Client %s not found", clientname)
			return nil, gerr
		if c != nil {
			client = c.(*Client)
	return client, nil
Exemple #12
// New creates a new report.
func New(runID string, nodeName string) (*Report, util.Gerror) {
	var found bool
	if config.UsingDB() {
		var err error
		found, err = checkForReportSQL(datastore.Dbh, runID)
		if err != nil {
			gerr := util.CastErr(err)
			return nil, gerr
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		_, found = ds.Get("report", runID)
	if found {
		err := util.Errorf("Report already exists")
		return nil, err
	if u := uuid.Parse(runID); u == nil {
		err := util.Errorf("run id was not a valid uuid")
		return nil, err
	report := &Report{
		RunID:    runID,
		NodeName: nodeName,
		Status:   "started",
	return report, nil
Exemple #13
// Get a particular event by its id.
func Get(id int) (*LogInfo, error) {
	var le *LogInfo

	if config.UsingDB() {
		var err error
		le, err = getLogEventSQL(id)
		if err != nil {
			if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
				err = fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find log event with id %d", id)
			return nil, err
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		c, err := ds.GetLogInfo(id)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if c != nil {
			le = c.(*LogInfo)
			le.ID = id
	return le, nil
Exemple #14
// PurgeLogInfos removes all logged events before the given id.
func PurgeLogInfos(id int) (int64, error) {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return purgeSQL(id)
	ds := datastore.New()
	return ds.PurgeLogInfoBefore(id)
Exemple #15
// Get a data bag.
func Get(dbName string) (*DataBag, util.Gerror) {
	var dataBag *DataBag
	var err error
	if config.UsingDB() {
		dataBag, err = getDataBagSQL(dbName)
		if err != nil {
			var gerr util.Gerror
			if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
				gerr = util.Errorf("Cannot load data bag %s", dbName)
			} else {
				gerr = util.Errorf(err.Error())
			return nil, gerr
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		d, found := ds.Get("data_bag", dbName)
		if !found {
			err := util.Errorf("Cannot load data bag %s", dbName)
			return nil, err
		if d != nil {
			dataBag = d.(*DataBag)
			for _, v := range dataBag.DataBagItems {
				z := datastore.WalkMapForNil(v.RawData)
				v.RawData = z.(map[string]interface{})
	return dataBag, nil
Exemple #16
// New creates an empty data bag, and kicks off adding it to the index.
func New(name string) (*DataBag, util.Gerror) {
	var found bool
	var err util.Gerror

	if err = validateDataBagName(name, false); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if config.UsingDB() {
		var cerr error
		found, cerr = checkForDataBagSQL(datastore.Dbh, name)
		if cerr != nil {
			err = util.Errorf(cerr.Error())
			return nil, err
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		_, found = ds.Get("data_bag", name)
	if found {
		err = util.Errorf("Data bag %s already exists", name)
		return nil, err

	dbiMap := make(map[string]*DataBagItem)
	dataBag := &DataBag{
		Name:         name,
		DataBagItems: dbiMap,
	return dataBag, nil
Exemple #17
// Get the file with this checksum.
func Get(chksum string) (*FileStore, error) {
	var filestore *FileStore
	var found bool
	if config.UsingDB() {
		var err error
		filestore, err = getSQL(chksum)
		if err != nil {
			if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
				found = false
			} else {
				return nil, err
		} else {
			found = true
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		var f interface{}
		f, found = ds.Get("filestore", chksum)
		if f != nil {
			filestore = f.(*FileStore)
	if !found {
		err := fmt.Errorf("File with checksum %s not found", chksum)
		return nil, err
	if config.Config.LocalFstoreDir != "" {
		if err := filestore.loadData(); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return filestore, nil
Exemple #18
// AllShoveyIDs returns all shovey run ids.
func AllShoveyIDs() ([]string, util.Gerror) {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return allShoveyIDsSQL()
	ds := datastore.New()
	list := ds.GetList("shovey")
	return list, nil
Exemple #19
// Delete a logged event.
func (le *LogInfo) Delete() error {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return le.deleteSQL()
	ds := datastore.New()
	return nil
Exemple #20
// Delete a report.
func (r *Report) Delete() error {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return r.deleteSQL()
	ds := datastore.New()
	ds.Delete("report", r.RunID)
	return nil
Exemple #21
// Delete a coookbook.
func (c *Cookbook) Delete() error {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return c.deleteCookbookSQL()
	ds := datastore.New()
	ds.Delete("cookbook", c.Name)
	return nil
Exemple #22
func (s *Shovey) importSave() error {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return s.importSaveSQL()
	ds := datastore.New()
	ds.Set("shovey", s.RunID, s)
	return nil
Exemple #23
func (n *Node) deleteStatuses() error {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		err := fmt.Errorf("not needed in SQL mode - foreign keys handle deleting node statuses")
		return err
	ds := datastore.New()
	return ds.DeleteNodeStatus(n.Name)
Exemple #24
// GetList gets a list of all cookbooks on this server.
func GetList() []string {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return getCookbookListSQL()
	ds := datastore.New()
	cbList := ds.GetList("cookbook")
	return cbList
Exemple #25
func (sr *ShoveyRun) save() util.Gerror {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return sr.saveSQL()
	ds := datastore.New()
	ds.Set("shovey_run", sr.ShoveyUUID+sr.NodeName, sr)
	return nil
Exemple #26
func (srs *ShoveyRunStream) importSave() error {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return srs.importSaveSQL()
	ds := datastore.New()
	skey := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s_%d", srs.ShoveyUUID, srs.NodeName, srs.OutputType, srs.Seq)
	ds.Set("shovey_run_stream", skey, srs)
	return nil
Exemple #27
// NumVersions returns the number of versions this cookbook has.
func (c *Cookbook) NumVersions() int {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		if c.numVersions == nil {
			c.numVersions = c.numVersionsSQL()
		return *c.numVersions
	return len(c.Versions)
Exemple #28
// CookbookLister lists all of the cookbooks on the server, along with some
// information like URL, available versions, etc.
func CookbookLister(numResults interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
	if config.UsingDB() {
		return cookbookListerSQL(numResults)
	cr := make(map[string]interface{})
	for _, cb := range AllCookbooks() {
		cr[cb.Name] = cb.InfoHash(numResults)
	return cr
Exemple #29
// GetList gets a list of the nodes on this server.
func GetList() []string {
	var nodeList []string
	if config.UsingDB() {
		nodeList = getListSQL()
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		nodeList = ds.GetList("node")
	return nodeList
Exemple #30
// GetList returns a list of UUIDs of reports on the system.
func GetList() []string {
	var reportList []string
	if config.UsingDB() {
		reportList = getListSQL()
	} else {
		ds := datastore.New()
		reportList = ds.GetList("report")
	return reportList